Kouga's POV

He was just thinking of his silver haired beauty, to take him as his mate. His wolf tribe was no longer in danger and he had become the leader, so it was his time to find a mate. The council had picked out several beauties, but each time, he could only think of the silverette. They would disapprove of a man as his mate, but he could care less.

He thought off into the distance, remembering the golden eyes and childlike expression of rage when he had called him a "mutt." It was really amusing calling him names just to get a reaction. He would never forget the way that he stood over the small kit, just like a mother. He was perfect to be his mate in every way.

He was not expecting that when he found his silverette that he would be surrounded by a "wolf." The wolf, none other than the well-known "ice demon." Although he had to admit, when he came into the room, the sight of Inuyasha's flushed face and lust filled gaze made him a little more than excited. 'Damn, that stupid mutt needs to stop making those types of expressions...', he thought to himself shamelessly.

As soon as his gaze had met Sesshomaru's, it was an instant reaction to start yelling.

"What the hell? I came to retrieve what was mine and I already see another man all over him?!" he couldn't help but feel rage bubble from within him,"Well, I'll be damned if I will let that happen!" he said as he lunged forward at the youkai standing over the hanyou.

Before his foot could even make contact with the ice prince, he was already face first on the floor.

"Inuyasha, is this the "Kouga" you were talking about?" Sesshomaru said as he peered at the wolf demon beneath his foot.

"Y..Yes, it is.. But how did he find me? I haven't seen him for years!" Inuyasha exclaimed as he slowly shifted to behind Sesshomaru, as if he were afraid.

"He is a dog, he probably memorized your scent.", he said as he narrowed his eyes at the demon on the floor.

"Hey! Don't talk like I'm not even here!" Kouga voiced his discomfort as he wiggled underneath Sesshomaru's foot that was planted onto his back.

"You shall be silent. You do know that breaking into my palace is a serious offense, right?" the ice prince looked annoyed and said, "You also interrupted me during...Something important."

"Yeah, I saw you, you were gonna get busy! But I don't think I can let you do that, not when you haven't even claimed him yet. He's mine. Back off. I saw him first," Kouga bit out brashly, not even paying attention to the fact that Inuyasha was in the room.

"Oh?" Sesshomaru looked amused, "He's yours? I don't think so, not over my dead body."

"What makes you think that yo-", Kouga was cut off as Inuyasha started yelling.

"I am not anyone's property!" Inuyasha yelled while blushing all the way to his ears. "Besides, Kouga, I barely even know you!"

"So?" he said while looking into his eyes, "I can get to know you," he said with a serious face.

"I don't think so. You will leave my palace. Now." Sesshomaru's patience was running thin as he kept clenching and un-clenching his jaw as if he was going to bite the wolfs head off.

"Don't tell me what to do!" the wolf said annoyingly, almost like a child.


"What are you doing here?" Inuyasha asked curiously as he peeked up through his silver/white bangs.

"I am here to stop all of this racket. I could probably hear you all from miles away. Sesshomaru, Kouga, stop being so childish! It is unbecoming of you both!" Kaede said as she walked into the room, her small, wooden sandals making small click, click noises as she moved.

"Your right, this is unbecoming of me. I've just been irritated," Sesshomaru said as he glared at the wolf demon, "But he did break into MY palace."

"Shut up ice prince, I only did because you took what was mine!"

"Both of you stop it!" Kaede's voice was loud and stern, "I will not hear any more from the both of you."

"Che," Kouga turned away, as he couldn't stand looking at him. Sesshomaru found this amusing as he wrapped one arm around Inuyasha's waist possessively and softly laughed when Kouga's face went red with anger.

"Inuyasha, come with me, we have much to talk about," Kaede decided to be nice and not comment on what Sesshomaru said, but instead brought up a much needed topic.

"What? Why?" he already seemed suspicious and automatically shifted even closer to Sesshomaru.

"If you're going to talk to him, then I will come with," Sesshomaru said in a voice that screamed "YOU CANNOT DISOBEY".

"This is something that only Inuyasha's ears need to hear. It is his choice if you go or not," she said bravely and then added, "The same goes to you Kouga."

"Kouga, you are not going," Sesshomaru said while looking at him square in the face.

"You damn ice prince! You think your prissy ass can stop me? I'll show you!" Kouga lunged once again for Sesshomaru's face, not realizing that Inuyasha stepped in the way...

Authors Note: Phew! It's been a long time since I have updated! Sorry loyal fans! Bows to the left and the right. It's finally spring break for my school, so I will update more! YAY! School has been so hard lately! Instead of fanfiction I have been stuck writing research papers! Yuck! ~ Don't worry though, you guys are in for a roller coaster, nobody will expect what will happen next. Till next time! Review if you want to:)