F**k Yeah! xD

Ok, anyway enjoy and review and do all that stuff.

I own nuffing


Chapter 1: Playing With Fire

"Touching your skin is like playing with fire
You know you'll get burned but pain for desire
Nails piercing shock absorbed
Temptations subsiding behind closed doors."

~Sinful Temptations by Sherri Anderson

Their first encounter wasn't something Sora would refer to as "normal". He would actually call it "terrifying" and "overly stressful" but nonetheless that wasn't going to be the last time Sora saw him. Sora had just finished his shift as the restaurant at 11 p.m. His shoes made quiet clacks as he slowly made his way down the sidewalk. The cool, night wind brushed against his cheek in hello and he continued walking in silent reply. He was in desperate need of rest. A family of 12 had decided to barge in at 9 p.m. and be the loudest they could possibly be. Sora hated how they were the stereotypical Italian family. Wonderful way to prove a stereotype wrong.

Sora let out a sigh that quickly disappeared in white wisps. The chill of fall was making its way into Twilight Town and Sora knew he was going to dread this season the moment it fully blanketed the town. He wasn't one for cold environments. He preferred the blazing heat of the sun and the cold ocean water. Unfortunately, Twilight Town was mostly in the cold and "summer" was actually a month and a half. Sora had no idea why he even moved here in the first place. His parents had told him to branch out and explore the world but Sora had been perfectly contented with staying right in Destiny Islands. Anyway, he had become quite accustomed to Twilight Town in the seven months he was here. He was quickly told about the various gangs and gunfights around the city and Sora mentally slapped himself for his choice in cities.

Bang, Bang


Three gunshots erupted into the air and Sora's pulse quickened almost instantly. The loud cracks of the gun echoed against the night breeze and rang in Sora's ears. He sucked in a shaky breath and continued walking. The gunshots…the gunshots sounded like they were behind him. Sora sped up and he was practically running down the road. The farther away from the sounds he got, the safer he would be. Sora only lived a few blocks from his apartment but these few blocks seemed like miles at night. Sora was used to hearing gunshots in the distance at night but this time…this time it seemed so close he could touch it as is reverberated through the air. Now. Now Sora was running. The soft breeze felt like jagged icicles stabbing at his skin and his breath came out raspy and weak.

Then, he stopped.

He saw a bump in the road. It was too large to be a dead animal and it seemed too deformed to be anything else. Sora knew he should have been walking the other way but at the back of his mind he felt a rush of excitement run through him. Was it adrenaline? Either way, Sora was slowly making his way over to the bump. The streetlight a little ways away casted an eerie orange tint over the bump and Sora could finally see arms, a hat, and feet. His breathing hitched and his heart was threatening to crack his ribcage open. Trembling fingers tightened into fists as he moved.

Before he could get a good look at the dead body, he heard heavy rustling to the left of the body. Sora's eyes quickly honed in on the source of the noise and it took his eyes a while to adjust to the darkness. Soon, a figure came into view. The person was leaning against a wooden fence, slightly slumped. He held something that shimmer in his right hand while his left arm was dangling lifelessly. His own deep, heavy breathing could be heard as he propped himself up against the wall. Sora took in a deep breath as he changed course. As he drew closer, he noticed a dark liquid seeping down the motionless arm. His pace quickened and that was when the shimmering object was brought up and pointed at Sora.

He froze immediately. That was a gun. A GUN. A dead body was only feet away and Sora slowly pieced everything together. The person against the fence shot the man. He himself somehow got injured. That was probably the reason for multiple gunshots to crack in the air. Sora brought his hands up with his fingers outstretched. He could see the strain in the man's hand as he tried to keep the gun up. It remained straight and strong though. It was a drastic difference to Sora's shaking hands. The man almost seemed…calm even as he was injured and straining to hold the gun up.

"Y-You're hur…hurt." Sora stuttered.

"No shit, Sherlock," The man growled. He mumbled something about bystanders and their uselessness and started muttering something else.

"Let me help you." Sora gulped. He was surprised his voice had returned so easily.

"Step any closer and you'll be just like that man over there."

Sora's eyes darted over to the corpse and returned to the gunman. Sora mentally dared the man to shoot him. Sora was the only one probably in miles to even try to help him and the man was just going to turn away? He was losing too much blood to do something as stupid as shoot someone who's willing to help him. Sora took in a breath and took a step forward. The man growled as Sora took another step. He slowly lowered his hands as his gaze was locked solely on the man.

The man cursed as he lowered the gun. He slid to the ground with a groan and fumbled in his pocket for something. Good. He wasn't as stupid as Sora thought. Sora hurried over to him and knelt beside him. Sora noted the blood dripping down the man's arm and he knew he had been correct. Sora hurriedly pulled his jacket off and ignored the cold air pierced his skin. He tore a piece of his sleeve off and gently slid the man's jacket out of the way. He hissed in pain but continued to calmly press buttons into his cell phone. He let out a sigh and thrust the phone at Sora.

"Speed dial 1," He instructed as he took the cloth from Sora's fingers. He hastily wrapped the cloth tightly around his arm with a groan.

"Shouldn't I call 911?" Sora asked quickly.

"No," The man said instantly. "Hurry up and do what I said."

Sora did as he was told and gave the phone back to him. The man angrily talked into the phone and Sora finally had a moment to actually look at him. His long silver hair shimmered under the street lights and his eyes were clouded with so much darkness Sora couldn't see what color they were. Even through his disheveled condition, his hair managed to look completely perfect as it was draped over his uninjured shoulder. His skin was a pale as snow and Sora wondered whether he actually went outside during the day. Sora looked down at his own hands and found that they had stopped trembling. He found comfort in the fact that he could calm down quickly after being so high off of adrenaline.

"Axel—" The man snapped. "Shut up, Axel. I'm fine. Just get your ass over here." He snapped the phone closed and gazed up at Sora. Even through the darkness Sora could see how intense his stare was. It sent shivers down his spine and he forced himself to look away.

"What…What is your name?" Sora dared to ask.

The man didn't answer for a while and Sora found himself shifting uncomfortably. Finally, the man asked, "Why would you want to know?"

Sora found the answer escape him. Wasn't it common sense to just tell someone your name? Especially someone who had just saved your life. "I…I just…."

The man let out a deep sigh and said, "Riku. My name's Riku."

Sora grinned stupidly. At least he knew something about the man other than the fact that he could possibly be a serial killer and had just given Sora information that would probably result in him being killed by said man. Well, shit.

Sora gulped. "You're not going to kill me…are you?"

"No," Riku sighed again. "There's no point in it."

So, he had been thinking about it.

"Since you're not going to kill me," Sora began. "My name is Sora."

"Sora," He repeated slowly as if trying out the word for the first time. "Sounds girly,"

Sora laughed lightly. "I know."

Riku stared at him intently again. "You know you can't tell anyone about any of this, right?"

"I know," He whispered.

"And if you do, I'll find and kill you." His tone was so flat and emotionless it scared Sora.

"I k-know." He stuttered. "…Can I just ask you one thing?"

"Depends," He shrugged with his uninjured shoulder.

"Are you going to be alright?"

Sora was met by dark silence once again. He absently ran his finger over the makeshift bandage around Riku's arm. His fingertips were drowned in blood the moment he touched it. He frowned. He was about to bring his other hand up but was stopped by Riku inching away from him. Sora let his hands fall away in defeat and stared down at the phone lazily laid over Riku's lap. Sora didn't even know why he had stayed. What was he thinking? He's a complete and utter idiot. His mind screamed at him to run but his body was keeping him here beside this killer, this monster. Though his mind didn't like it, it allowed his body to calm down.

"It's no flesh wound." Riku finally said. "The doc is going to have a hell of a time getting this out."


A car's headlights came shinning over the horizon. Sora held his breath as it neared. It was a black Rolls-Royce that seemed way over Sora's pay grade. It came to a halt beside them and it seemed like ages until someone finally came out. It was a rather tall man with big spiky hair. The orange of the streetlight made his already flaming red color look like it was blazing in the cool air. Sora could see this man's eyes. They were a dark emerald that held hidden concern as he began hurrying towards him.

"Axel, wait." Riku breathed. He struggled to stand up and Sora forced himself to keep his hands at his sides. "I can walk."

"Fuck that." Axel snapped.

Before Axel came any closer, Riku brushed his fingertips against Sora's cheek and whispered, "Thank you."

Sora sat frozen as Axel swarmed Riku into the car. Soon, the two drove away leaving Sora stunned on the sidewalk. It seemed reality came crashing down as the two left. Sora had actually stopped to help a murderer, a mobster, a gangster, whatever! What in his right mind made him think that that was ok? Sora's breathing grew shallow as he hoisted himself up. The moment he stood up, he fell right back down. His fingers shook with such severity they looked like they were vibrating. The tears poured down his face as fear finally slithered its way into his bones.

Riku. Riku. Riku. Sora had done some research on the name and didn't like what he had found. Not only was Riku a gangster, he was the mob boss of the major portions of gangs in Twilight Town. He was also only 24. He had inherited the title from his father before he died a few years ago and now a 24 year old was the boss of more than half of the mobs in Twilight Town. Riku was notorious around Twilight Town, The World That Never Was, Destiny Islands, and even Radiant Garden the most peaceful city in the universe. Nonetheless, he had no picture. Riku had only been the leader of a few gangs once his father died. He didn't like that one bit. Instead, Riku went on a rampage and took control over many of the mobs in several cities and was practically running Twilight Town from the underground. He's responsible for many deaths across Kingdom Hearts and…and…

Sora helped him escape.

The moment Sora realized that his hand had already dialed half of the digits for the police. He stopped himself when he realized he would go to jail too. He didn't want that. Besides, mobsters were good at cleaning up messes right? Sora could watch The Godfather and try to figure it out but he had a feeling he would just ruin the movie with his dull mood. He had gotten very little sleep that night and was going to completely dread his shift as work which ran into the NIGHT. He'd rather not go out a NIGHT any time soon for his own safety. Sora just depressed himself again.

But here he was at work staring angrily at the sous chef's back. He had been waiting for his damn order for over 20 minutes. If he was this impatient now, the customers were probably furious. Finally the sous chef handed him the order and he lazily piled it onto his tray. He mumbled a thank you before he left the kitchen. It was 10 p.m. now which meant the rush of dinner guests had only just begun a few hours ago. The room was packed with people and he only saw a few vacant seats in the sea of people. Sora slowly made his way over to the couple who were just enjoying their evening. He wished he could. But nooooooooo. He had to get caught up in a criminal plot he had nothing to do with.

Sora placed the couple's order on their table and left them with a smile. Sora absently cleared several of his area's tables and stuffed the tips into his pocket. He smiled at his coworkers as he passed and he returned to the kitchen. Sora deposited plates of food into the sinks and mumbled a few orders to the chefs. He lazily returned outside and leaned against the bar counter. To reach the kitchen, one would have to navigate their way to the back of the restaurant and around the bar. The flaps of the kitchen were right behind the bartender.

Sora turned his head and met the eyes of the bartender, his good friend Naminé. Sora had always wondered why the boss put such a gorgeous girl back here but he was starting to get it. Many men would gravitate towards a beautiful bartender and would then buy more drinks as they listened to her soft melodic voice. Her bright blue eyes would send comfort and relaxation towards them as her light blonde hair would cup around her pale face. Her smiles could win over anyone and it was practically impossible to win an argument against her. Sora constantly wondered if she was an angel sent from heaven but many people would probably have asked her that in a really cheesy way. Sora chuckled at the thought of drunken pickup lines and lopsided grins.

"It's very busy." Naminé mused. She had just handed a woman a martini and another man a Bloody Mary.

"It's Friday night, Nami." Sora sighed as he propped himself up on his arm.

"I know but I'm running out of drinks." She pouted.

"Don't w—"

A flash of silver. That was what stopped Sora from speaking. He scanned the crowd of people for that same dash of silver he had just seen seconds earlier. There weren't many people with such spectacular silver hair and Sora had an idea of who it belonged to. Sora's hands trembled with fear at the thought of seeing Riku again. He sucked in a breath as he tried to regain his composure. He finally tracked down the head of silver hair. Sora found Riku casually being escorted to an empty table with three people walking behind him. One was a short blond, the other was Axel, and the last was a stunning auburn haired woman. The four sat themselves down with the blond sitting at the center of the vinyl seats with Riku and the woman side by side and Axel across from them. Why the hell did they have to be in his section?

"Sora?" Naminé tapped his shoulder.

He blinked and finally lifted his gaze. "I…uh…back to work!"

Sora hurried into the kitchen and hastily grabbed his orders. He quickly made his way to several tables and dropped off some plates. He was glad Riku's back was to him as he worked. He didn't know how he would act with Riku's deadly gaze on him. Sora almost tripped over a chair leg and mentally cursed himself for being unfocused. He dropped his tray off and fished in his pocket for his pad and pen. He took in a breath to regain composure and turned on what was left of his professional charm.

He approached the table which was deep in conversation and said, "Hello and welcome to The Usual Spot. My name is Sora and I will be your waiter this evening."

At the sound of Sora's name, Riku's head shot up. Riku looked ok at Sora's initial inspection. He was still wearing his dark coat even though it was nice and warm in here. That was when Sora's gaze fell on Riku's eyes. He was taken aback by how amazing they were. It had been too dark last night to see them but now he could see those bright aquamarine eyes looking up at him. Riku's gaze was somehow…it held something inside. Sora could see the strain in the curl of Riku's lips, the tension at his brow, and the fatigue deep within his eyes. He couldn't hide that from Sora. No matter how much he faked it to his friends, Sora could see through that façade. Riku was still hurting and was trying to hide his pain.

The woman clung tightly to Riku's arm…Riku's injured arm as he leaned towards Sora. A slight twitch of his lips showed Sora the pain. Even so, Riku hummed playfully and said, "Sora, I knew we were going to meet again someday."

Sora forced a smile. "How are you feeling?"

"Just fine," Riku replied.

Before Sora realized what he was doing, he said, "Liar,"

Silence fell across the table and Sora could feel the anger seeping from the woman beside Riku. Instead, Riku shrugged off the insult. "My, my, my. More observant than I thought."

Sora humored him with a smile and turned to the others at the table. "What will we be ordering today?"

Axel's gaze hadn't lifted from Sora the moment he saw him approaching the table and Sora was well aware of that. Axel only muttered something about a rare steak with fries on the side. Sora moved to the blond across from him. He held back the slight shock at their similarity. The blond's hair was in narrower spikes but the two held identical ocean blue eyes. However, his was darker more….sinister. To add to that he had decided to wear all black which made his pale skin even whiter. The blond looked at him in disinterest and said the same thing Axel did. Sora reluctantly turned his gaze to the woman. She had been giving off BITCH vibes the entire time Sora was there. She held dark red hair in a bun with luscious purple eyes silently scrutinizing him. Even with her beauty rivaling Naminé's she couldn't hide the fact that she was a complete and utter bitch.

"A salad," The words just rolled off her tongue. "And wine for everyone around the table."

"And Riku?" Sora finally turned to him.

Riku's eyes just danced with mischief (and weariness). "I'll eat whatever's your favorite."

Sora stared at him cautiously. "That's grilled chicken wings."

"Then that's what I'll have." Riku said simply.

Sora slowly turned away from the table with their orders swimming around his head. It was obvious Riku was feeling better but he wasn't in top form. It was just strange seeing Riku so…so playful. Well, Riku had been shot yesterday. That wasn't really a matter to be laughed about at the time. It was strange seeing him out and about so fast. Sora had thought he would take a few days off to relax and rest but here he was with his friends enjoying an evening out as though he hadn't been shot. Sora didn't know if Axel or the others saw it but Riku was silently suffering. He hid the pain well but not enough for Sora to not notice.

Sora hated his natural sympathy towards someone. That was probably the reason Sora hadn't kept running when he found Riku and the dead body. That was also the reason for him to notice the pain in Riku's eyes. If Sora wasn't this sympathetic, he would have reported Riku to the cops the moment he left. Sora was such an idiot for hiding a secret like this. WHY COULDN'T HE JUST TELL SOMEONE?

Because you don't want this to end.

Sora stopped in front of the chefs. He didn't even realize he had made it this far into the kitchen. He didn't want this to end? What kind of stupidity was that? What was he expecting out of Riku anyway? A tentative friendship between bros? A forbidden romance that would rock the ages? It's not like Sora wanted a romance with Riku. He had to admit Riku had a bad boy charm that was obvious to anyone but Sora didn't want anything to do with that. Riku was a gangster. A fucking mob boss. Sora knew where this was going and it would end in his own death or some junk like that. Sora was playing with fire and he knew the results would be oh so catastrophic.

He sighed as he placed the order on the table. He exited the kitchen and found playful aquamarine eyes staring at him. Riku had sometime managed to follow Sora to the kitchen and sat himself at the bar. Naminé had handed him a glass of Field of Hearts (Google it), ignorant of the danger he posed. The moment Sora had stepped out of the kitchen Riku had beckoned him towards him. Sora glanced at Naminé who was casually chatting with other customers. He sighed in defeat and approached Riku, glad that a counter separated the two.

"Hi," Riku said simply as he took a long drink of his alcohol.

"Hi," Sora whispered. It was hard for Sora to ignore the piercing gaze of Naminé just feet away from him. "…What are you doing here?"

"Kairi wanted to eat out so I brought along the other two." Riku said as he jabbed a finger in their direction.

"So that's her name." Sora didn't bother hiding the contempt dripping from his lips.

Riku smirked. "You don't like her?"

"She's seems like a bitch." Sora huffed.

Riku didn't even bother defending her. He just shrugged and said, "I'm stuck with her."


"Mafia business," Riku waved his hand dismissively. Suddenly, his serious gaze locked onto Sora's. "That reminds me…"

"What?" Sora gulped.

Riku placed his glass down and leaned in closer. "We need to discuss what you saw yesterday."

"Are you going to kill me?" Sora whispered hoarsely.

Riku licked his lips and Sora found himself following the movement. "I'm going to see if I should."

He hadn't exactly said yes but he didn't say no either. However, that was enough for Sora at the moment. "How?"

Riku smiled at him and tapped his finger on his chin in thought. "Want to go to the carnival?"

Sora blinked at him for a moment. "What?"

"Carnival. Do you want to go?" He repeated.

"I don't see how—"

"Just answer me," Riku interrupted with a quirk of his eyebrow.

Before Sora could open his mouth, two chefs shouted at him to pick up his order. Sora hurried into the kitchen and when he returned, Riku was already sitting with his friends at his original table. Sora let out a defeated sigh as he quickly made his way over to the table. He avoided eye contact with Riku in any way possible and scurried back into the kitchen. Naminé asked him if he was alright and how he knew the "gorgeous silver haired man" but Sora only waved her away as he ventured into the break room. He let out a sigh as he leaned his head against the wall and closed his eyes.

There had to be a reason why Riku would just willingly ask him to go to the carnival. Even though it was well near closing time (which was 11 p.m.) the carnival ran all the way until 4 a.m. Sora had always wondered about the carnival's strange hours but now he had to wonder about something that was even stranger: Riku. What would happen if Sora refused? What would happen if he said yes? Sora knew this was somehow a way to test him, to see if Riku should kill him. Why did he choose the carnival? Why not the alley out back? There were too many people at the carnival for Riku to actually shoot Sora. Then, it hit him.

Riku had never intended to kill him.

But…why? Sora was at the wrong place at the wrong time. He had seen something he shouldn't have and now he had leverage that could put Riku in jail. Why didn't Riku want to kill him? Was this a game? Was this just something to pass the time in his already chaotic life? Riku could have killed him the moment Sora first met him. He could have shot him the second he got into Axel's car. What did Riku want with him? Regardless of how his mind was working, Sora was slowly beginning to wonder what the actual risk was of joining Riku for a night at the carnival. There were numerous reasons actually. First there was the fact that Riku was a mafia lord. Second there was the fact that Riku was in a gang. Third there was the fact that Riku was a mafia lord. Fourth there was the fact that Riku was a mafia lord.

"What the hell was I thinking?" Sora shouted.

He scratched his head angrily and stormed out of the room. He was slow to realize that it was closing time. Many of the waiters were already clearing out the rest of the plates lacing people's tables and the customers were slowly filing out of the building. Sora scanned the small group of people leaving and found Riku adjusting his jacket. He seemed to sense Sora's gaze and looked up. He smirked and nodded towards the door. Sora found himself gently returning his nod and quickly cursed himself for his lack of self-control.

Riku left the building and Sora was just about ready to collapse onto the floor. He was definitely playing with fire but what scared him the most was that he oh so wanted to feel the burn. So, when Sora was finished clearing up with the others he pulled on his jacket, scarf, and gloves and exited the restaurant. He found Riku leaning against a streetlight gazing up at the stars. His eyes sparkled with the reflection of the streetlight and Sora gulped as he walked towards him. Riku slowly lowered his head and smirked at Sora. He pushed away from the streetlight and met Sora halfway.

"So," His breath left little wisps of white in its wake. "Do you want to dance with the devil?"

He extended his hand out to Sora and all he could do was stare at it.

His mind was pulling him back but his body had already begun to move his hand towards Riku's.

He took in a breath and said, "Ok."

Oh Sora you so crazy.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Sora being the person and the table being life.
