AN: I miss Morgana and Gwen's friendship; I had this written in about ten minutes during school today.

"I remember the day we met. It feels like a lifetime ago."

"It was. We were only children then."

"Running around, laughing, playing; we were friends rather than lady and servant."

"We never argued or fought; any disagreements we had sorted by midday."

"As we got older we were more like sisters than anything."

"Sharing secrets; getting each other in and out of trouble; you were my sister in everything but blood."

"But everything changed."

"Times changed."

"We changed."

"Love and family and duty got in the way."

"We reached a path in the road."

"I went left."

"I went right."

"You abandoned me."

"I never wanted to."

"Neither did I."

"I'm sorry."

"Me too."

"We promised to be best friends forever."

"But forever is a long time."

"The paths we're on mark us as enemies and it's too late to turn back."

"Is it really?"


"I really am sorry that things couldn't be different."

"Me too."

"Despite everything; I do hope you will be happy."

"I hope you find some happiness too."

"My best friend, my sister."

"My sister, my best friend."

"We were best friends."
