I don't own Teen Wolf.

No One Does It Better: Chapter 14

"You had no right!" Jackson yelled, and Derek let out a sigh while he pinched the bridge of his nose. He was thankful that Jackson had at least waited for his parents to leave before going off on Derek but that didn't mean he was prepared for it. "You had no right to go to her, or to use my best friend to even find her!"

"Jackson…" Derek said quietly, his eyes pleading.

"No! I don't want anything to do with them. They lost that right when they gave me away. I don't want to meet them; I don't want them to know anything about my life. I don't need them!"

"Jackson, listen to me," Derek said, reaching out and grabbing Jackson's hand as the teen tried to pull the oxygen tubes out of his nose and get out of bed. "She's agreed to be tested; to see if her bone marrows a match. She said she'll do it."

"I don't care!" Jackson said, the bitterness clear in his voice. "I don't want anything from either of them!"

"Her, Jackson. There isn't a them anymore."

"Let me guess, he left her when she got knocked up?" Jackson sneered, his eyes flashing turquoise.

"Stop," Derek growled and Jackson huffed, looking away.

"They were just a couple of stupid kids. They're not real parents. And I don't care if she's a match; I don't want her fucking marrow in my body."

"Jackson, your birth father died when you were just a baby. He was killed in a car accident. That's why Lilly gave you up. Not because she didn't want you, but because she couldn't do it on her own." Jackson chewed on his bottom lip, looking away.

"I don't care," Jackson said. "I can refuse to take it."

"Hey!" Derek growled, his eyes flashing red.

"No! You had no right to go behind my back like that. I don't want anything from her."

"You listen to me," Derek said, his finger pointing in Jackson's face. "You're dying, so you don't get a say anymore. You're not getting any better. The chemo's just making you worse. So if they say a bone marrow transplant is going to help you, you're going to take the fucking transplant. And if that marrow has to come from your birth mother, then you're going to take it. No argument."

"It's my body," Jackson growled bitterly.

"Yeah, and I'm doing my best to keep it alive. So stop being a spoiled little brat and save yourself, you hear me?" Derek wasn't expecting the slap across the face, even though he was pretty sure he deserved it sitting so close to Jackson. And even though he deserved it, he couldn't keep the wolf at bay as his eyes turned red and his teeth grew to points.

"Get the fuck away from me," Jackson said, his eyes flashing turquoise. Derek took a deep breath, holding his hands up in a peaceful gesture. "I said get away from me!" Jackson screamed, his arm pulled back to his Derek again. Derek caught his wrist as a nurse he didn't recognize came running in the room, stabbing a needle into his IV that quickly knocked him out.

"Upsetting him isn't going to help him get any better," the short red head said before turning and leaving the room. Derek sighed, running a hand through his hair as he turned and left the room shortly behind her.

Jackson groaned, blinking his eyes open. His head was throbbing and his mouth was dry and he whimpered as someone pushed a cup of water in his face.

"Nurse said you and Derek got into it pretty bad," a familiar voice said and Jackson glanced up to meet eyes with Danny.

"You shouldn't have hacked that system. Shouldn't have given him the address. He had no right going to her." Jackson kept his eyes shut, his head pounding.

"I know," Danny said, biting his lip.

"You aren't going to give me the 'you're dying so you don't get a choice' speech?" Jackson asked bitterly, looking away.

"No," Danny said. "And in my defense, that's the same speech Derek gave me when he had me hack the DCFS system."

"Yeah well, he told me I was a spoiled brat and that my opinion didn't matter. So I slapped. He got a little wolfy with me, I got a little wolfy with him, and then a nurse knocked me out. I'm assuming he's not just sitting in the hallway?" Jackson stared at a spot just beyond Danny, his eyes dead looking.

"No, he's not. I don't know where Derek is, Jax," Danny said quietly. "Melissa just told me what the morning nurse told her."

"How was Stiles' first full moon, by the way?" Jackson asked and Danny snorted.

"Well he didn't try to eat me, so that's a plus. But he killed a squirrel and then cried for two hours straight about it once he turned human again. Don't tell him I told you that. He's embarrassed."

"He didn't eat the squirrel did he?" Jackson asked, his eyes wide. Danny laughed.

"No, Lydia took it away from him once it was dead and threw it someplace where he couldn't get to it. Now he just keeps complaining that it feels like the wolf is pacing in his head; like it's bored or something." Jackson, who had let his eyes fall shut again, sat straight up, his brow knitted together. "What's wrong?" Danny asked, reaching out for Jackson's arm.

"My wolf's gone," Jackson said, his voice low.

"What? How's that possible?"

"I don't know. But I can't feel it anymore."

"Maybe he's just asleep?" Danny suggested and Jackson glared at him.

"I would be able to feel that, dumbass. Oh my God it's gone. You've got to get Derek. My wolf's gone, oh my god."

Danny glanced up at the monitor that was tracking Jackson's heartbeat. He bit his lip as the beeping sped up and Melissa ran into the room.

"Jackson, sweetheart, you've got to calm down," She said, taking his hand.

"My wolf's gone. Melissa, I can't feel my wolf," Jackson was looking at her with wide eyes, clearly on the brink of a panic attack.

"Deep breaths Jackson," she said as the boy clawed at his own throat. He never saw when she sunk another needle into his arm, knocking him out.

"I don't know what's going on with him. You're the one who's been a werewolf the longest and you just take off and leave. Jackson says he can't feel his wolf anymore; it's like it's just gone. He's tried shifting a couple times but can't. So if you can pull your head out of your ass and come back to the hospital, that'd be great. I know you both said a lot you didn't mean, but can you please put that behind you and talk to your mate?"

Derek sighed, ending the voicemail from Danny. He turned his phone back off and pulled his jacket before shutting the door to his house. Derek crossed the woods slowly, sniffing out all the new smells from the other pack. He was vaguely aware that this was suicide, going to another pack by himself, but he didn't have much of a choice.

"Well look what we have here, boys and girls," a loud voice said and Derek had to keep himself from flinching. A tell man with long hair stood before the others, his hands in his jean pockets. Even before Derek got anywhere close to him, he knew this was the alpha. "What can we do for you, little boy?"

"This is my territory," Derek said, proud that his voice didn't shake at all. "It's been my family's territory for years, and after they were killed, it became my territory. I have a pact with the hunters in the area; as long as no humans are killed, they leave my pack alone. You killing people on my territory makes my life a hell of a lot more complicated." Derek kept his posture straight, his face blank.

"Your pack?" The other alpha asked, a sneer on his face. "It looks to me that you're all alone, little boy."

"My mate is sick," Derek said, his voice shaking slightly. "He's sick with a disease his wolf can't heal. My pack is staying with him. It's likely….It's likely he might not have much longer."

"Well I'm sorry to hear that, little boy. But I'm afraid my pack has an agenda. We've already over taken the three towns surrounding your little humble abode. I'd like this one as my own, too."

"I can't let you do that," Derek said, taking a step forward. Two Beta's behind the other Alpha climbed to their feet and Derek stopped. "Not only are there hunters in the area, but the local law enforcement is aware of the wolf activity here. They won't let you keep killing the local government officials. They won't let you kill any more people."

"Is that so?" The other Alpha said, circling Derek. Derek stayed still, even though his wolf whined in the back of his throat when he left his back exposed. "And you really think they can stop us?"

"I'm trying to keep my pack together," Derek said, his voice strong. "My pack's young; I've had to rebuild after the death of my family. And like I said, my mate is very sick. But I will take to time to help the hunters and sheriff's office bring you down, you hear me? And the Argent's-they won't be easily swayed. There's also a new group of hunters here, and I won't put my pack at risk for you. If I were you I'd pack up and head out now. Because this won't end well for you." Derek took a couple steps backwards, keeping his eyes locked on the other Alpha. Finally he turned on his heel and ran.

"How long have you been here?" Lydia asked, handing Danny a cup of coffee as Stiles climbed into his boyfriend's lap. Danny groaned when Stiles' flailing limbs elbowed him in the stomach but carefully wrapped his arms around the shorter teen.

"Since yesterday afternoon," Danny said quietly, watching Jackson's shallow breaths as he slept. "Him and Derek got into it pretty bad and the nurse sedated Jackson and Derek just took off. Then when he woke up yesterday afternoon when I got here, he said he couldn't feel his wolf. Which, you know, means nothing to me, but I'm sure you guys would understand."

"He can't feel his wolf?" Lydia asked, her eyes even wider than normal. Stiles froze in Danny's arm, staring at Jackson's sleeping form.

"Yeah, that's what he said. And he freaked out, but thank God Melissa was working then. She sedated him again, but we're lucky it was her who gets it and not someone else who'd just send him to psych."

"Fuck," Stiles mumbled.

"Then when he woke up this morning he kept saying his wolf was gone and trying to shift and he couldn't. He said he couldn't even feel his wolf shift. He asked Melissa to knock him out again before she left."

"What's Derek have to say about it?" Lydia asked, taking a sip of coffee as she perched in another chair. Danny shrugged, pushing Stiles to one knee so he Danny could use his arm.

"He hasn't been back," Danny said, blowing on the still hot coffee. "I've tried calling him but it keeps going to voicemail. I haven't been able to get a hold of him."

"Fuck," Stiles mumbled again, and Danny started drawing small shapes on the small of the teens back. Allison and Scott entered the room, Scott's eyes trailing over Jackson's body.

"Well, apparently chemo's a cure for being a werewolf?" Lydia said after a while.

"Great," Jackson mumbled, his voice raspy as he blinked his eyes open. "Now Scott's going to convince some poor Med Student that he's Jackson Whittemore and that he's just really, really late to his chemo appointments and to just give it to him all at once." Allison snorted as she sat on the edge of his bed, slowly feeding him ice chips.

"Hey!" Scott said, looking offended. "I don't want the cure anymore."

"Well good, 'cause chemo's so not worth it."

"My dad said Derek approached the other pack," Allison said after a while, her always cold hands slowly running over Jackson's burning forehead.

"Well glad he's doing something useful while he's pouting like a child," Jackson whispered.

"Apparently they do have a political agenda," Allison said. "They've already taken over the three towns surrounding us and they want Beacon Hills, too."

"Well fuck," Stiles said, and Danny snorted.

"Is that all you can say?" Danny whispered and Stiles elbowed him in the stomach.

"I guess Derek told the other pack that he'd take time to help my family and the sheriff's office bring down the other pack. The other alpha didn't seem too impressed.

"Did Derek say anything about when he'd be coming back here?" Jackson asked quietly, watching Allison's fingers walk down his arm.

"No," she said sadly, squeezing Jackson's arm. "I guess he told Dad he'd be hiding out for a while so the other pack didn't know where he was. Did something happen?"

"Just a stupid fight," Jackson mumbled, staring at his hands. He was quiet for a while. "I guess I'm getting a bone marrow transplant," he said after a while, flinching when everyone looked at him with wide eyes.

"Way to not sound excited," Lydia said after a moment, and Jackson shrugged.

"My birth mom's the donor," Jackson said.

"Oh fuck," Stiles said. "Ow!" he should when Danny poked him in the ribs.

"When?" Lydia asked, sitting on the other side of Jackson's bed.

"Next week, I think," he said letting his eyes fall shut. "So hopefully Derek will be back by then."

Danny let out a huff of breath when Stiles jumped on him, knocking the air out of him. He was stunned for a moment as Stiles trailed kissed down his neck, the spastic teen's hand going to grip Danny's erection. Danny kissed back earnestly, one hand gripping Stiles' hip as the other went down his pants. Stiles whimpered, pressing his hips closer to Danny's.

"Derek's going to come back, right?" Stiles asked between kisses and Danny groaned before flipping them so he was on top.

"You really want to talk about Derek right now?" Danny asked, pushing their erections together and making Stiles gasp.

"Well he's my Alpha," Stiles said, digging his nails into Danny's back after checking that they were still human. "And Jackson's upset."

"Guh! Stop talking about Jackson and Alpha's while we're messing around!" Danny yelled, sinking his teeth into Stiles' neck. The werewolf arched against Danny. It didn't take long for them both to come undone. Danny narrowly missed falling on Stiles as he dropped.

Now about Derek…" Stiles said and Danny laughed.

"Whatever happened to basking in the afterglow?" the goalie mumbled, rolling over. "No one knows where Derek is, Stiles. He won't even answer Jax's phone calls. I…I hate to say it, but Derek might have gone a-wall."

"But Jackson's transplant…" Stiles mumbled. "And don't mates get sicker the longer they're apart?"

"Does that still apply now that Jackson's not a wolf?" Stiles bit his lip, but before he could answer his phone vibrated.

"Forest behind the lacrosse field. Tonight 10. Don't bring Danny. He won't be safe.-Derek"

"How does he sound like an ass even through text?" Stiles mumbled and Danny smirked.

"It's okay, I'll just stay with Jax."

"I love you," Stiles whispered, burying his face in Danny's neck.

"I love you, too."

"When are you coming back to the hospital?" Stiles asked, lining up beside Scott.

"Not now, Stiles," Derek growled, his eyes red.

"Jackson keeps asking about you…" Lydia said quietly.

"Not now! The hunters are going to be coming from over there," Derek said, pointing to the East. "The police department from the West. They're both armed with wolfsbane bullets, so try not to get shot. The other packs den is to the North. Take out who you can, but stay safe. Leave the alpha for me."

The fight was hard, each person fighting for their life. Stiles was vaguely aware of his dad telling one of his deputies that if Stiles was shot, Dave would have his head. Stiles flinched when he swiped at someone's throat, killing him instantly. Lydia was fighting two people at once without breaking a sweat. Derek had the alpha pinned, snarling in his face.

"You know, little boy, killing me isn't going to make your mate better," the other alpha growled, sinking his claws into Derek's arm.

"Yeah? Well it will keep him and the rest of my pack safe." Derek pinned the other alpha's arm back, his claws at his throat.

"You're made for such better things!" The alpha said, his red eyes wide. "You can easily join us!"

"No!" Derek yelled, ripping the man's throat out. Following their alpha's death, the other pack fell back, collecting their wounded.

"Derek…" Scott said quietly, falling back when Derek growled at him.

"Go home!" Derek yelled at his pack. "Now!"

"Are you going to check on Jackson?" Stiles asked as the rest of the pack turned to leave.

"Let it go, Stiles," Derek growled. Stiles turned to leave, but stopped.

"His wolf is gone, you know," the teen said, glancing at Derek over his shoulder. "So there's your out. He's not your mate anymore. So you're not obligated to stay. So make up your mind if you're going to stay or go, because he deserves better than this."

Derek watched him go, a sigh caught in his throat. Finally, Derek left, too. He never looked back.

AN: I hope you liked it. Please review.