Hi. I've been gone for a while, and now I'm back. I am putting an end to this fic while shamelessly plugging a new story I'm working on. The new story will be a redo of series five, because series five was weird and frustrating and had a terrible ending. It did not live up to the previous four seasons that I, as a fan, dedicated myself to. So, I'm writing my own version, which is a more satisfying storyline for me. I'm really busy right now, and will be posting as I write, so I don't know how long it'll take. Anyway, if you agree with my changes in this story and want to see a more satisfying series five, check out my upcoming fic.

So, fair warning, this is a very shameless plug for that story.

"Arthur is not just a king, he is the once and future king. Take heart, for when Albion's need is greatest, Arthur will rise again. It has been a privilege to have known you, young warlock. The story we have been a part of will live long in the minds of men."

The dragon turned to fly off, content in knowing that he had filled his role as a completely unhelpful creature of immense power. He was stopped, however, by an incredulous shout from behind him.

"That's IT!?" Merlin shouted, dropping Arthur's body with a crash and advancing furiously on reptile before him, "That's the big pay-off? 'Arthur will rise again, sometime in some way?' I guess at least your character has been consistent in giving vague prophesies to late to do any good!"

"Well, I..."

"For YEARS, I've endured emotional hardships and frustrations, because I knew, that in the end it would be worth it. But instead I get this? Yay, Gwen is queen! Yay, some people are sort of okay with some magic! Yay, Morgana is dead, because I stabbed her with a sword that happened to be the right kind of sword, because apparently she's a vampire now with immunity to most weapons. When did that even happen? And don't even get me started on what happened to Gwaine!"

"How do you even know…?"

"Because I'm MERLIN, dammit! Most powerful wizard ever? Though apparently my big trick now is looking old and making lightning, which I did years and years ago to take out the other High Priestess who was way older and more experienced than Morgana. I was supposed to be truly impressively powerful at this point! But that's just one of many broken promises."


"Yes," said Merlin impatiently, "Every story has foreshadowing. Hints at great things to come. Tone and direction. Our story promised that magic would come back. Is it back?"

"Everything you have worked to build—"

"Is. Magic. Back?" The warlock glared furiously at Kilgharrah.

"No," answered the dragon sheepishly, "But Queen Guinevere will—"

"Really? Gwen? Whose husband was mortally wounded fighting against a magical army? Who just got news of a friend being tortured to death by magic? Who will be realizing any minute now that the only good person she's ever known with magic failed at his ONE JOB?"

"Now, young warlock—"

"Don't 'young warlock' me! We never learned about Gwaine's secret lineage! Aithusa, who was supposed to be this really hopeful symbol, is all gross looking and mildly evil! Arthur and I never got to fight side by side as equals! Not to mention Elyan and Percival's lack of character development…"


"And that whole thing with Gwen being brainwashed was just a huge distraction! Series four was all about her and Arthur. This series should have focused on Arthur and me!"

"Merlin, you are no longer making sense," said the dragon sadly, "Your grief has muddled your thinking."

"No," said Merlin, eyes shining madly, "I see it all so clearly now. It all started to go wrong with that whole Ismir episode. You know, with the creepy, glowy, alien thing?"

"Aw yes," said Kilgarrah gravely, "That was… very weird. And uncomfortable."

"It's just the last series," said Merlin, almost to himself, "Mordred was weirdly on our side and became a lame villain, Gwen's angst was distracting, Morgana was the same crazy she's been for a while now, Arthur was far too clueless, and I made the weak choice at every turn! But I know now. I can fix it."

"Merlin, destiny—"

"No one cares! Yes, Arthur gets killed by Mordred and will return someday in the legend, but it's not as if we haven't ignored that before. Lancelot was a wraith, for God's sake!"

"…you have a point" Kilgarrah conceded. "But how can you change what is past?"

"I AM EMRYS! Everybody talks about that like it's a big deal, but I never, ever do anything to earn that awe. That changes now."

Merlin closed his eyes and concentrated. Then the air around him seemed to twist and the snap. With a great lurch, he felt his body propelled backward. Then, he felt himself slowly come to a standstill. The first thing to hit him was the smell. The smell of swords and armor, but also ink, parchment, and leather. This was the Great Hall. Then, he heard it.

Arthur's voice.

"Long live the Queen!"

His eyes popped open as everyone around him echoed the King's proclamation. He stared, tears in his eyes, at his two best friends, whole, well, and safe. He looked around at the knights, all happy and hopeful. The memories of the future he had lived through started to fade like a dream in the morning. He would not be able to warn his friends of the dangers ahead, but he felt sure that this time would be different. This time, storylines would be clear and motives would be purer. This time, magic would come back, and he and Arthur would fight side by side. This time, series five would be good.

So, like I said, it's a shameless plug. If you're interested, keep an eye out for Merlin: Series Five. Thanks for reading!