AN: thank you all for reading Unrequited Love. Your support has meant so much to me. ^_^ this is the second part to UL. It picks up not long after the last chapter. I want to thank lilbit1016 for helping me with the title and with getting my thoughts in order.. Ty buddy, I know it wasn't easy J

Anywho, please enjoy and let me know what you think..besitos!

"Is this a dream?" Mary looked at the white haired devil sitting in the grass next to her.

Vergil chuckled softly. "No my dear, you are awake. Why would you ask such a thing?" He traced the scar on her nose.

"Everything just feels so perfect." She smiled.

Looking around he noted that the day was indeed perfect. The sky was crystal clear, birds were singing, there was a light breeze blowing. The woman he loved and adored sprawled out on the grass next to him. It all seemed a little too cliché. I can see why she would think she was dreaming. He leaned over her brushing the hair away from her face then kissed her affectionately. Vergil looked deep into her heterochromatic eyes, he thought he could quite possibly drown in them if he stared long enough. His eyes filled with love and warmth. A slight blush tinted her cheeks as it always did when he looked at her that way. "Mary, I want to make you mine."

She smiled warmly up at him. "I'm already yours, silly."

"No, I want you to be my mate. That means I want to mark you as mine." He explained, searching her face for a reaction.

Mary raised a brow. "Is this a proposal?"

Vergil laughed lightly. "In a demonic sense it is. We will marry someday."

She didn't really know what to say to that. For a minute she thought he was pulling her leg.

"Vergil!" Eva shouted from the back door. "Your brother is on the phone!"

Glancing up at his mother, Vergil told her he would be right there. The light catching his hair giving him an ethereal beauty. Gazing back down at her. "Just think about it, that is all I ask." He disappeared into the house. Moments later he came back out to tell her he was meeting Dante for a job but would be back soon.

Mary sat there in the grass playing with a dandelion for a few more minutes before deciding to track Eva down. She has questions about this whole marking business. She found Eva watering the plants in her sitting room. "Eva, what can you tell me about marking?"

Eva came and sat next to her on the small couch, giving Mary a radiant smile. "So Vergil has told you he wants to mark you." Mary nodded shyly. "Well, when devils mate they mark their partner so no other demon will try to claim them. Not only does it show that you belong to him, but it denotes that he has given himself to you as well. Say for example, if something were to happen to you, Vergil would never be with another."

Mary's face saddened. "But I wouldn't want that for him. If something happened to me, I want him to move on."

The blond beauty put her hand on Mary's knee. "Be that as it may, even if he didn't mark you, I highly doubt Vergil would ever love anyone else."

As she milled this over Eva added. "Mary, this isn't something to be taken lightly either. Being who you are and the nature of your profession, you already put yourself at risk, however, being bound to Vergil also makes you a target because of who he is. Do you understand what I am trying to tell you?"

Mary nodded. "You're saying I could be used against him or to get at him."

"It is not easy to be mated to someone of Sparda's bloodline. There will always be someone seeking revenge for what he has done." She said pragmatically.

"I can imagine. If you don't mind me asking, how is it that no one has come after you yet?" Mary inquired.

"Sparda forged some very powerful wards around our home before disappearing." Eva looked off in the distance, twirling her ring. "The boys reinforce them when they start to weaken."

The huntress watched Sparda's beloved wife and felt a pang in her heart for her loss. "You miss him don't you?"

Eva gave her a sad smile. "Everyday of my life."

"Did it hurt when he marked you?"

Eva shrugged. "It did at first, but quickly faded away. The bite itself will eventually disappear so it can not be seen to the human eye, but demons will always be able to spot it and scent it."

"What do you mean by scent it?" Now she was a little confused.

"After you two become bound, you will always carry his scent. Think it over child. Do not rush into it if you are not certain that this is what you want. It would condemn you both if you changed your mind at a later time."

Mary thought quietly to herself for a moment." There's never been anyone since Sparda?"

Eva shook her head. "And there never will be."

Leaning forward, Mary gave her a tight hug. "Thank you Eva. You have really helped me a lot."

"Anytime sweetie." Eva said. Mary asked if she needed anything before she left to go visit with her mother. Eva smiled and shook her head, quite happy to be left alone with her thoughts of her Dark Knight. Vergil hadn't mentioned the vision he had about his father when he recovered. She was thankful that he didn't. It would be hopeless folly for him to go chasing after a ghost.

Ever since that night, her most cherished Sparda was a constant on her mind. He had never been far from it to begin with.

Unbeknown to her, Vergil and Dante were hatching a plan to retrieve their father. Vergil had told Dante about the vision he had. They younger twin told him he was off his rocker. Vergil replied that he would find Sparda with or without his help. Dante figured 'what-the-hell. I'm in.' The hard part was actually getting to him. They had narrowed the location down based on Vergil's dream and would be departing as soon as arrangement could be made. Little did Dante know, he would not be coming on this adventure.