Yay, another chapter written! I'm very grateful for all the nice feedback so far, so I hope you all like all the interactions. Please tell me if you do, and there will be more to come!

The nurse's office was empty when the two boys arrived. Furuichi wasn't sure if he felt relieved or terrified, but he had no time to sort out his feelings as Oga brusquely dumped him onto one of the beds. And to Furuichi's continuing surprise, the delinquent turned around just as quickly as he came in and headed for the door.

"Wait!" Furuichi sat up, gripping his abdomen tenderly. "I don't—"

"—Just get some rest, idiot," Oga interrupted, his tone threatening. He didn't turn back as he left the office and closed the door behind him.

After a moment of stunned silence, Furuichi let out a big sigh, deciding that there wasn't much else he could do here anyway. He slipped under the covers, mumbling to himself. "If all I was gonna do was sleep, why did I bother coming to school…"

Furuichi twitched as the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. Well, he sure didn't feel like showing his face to the class after they just witnessed him being hauled out by Oga like a rag doll. Just an hour of rest would be fine, and then he could get back in time for the last two periods of the day. Furuichi closed his eyes. Only an hour…only…


Furuichi snapped awake. "Wah-what?"

Kanzaki loomed over the silver-haired boy. "School's over already, sleeping beauty. Ya waiting for a prince or something?"

"Over?!" Furuichi exclaimed. He pushed himself up off the bed quickly—and instantly regretted it. From his sudden movement, the stiches pulled in protest. Furiuchi curled in on himself as his wound ached painfully, dropping back down to sit on the edge of the bed. "Ow…"

"You're an idiot, aren't you?"

Furuichi winced, straightening his back. "So I've been told." He managed to look up at his unexpected visitor with a small smile.

"Anyway..." Kanzaki averted his eyes and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Oga's outside at the gates fighting some shitty freshmen or something. Thought you might want to know."

"Of course he is," Furuichi whined, putting a hand through his messy hair.

Kanzaki shrugged. "Mah, he's been edgy since you've been in the hospital. He even started a few fights."

Furuichi crossed his arms, grumbling petulantly. "I can't believe he lied about what happed. Oga's such an asshole sometimes."

"I think he was being protective," Kanzaki said straight-faced.

"P-protective?" Furuichi's mouth fell open. When did Kanzaki become an expert on Oga? "How? When? He didn't even visit me either."

"He saw you at the hospital, didn't he?"

"I thought…he left as soon as I got there."

Kanzaki shook his head. "No, Oga stayed most of the night. He also went there the next couple of days," he added. "You were pretty out of it, so I'm not surprised you don't remember."

"Oh." Furuichi didn't know what to say to that, so he opted on staring at the floor.

"It doesn't really matter anyway."

"But, Oga…he…"

"He isn't looking to be thanked or anything," Kanzaki said, starting to make his way to the door.

Furuichi noticed Kazaki's retreating figure. "Um!" He grabbed the delinquent's arm before he could go anywhere. When Kanzaki turned around in surprise, Furuichi realized what he had done and immediately let go. "Sorry." What was he doing? "Uh, I mean, thank you."

Kanzaki bristled before turning away again. "Just take it easy." He looked back to the silver-haired boy on the bed as he opened the door. "See ya." He slid the door shut, leaving Furuichi alone again.

Gathering his things, Furuichi decided it was time for him to leave the nurse's office as well. He walked into the hallway, wondering if he should seek out Oga like he usually did. Furuichi let out a breath. Oh, to hell with it. He'd already slept half the day away, might as well see what was happening. Everyone was acting so weird today, but Oga…maybe he was the weirdest…

Lost in his thoughts, Furuichi didn't notice where he was going until he accidentally bumped into another student. Urk. He made a grimace at the familiar sting that came from his abdomen.

Completely misinterpreting Furuichi's reaction, the delinquent furiously grabbed the collar of his shirt and yelled, "Bastard, ya wanna fight?"

Furuichi started apologizing profusely. "S-sorry, that was my bad, sorry!"

The delinquent smiled crookedly, much to Furuichi's dismay. "Oh yeah? Well you're gonna be really sorry when—"

Suddenly a huge fist came out of nowhere, bashed the delinquent's face in, and sent him flying. With a surprised yelp, Furuichi dropped to the ground. What the hell just happened? Divine punishment? Karma?

"Oh, Furuichi!"

The silver-haired boy jerked his head up. "T-Toujou!" A large hand was offered in front of his face and he took it, gingerly standing back up. He looked over to the delinquent whose airborne body had completely demolished the hallway lockers. Did Toujou spontaneously become some sort of hallway hero or something? "Um, you didn't have to punch him that hard..."

"Huh?" Toujou tilted his head to the side. "But he asked if I wanted to fight."

Furuichi's eye twitched. "How did you think that was directed to you?!" Nevermind, he was just a muscle-brained idiot.

Toujou laughed loudly. "Eh, it's fun either way." He looked over Furuichi's shoulder for a moment, realizing something. "Oga's not with you?"

"No, he's uh...he's not." Furuichi's expression turned sour.

Toujou just kept on smiling widely. "What, you guys have a fight or something?"

Sheepish at Toujou's unusual perceptiveness, Furuichi answered honestly. "I don't know. Maybe."

"Well tell him to find me so we can brawl again."

"Why should I do that?"

"He listens to you the most, right?" Toujou replied. "You should talk to him."

What was this, give advice on Oga day? "Maybe I will," Furuichi muttered indignantly.

Toujou grinned. "That's the spirit! You can fight me too, if you want!"

"I think I'll pass." Furuichi spotted some more students heading down the hallway, and decided to get on his way before any more violence began. You never knew with Toujou. He nodded his head to the upperclassman as a silent thanks and started walking to the front gates. He didn't know what he was going to say, but for Oga...it probably didn't matter. Maybe inviting him over to play video games would get them back to normal. Well, whatever normal was, these days.

Furuichi could see the gates in the distance now, and just outside them—all sorts of delinquents and weapons were sprawled out on the ground, painted red by blood. It wasn't a pretty sight. Reluctantly jogging up closer, he could see Oga too, right in the middle of fighting the last of them.

"Hey OgaaAAAH!" Furuichi shrieked when a body flew right past him at an unimaginable speed.

Oga turned around, his intense stare stopping on Furuichi. "Ah?"

"Uh, games at my place?" Furuichi tried to ask calmly. It was a little hard with all the people moaning in pain around them, to tell the truth.

Oga regarded Furuichi silently for a second then walked up and kicked his friend in the shin.

"Hey! What was that for?" Furuichi rubbed his leg.

"For making me worry about you, idiot!" Oga walked past Furuichi, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Furuichi froze where he stood, nonplussed. "You were worried?"

But the question had fallen on deaf ears as Oga was already going off in the direction of Furuichi's house.

"I think Beel wants to raid your fridge too." Oga called over his shoulder.

"Adabu!" Baby Beel shouted happily.

"Liar, that's what you want!" Furuichi retorted, catching up with his friend. He fought hard to keep the smile on his face from practically reaching his ears as the two walked back together. Oga gave a demonic grin in return.

This may sound like a happy ending, but the story isn't over! Stay tuned for the next chapter, and review if you can. Thank you!