Yaaaaaaaaay new chapter! I will be working on the others so no worries and apologize for the wait.

I So Got You

"You already bit me." Naruto laughed, "It was…Shizuo. I saw him a lot during our break when I was younger." Izaya froze thinking on how casual Shizuo was around his drug.


(Izaya's Head, Naruto 13)

"Hey Shizuo why are you here? I thought you had to work." Naruto asked the bartender at his front door.

"Shinra asked me to baby-sit, I agreed to hang out not baby-sit. Your too old for a baby sitter." Shizuo walked past the blonde and sat on the couch.

"I'm thirteen! I'm old enough to do grown up things, I'm no kid." the bartender grinned waving Naruto over while removing his purple tinted sun glasses. The blonde walked over to sit on the couch only to be yanked on to the older man's lap.

"What are you doing?" the younger asked cocking his head to the side.

"Wanna do some grown up things?"

"Yea, like what?!" Naruto was excited. Shizuo tilted Naruto's head up and leaned in very close, "you'll see." Red eyes went wide as the elders lips descended on to his own. Large hands held the boy close, carefully removing his shirt. They pulled away breathing heavy, Shizuo laid Naruto down on the couch.

"Shizuo…what are you doing?" breathing heavy.

"Teaching you something you'll need to know in the future." said Shizuo removing his vest and shirt making Naruto blush. The bartender hovered over the tiny body before him. He kissed the boy again coaxing his mouth open, succeeding when he bit Naruto's lip lightly. Naruto was slow, gaining confidence by the moment. Their tongues dance as their clothing was tossed aside with one hand. The other trailed down his body exploring everything it could reach. Musical moans flowed from Naruto's mouth in to Shizuo's who of which reached in to a pocket of his discarded pants. The bartender sat up moving the blonde's legs apart and slipping between them. Naruto watched his friend squeeze lube on his fingers and he shuddered feeling the gel like substance on his hole.

"This will feel strange." said the faux blonde slipping one long finger in to Naruto's entrance. The boy gasped, "this is weird." Shizuo continued moving it in and out searching for something. Naruto's back arched moaning deeply.

"Found it." said Shizuo beginning another kiss while he pushed the second finger in. The preteen hissed then melted back in to the kiss. Naruto tapped the elders shoulder to get a move on. Shizuo continued to thrust and stretch, adding fingers enjoying every minute.

"Shi-Shizuo I-I-I'm scared."

"I understand. I'm ready when you are." tense moments passed before Naruto nodded that he was ready. The faux blonde made himself slick and positioned himself at the boy's entrance.


The teen watch his lover's face slowly growing more neutral while his eyes promised death of the most painful kind. He slid off Naruto slowly then pulled on his jacket abandoning the shirt.

"Where are you going?" the blonde asked as his quite lover moved to the door.

"I'm going prepare a funeral."

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Naruto asked propping himself up on his elbows. Izaya said nothing, his hand stopped on the door knob upon hearing laughter. The raven turned his head to the crimson eyed teen laughing on his couch saying something but it was lost among the hysterics.

"What was that?" fully turned now. Naruto sat up pointing, "I. So. Got. You! I did absolutely nothing with anyone before you."

"You naughty, naughty boy. You forced my hand, I'll have to punish you now." the elder said walking over with his hands clasped behind him.

"Ooooooh I'm scared." Naruto grinned. Izaya leaned in his face whispered, "you should be. Putting that horrible image in my head of that protozoan claiming you, you letting him." Naruto looked shocked.

"Do you really think I would sleep with him? He's straight and he's like family. Besides Celty would of found out and hung him up upside down, from a skyscraper, by his toes. She's really protective." The younger one reached up, grabbing his jacket pulling Izaya down.

"I thought you were going to punish me?" the blonde asked innocently. The raven sat up shrugged out of his fur trimmed coat. Swiftly yanked off the fox teens jeans, the foxy teen worked on his partners black pants. Izaya pushed his pants off. He wasn't helping, he did need to get out of the constricting material. Naruto playfully reached out to his man and the said man held those reaching hands over his head.

"Hey!" Naruto argued.

"I told you I'm punishing you. I'm gonna make you beg." Izaya grinned in a way that would make people flee, Naruto thought it looked sexy. Of course Naruto was also in the mood. The cruel raven gently dragged his finger nail up his lover's member. The younger growled/moaned, digging his nails in to his palms making them bleed. Rusty eyes saw this and pulled the teens hands to his face. Izaya shook his head at the bloody hands, so he licked them clean.

"What are you doing?" Naruto asked.

"Your bleeding, I don't like it." Izaya responded, "I should be the one making you bleed."

Naruto snorted, "this is coming from the man who doesn't want to cause me pain."

"Pain to pure pleasure." Izaya tore off Naruto's boxers the rest of the way.

All night, staring at the ceiling

Counting for minutes, I'm feeling

This way, so far away and so alone

But you know it's alright, I came to my senses

Let go of my defenses

There's no way I'm giving up this time

Yeah, you know I'm right here

I'm not losing you this time

"What the hell now!?" the raven growled, Naruto twisted under Izaya trying to reach his pants. The raven beat him to it, taking his cell. Growling more upon seeing Shizuo's name was on the screen.

"Yes?" Izaya said innocently while holding Naruto's arms down.

"Is that you Flea?" Shizuo growled, "why do you have his phone, where is he?"

"Who? You have to be more specific Shizu-chan."

"Give it to me now! Damn it!" Naruto said viciously. It was very silent on Shizuo's end.

"Oh I dreamed of the day you would say that to me!" Izaya said ecstatic, knowing full well Naruto didn't mean what he said that way.

"You better not defile Naruto you'll die. Not that I care, I rather not have him see your corpse."

"Listen here Shizu-chan don't try to think that you can tell me what or who to do. I'm fully in control of myself and I love Naruto. If you try to drive a wedge between us I will make you regret it. Do you under-" Izaya said viscously before being cut off by Naruto's lips and his arms around his neck.

"What's wrong Kit?" the raven asked sounding worried.

"I got really happy when you said that you love me so seriously." Kit smiled brightly. Izaya was lost in his smile, Naruto gently took his phone back.

"Hey Shizuo, everything is fine over here. I'm not gonna say don't worry cause you will anyway. I trust Izaya cause I love him too." the elder pulled his drug on to his lap nuzzling his neck.

"Anyway I gotta go, please don't tell mom about this." silence answered him, "Shizuo?"

"Um…" Naruto began to panic.

"When did you tell her?"

"Fifteen minutes ago roughly when I was with Tom." said Shizuo quietly.

"Thanks for the warning. Later." the Halfling hung up after his friend said good bye.

"Celty knows I'm here. I have to go." Izaya pulled Naruto back down and climbed on top.

"I don't care that she knows. What's her problem you're a boy I can't knock you up. Though I would love it if it was physically possible" Naruto was lost in Izaya's ways till the door opened. They both froze up, the raven looked over the back of the couch.

"We don't have to work today. So kindly leave." long pale fingers caressed the tan body under him.

"You are a pain in my ass Orihara. Telling me to come in for work only to be turned away…?" the woman noticed male clothes that her employer and someone else didn't wear on the floor, "I don't want to know. Do you and your… plaything want something, coffee, tea?" Izaya sighed rising from his lover keeping him covered. Naruto sat up, shyly looking at the woman, "Naruto this is my paid slave Namie. Namie this is my lover/boyfriend/plaything Naruto. Play nice. Oh we'll both have hot chocolate." the brunette turned away muttering nonsense toward the kitchen.

"Might as well get dressed, she sure does kill the mood." the raven started covering the blonde first.

A quiet ring sounded from the kitchen. Namie looked at her phone peeved it wasn't her brother.


"Did you see him?"

"Yes I did. It's definitely him, same motorcycle. No mistake."

"Is everything ready?"

"Of course failure won't happen" Namie hung up pouring a clear liquid in to one mug and powder from the cabinet in to the other mug of hot chocolate. She walked back out placing the hot drinks on to the coffee table in front of now fully clothed boys.

"I'm leaving now since you want me gone." Namie took a final look at Naruto before walking out the front door. The blonde picked up the mug that was placed in front of him sniffing it than drank his hot cocoa, Izaya doesn't touch his.

"Izaya I really have to go," Naruto pointed "are you gonna drink that?"

"No I suddenly don't want it." The raven said as he shook his head.

"Give me the mug, I'll put it in the sink for you." The raven took his beloved's hand and put it on own pale face.

"You have it, now what will you do with it?"

"Not what I meant, though…." Naruto kissed Izaya's cheek. A phantom whinny cry was heard outside the building. Izaya sighed deeply, "Damn interruptions."

"N-n-now Celty take it easy I'm sure everything's is fine." said a very worried voice. A black foot long spike pierced the door.

"Mom wait!" came too late as the black rider sliced through the door.

"Really now that was my door, do you know how to knock?" Celty was vibrating with anger as she purposely stalked to a true demon in her mind's eye. The blonde slide in front Izaya.

"Mom relax-" the female stared down Naruto.

Don't tell me to relax! Naruto opened his mouth but got cut off again.

Do you know how worried I was and why are you alone with that demon?!

"He's not a demon he's human."

Demons can appear human young one. Naruto sighed, "I was on my way home." Izaya watched his love commune with the dark rider.

"Shinra how does Naruto understand her without the phone?"

"I don't know how it works, they can carry on full conversations with no trouble. It's truly amazing, he was able to do this since he was a child." Izaya smiled softly, he's a treasure…my treasure.