Meat. Flesh. Muscle.

Her favourite.

The creature of darkness lay in wait for her meal, her oh so delicious meal. She could smell its flowery scent in the wind that blew softly in the forest. The predator licked its lips excitedly. This would be a fantastic feast!

The prey could not see this monster, for she was too well hidden in the infinite darkness she could conjure at will. Yes… she was completely invisible to her oblivious dinner.

Teeth were bared as she grinned maniacally, fangs showing just how deadly her bites would be for her meaty meals. Nothing would survive her cunning lures and deadly appetite.

She could feel it, her prey had stopped, right in front of her. The luscious scent gave her away to the mighty predator. Her end had come at last.

A moment later, an unseen hand brushed against the forehead of the monster. Perfect! They had fell for her amazing trap! Their life was forfeit!

As the fingertips brushed her small nose, the predator snapped her teeth, catching the fingers in her deadly and inescapable grip.

The sphere of darkness dispelled, and Yuuka Kazami smiled cheerfully at Rumia as she unsuccessfully attempted to gnaw her way through the flower youkai's fingers.

"Taste nice?" Yuuka asked pleasantly. Rumia nodded affirmatively, her amazing and mega-sharp teeth failing to break skin. Probably because she seemed to be using her lips more than her teeth.

The green-haired woman looked flattered, despite the subject matter. Apparently, it was a great compliment to be a suitable meal. Or she found Rumia's constant efforts to eat others to be endearing. She certainly wished to capture Rumia's expression as she attempted to feed. Where was Aya when you needed her…?

"Would you like some of Elly's cooked meat for afters?" Yuuka asked with a bright smile.

Rumia regarded the far elder youkai, remembering the last time she had Elly's cooking. She didn't know how, But that tasty-looking girl made meat taste amazing when cooked!

Rumia nodded silently, reluctantly releasing her captive's fingers, instead offering her own hand to hold Yuuka's. Together, they walked from the forest.

The Darkness Youkai would feed soon enough. Even if it was nothing more than bacon.

Normally I hate writing stories this short, it always feels like a lack of effort. But I wote this on a whim and I'm not good enough to turn it into an epic, so...

I hope it was a fun ten seconds, anyway.