Clara and Evie arrived around ten that night. They were tired but ecstatic to see their friends. They were surprised to see that Thomas convinced Andrea to come, but pleased all the same. They were even more impressed by Kurt. Clara even remarked how handsome he was in his own kinky blue way. At that comment Andrea had felt a twinge of jealousy in her heart. That and anger. Kurt was hers, and no one was going to claim otherwise.

Now it was 2 am and they were all sitting in the hot tub on the back patio. Everyone was relaxing in the bubbling water except Sam and Olivia, who were more than likely hooking up in their bedroom. Andrea had changed out of her clothing and into a plain and simple deep blue bikini. She found the water helped sooth the stressed muscles out of her lower back. Her hair was twisted on the top of her head with chopsticks to keep it dry. Clara chuckled, leaning against the jet. Each had their perspective corners. Thomas was to her left and Evie sat opposite of Andy; which left the right spot open to Clara. "So tell me Andrea," she paused and waited for her friend to turn her head. "How long have you had the blue hunk?" she questioned.

How their conversation moved from the fashion of ancient civilizations applied to modern style to her servant was beyond her. They seemed overly enthralled with him. As soon as they had arrived, they were all eyes to her slave; especially Clara. She watched him with a hungry look in her eyes. Andrea brushed off the hunk comment and shrugged.

"About seven months."

Clara nodded and drank from her wine cooler. "Interesting." Andrea watched as she turned and looked at him. He was sitting right inside the glass door, ready to move if called. Andy wasn't about to make him sit out in the snow covered patio in case they needed him. She told him to stay in and read; she would call if he was needed. "What nationality is he?"

"German." Andy answered. Clara again nodded. She was much too interested in Kurt for Andy's taste. The way she looked at him turned the woman's stomach. Kurt was hers. When did I start claiming him? She thought. There wasn't a chance to answer herself or even ponder what she started. Clara was beginning another round of questions.

"Do you think he likes being under your," she paused and smirked, "employment." Andrea was a little tired with the questions. The whole point of the hot tub was to relax. She didn't want to think about anything. When it came to Kurt, however, she was always thinking.

"I don't know!" She said in an exacerbated tone. "Ask him yourself." Clara's eyes seemed to light up. She seemed almost too excited. Andy's stomach dropped. She knew that grin and realized she made a mistake.

Clara chimed loudly, "Kurt!" Andy looked over to Thomas. The man held his hands up, shaking his head. He wasn't about to help her. Andrea scowled at him and he just grinned back. She figured this was her punishment for hitting him with the pillow earlier. Kurt came out, leaving his Bible inside. His posture tall as he offered them all his toothy smile that sent little shivers down her spine.

"Yes Miss Clara?" he asked. Clara smiled and twirled her hair in her fingers. Andrea would tell she was undressing him with her eyes. There was to be none of that! He was not Clara's to mentally fuck over. Kurt was hers.

"Do you enjoy working for Andrea?" she questioned him. "Even though she probably took you from all you loved." Andrea scowled at her.

"Clara." She warned. As ditsy as the woman was, she knew better than crossing with a Russo. Kurt let out a chuckle and stepped forward.

He looked right at Andrea. His eyes making her knees quake a little as he looked right into her soul almost. "It is alright mame." He said to Andrea. She relaxed back, watching him a moment. He looked at her and offered Clara a light smile. It was polite; nothing like the heartwarming smile he gave her. "Miss Andrea is a wonderful person to work under." He said. "She has been nothing but good to me." Andrea felt her heart swell a little with pride. Either he meant it or not, that wasn't the issue. He said the right thing. Clara smirked a little at him. There was silence for a moment as she stood up. Water dripped from her as she laid her drink down in the hot tub holder.

"Tell me, Kurt, what you think of this suit?" she asked. "It was bought at a fashion house in Milan. I saw it on my recent trip there and just had to have it." Even Andrea would admit that the two piece suit was beautiful. Dark ruby red material with rhinestone sun embedded on the side of her left breast. The designer label was on the bottoms that settled on her hips. However, the fact she was overly flaunting her slender physique and bought D cup breast irritated Andy. Clara always enjoyed male company that was offered at the House of Russo. Multiple times she had come for a week vacation where she spent each night devouring her chosen company. Clara never seemed to indulge in a single escort for too long. Her moods always changed.

Now it seemed her sights were set on Andrea's personal escort. There was no way in hell that clara was going to get her hands on him. Not if Andy had a say in it, which she did.

"On you," he stated, "Very pretty." That seemed to make the bottle blond very happy. Clara sunk back down into the water. Her eyes intently set on Kurt.

"Andrea, your family never seems to waver in teaching chivalry to the most handsome of men. Tell me Kurt, have you pleased many women at the resort?" she questioned. Andrea's fist curled tightly around her drink. She was ready to set that woman in her place. Thomas must have noticed Andy's irritation. He started to laugh and said,

"Damn Clara! Coming on a little strong aren't we? What happened to that actor you were chasing after?" He asked. Clara simply stuck her tongue out at him.

She flipped her hair back and then stated, "He is filming a movie, so there is no way to get any regular mattress time out of him." She smirked and raised her drink to her lips. "Besides, Andy's family always has such pleasant eye candy. How can I resist?"

Evie laughed. "How come every topic we get on ends up coming back to sex?" she asked. Her smile was sweet. Out of all of them, Evie was the more innocent. Andrea wasn't even sure there was a mean bone in her body. Thomas chuckled. Clara never turned, her eyes locked on Kurt. Andy could tell he was getting cold. His tail was twitching and he was visibly shivering when a breeze rolled through.

"I have no idea." Andrea said.

Thomas interjected, "More than likely because we are a bunch of horny bastards." Andrea silently tapped her nose and pointed to him in agreement. He was right on the dot with that. It seemed like the most accurate war to describe them all. Evie laughed, shaking her head as she covered her mouth.

Clara shushed them. "I want to hear his answer!" she said. Evie chuckled again as Thomas placed his finger in his mouth and pretended to gag. Andrea thanked go for his comic relief, or else her irritation would more than likely consume her and convince her to strangle Clara.

"Clara." Andrea said before Kurt started speaking. "You are going to give my man frost bite with her interrogation out here. Kurt, go inside and warm up." She ordered. Kurt nodded and flicked Andy a grateful glance. He started to turn when Clara stopped him.

"Wait." She ordered. Kurt paused and looked back at them all. Clara turned and said, "I want to talk to him, and I am rather comfortable here. Can he come in the hot tub? He can wear his boxers in here." Andrea knew for certain the only reason she asked that was so she could watch him strip. Not that Andy would mind. She had seen him shirtless many times and it was a pretty sight. But she didn't want Clara to see any bit of what Andy silently claimed as hers.

Kurt quietly cleared his throat. "Forgive me mame," he started. Once again his German accent caused a shiver of pleasure to sink down her spine. "I hate to interrupt, but I don't believe there is enough seating to accommodate me." Andrea exhaled. He must have seen the unpleasant look on her face when Clara suggested that. Andrea offered him a light smile. She was thankful for his interjection.

"That is okay. I can sit in your lap." She directed to Kurt.

"NO!" All heads turned to stare right at Andrea. Clara's eyebrow was raised in question. Thomas was grinning ear to ear. Even Kurt's eyes were reflecting slight shock. Damn it, did she say that out loud? Andrea's cheeks were burning dangerously to the point of combustion. She couldn't out right reveal that she had feeling for the man. That was not appropriate. She was certain that Thomas already figured it out. Now she had to cover her tracks with the random outburst. "He is my servant. Besides, I have a knot in my back that I have been meaning to work out." She hoped that it would be enough for Clara. The woman simply shrugged.

"Suit yourself. He is your man." Her lips were pursed together and displeasure obvious on her features. She wasn't going to argue. She couldn't. Andrea's family was above hers in influence and wealth. To disagree would be an unwise decision on more than one level. Clara's smile then again tugged at her lips. She turned and gave Kurt a look so sleazy it made Andrea want to gag. "Strip and come join us." Could she have made it sound any dirtier?

Kurt chuckled and then nodded. "As you wish." There was something about to those words and how he spoke them that made a shiver run through her. His eyes lifted, looking onto Andrea's. Her stomach fluttered again as she watched him grasp the edge of the shirt he was wearing and pulled it over his head. Andrea might have gasped. She wasn't certain. All thoughts were reeling with the look of the mutant in front of her. His chest was chiseled and cut, like the first time she saw him shirtless in her sitting room. His three fingered hands then drifted to his belt. Somewhere between the breath catching in her chest and her heart stopping, Kurt had undressed and kicked his shoes off.

"You are drooling." Thomas told her quietly. Andrea automatically reached up and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. When no saliva met flesh, she turned and scowled at him. Bastard caught her staring! Question was, did Kurt? Andrea glared at Thomas and then turned to Kurt. He was smirking right at her. He did. Damn. Damn Damn. Clara, who hadn't noticed Andrea, smiled and beckoned him in with her hand.

"come on in. There is so much I want to ask you." She said, Kurt nodded and shimmied out of his pants. Oh…dear…gods. She couldn't think. Her mind spun with the image of him standing there in his underwear. He was so gorgeous. His thighs were thick and filling out the cotton of his boxer shorts. It showed its obvious strength all the way down to his three toed feet. His tail swayed behind him and the tip of it twitched occasionally. Her eyes trailed upwards across the washboard planes of his stomach to his face. He was watching her. His golden eyes locked on her. His lips pulled back in a smirk that sent a tingling shiver down her spine.

"With your permission." He said with a rumble to his deep voice. Goosebumps rolled over her skin despite the heat from the water bubbling around her.

She almost couldn't find the words. They wanted to form on her tongue. They didn't. She wanted his touch. She wanted to whisper his name as his pure masculinity pressed against her. Andy knew she should feel guilt. The strength of the feelings she had for him been wrong. Mistress and servant never had a place together in the opulent society she grew up in. Still, every day in his presence made her yearn for him. Crave him. She felt a new level of understanding and living the more they were around each other.

Andy inhaled and finally managed to speak. "Granted." Her voice came out in a breathy tone. He smirked and then stepped into the hot tub. She found herself becoming suddenly jealous of those boxers rubbing against his crotch. Oh the things she would do if she was that pair of boxers! Her cheeks flushed a deep shade at the sudden dirty thought. Kurt entered the tub and came to stand in front of her. Andrea scrambled to her feet, careful not to slip on the smooth bottom.

His head tilted down, taking a moment to gaze right at her. The sparkle in his eye caused her to suppress a moan. He looked as if he would devour her right there and then. It made her knees weak just thinking about it. She could imagine Kurt tasting the most intimate place on her person; her head twisting back and forth with the ultimate sighs of pleasure. He must have caught her train of thought. He chuckled and reached up to tuck a fallen wisp of hair back behind her ear. His fingertips grazed against her cheek. She almost melted right there. 'You look flushed Madame." His voice was a soothing purr. "Maybe you should be careful, for your health of course." He added the next part just loud enough for her to hear. "We would not want you getting over heated."

Mother fucker! She almost melted right there. Her breathe hitched in her chest. Her knees shook. Not to mention the un-lady like ache between her thighs. 'I…" there was a pause. She collected herself before coming back with, "I am fine Mr. Wagner. Please sit." He didn't hesitate.

"As you wish." He whispered. She sighed a little, her eyes dropped half open as he moved around her to lower himself down into the seat. Andy seemed frozen in place for some moments. She could smell him over the scent of the hot tub. He was musky, sexy and 100% male. Couple that with his charming personality and the face he was built in a perfect give-a-girl-a-wet-dream body and Kurt Wagner was one hell of a man. Her man. Andy moved to sit in his lap with his hand on her waist to guide her down. She noticed, right before she made contact with his hips, that his hands were the perfect size.

"So Kurt!" Clara chirped. "You obviously have a sexy outer mutation," Andy felt her gaze narrow at Clara. She wasn't jealous that her friend was outwardly gawking. She just wanted Clara to know that Kurt was hers and she wasn't going to share. 'But what else can you do?" Kurt's hands slid up Andy's back. Her anger melted. She couldn't help it. The way his fingers applied pressure into her muscles relaxed her and sent her a flame a well. Her body relaxed back against him. Even as he spoke, his movement never relaxed.

"I have many talents." His thick German accent filled with pride. "I have the ability to teleport along with being Munich circuses' best acrobat! They called me, 'The Nightcrawler'." Andrea felt a swell of that same pride rush through her. She had chosen one hell of a man. Her Nightcrawler. It most certainly had a nice ring to it. Her eye scanned over the faces of her companions. Clara's eyes were lit with a mischief that gave Andy the urge to blond her with a hot spoon.

"So that means you are flexible?" she questioned. Andy knew where she was going with this. She didn't like it. The brunette pressed her lips together in a bit to remain silent. No need to create tension or start a scene. Kurt was all hers. Soon Clara would come to realize that and back the hell off.

Kurt's hands wandered down. They left her back and took a slight detour. She felt a groan catch in her throat. His large hands danced a moment over her hips and the tops of her thighs. A little pleasure shock slipped over her legs. It zipped right to her core and caused her whole body to tingle.

"Very flexible." He said. Andrea felt him lean in a tad closer and whisper, "In all aspects." Those images flashed through her mind like an erotic slideshow. She could picture it now. A naked, cut and blue Kurt positioned over her, bending her and her legs in various and run new ways. The next reaction was involuntary. She whimpered and wiggled in his lap a little to shake off the tingle in her lower abdomen. Andy never realized the meaning behind Kurt's own groan and tightening grip on her hips.

"You must show off that talent soon." Clara exclaimed. Andy half smiled. She wouldn't mind seeing that. However, there was no way in the bright lights of hell she ever let Clara see that. He was hers.

Kurt merely nodded and went to move his hands to her back. She didn't want the loss of his hands there. To put it bluntly, it had been a while since anyone but her had their hand that low. It had been a long while. Kurt brought that familiar aching heat back to her thighs. She reached down and stopped him. She didn't need to say it out loud. She squeezed his hand and then passed his hand on her hip again. That got the message across. Andy wanted him close to her. She wanted his touch and to feel that he was hers in a way. He waited until they were not at the center of attention. Clara was pouring another drink and Thomas was talking to Evie about something Andy didn't bother to ease drop and find out about. She felt Kurt's lips press against the back of her shoulder. It made her smile automatically. She couldn't help it. She didn't even care who saw. "I am not going anywhere Andrea." He whispered.

That had to be the best thing he could have ever said to her. His name came out in a breathless whisper. 'Kurt." She murmured. It was shocking and wonderful how well his name sounded on her lips.

He must have thought so to. "Remind me to make you say my name in that fashion more often." He teased. She bit her lower lip and squirmed in his lap. Kurt had rolled his thumb so close to her bikini line. It caused shivers of need to simply wash over her. Not to mention the naughty cravings running in her mind of his fingers dipping inside of her. Her toes curled. She could feel his hands sprayed over her outer thighs. His touch was gripping and holding her down against him. A strangled groan choked in his throat. She didn't fully understand why until she shifted again on his lap. His semi-hard erection pressed again the soft cheeks of her rear. Her cheeks burned with a flush.

Oh God!


If she wasn't aroused enough, that did it for her. She felt that list fill her to the rim. It bubbled in her core and caused a twisting in her stomach. She felt empty. And in realist, she had to force herself to not think of the various ways that Kurt could help her with that particular problem.

"Kurt." She whispered. Andrea turned her head slightly as to look at him. He had his lips pushed together and eyes partially closed. His ears slicked back a little. It looked like he was attempting to hold back. She didn't want him to. Did she? As much as she longed for him to twist her around and take what he obviously wanted, it was not her goal to create any gossip in the workplace. And Clara was the king, queen and jack of gossip.

"Yes Lady Andrea?" he gasped.

She smirked a little at him. Just because she was incredibly turned on didn't mean that she had to show it. That would just be a victory in the flirts court. Now it was her turn. If he wanted to be a flirting tease, she would play that strategy as well. Game on.

"Are you happy to see me?" She asked. Andy then purposely dug her hips down against him. His fingers tighten in her smooth flesh. A grunt caught in his throat. Andy still heard. It made the corners of her mouth twitch. She couldn't laugh. It would pull Clara's attention and cut her fun short.

"I…" he paused. "I am certain that is more than obvious." She turned around and nestled her back against his chest. His arms wrapped around her middle. She did miss his palms against her legs. However, the way he held her way not only protective but possessive as well. His hips rose a little to meet hers. She withheld a whimper. His cock pulsed and strained against his boxers right to her sweet core. She could feel him, all of him, fucked up against her. Andy could tell he was not a small man. Oh no, he was very blessed. "The question is," he said with a strained voice as she grinded down against him again. "Do you enjoy my attention?"

Andy laughed. "It is alright." She said back. Kurt chuckled. His arm tightened around her. Her eyebrows knitted in confusion. What was he doing?

"I think you like it a little more than that." He whispered.

She bit her lower lip. "What makes you so certain of that?"

Kurt then released an arm from around her and traced his hand along her inner thigh. Fuck. Fuck. Oh fuck! Her body shivered as she closed her eyes. What the hell was he doing? His fingertips dipped inside her bikini line and right into her folds. Andy bit her lip so hard to keep from crying out that she tasted blood. The iron flavor spread over her tongue. For a moment, she couldn't breathe. Her lungs caught in her chest and seemed to constrict with lack of oxygen. Fuck! That felt insanely good. Her core throbbed with head and need as his fingers traced up and down. His arm had around her so she couldn't squirm to much. "I believe this is all the evidence I need." He grumbled in her ear.

She couldn't anything. The moment that she would open her mouth, she knew that whimpers and cries of pleasure would escape her. That is why she kept her lips clamped shut. Little whimpers managed to slip past her defenses. Thank goodness Clara's big mouth drowned out her noises so only Kurt could hear. Her hips squirmed against his touch. God it felt so fucking good. The way he lazily stroked up and down her slit. He would pause occasionally and swirl around her clit for a brief moment that was missed the moment that he pulled his touch from that bundle of nerves. It took a lot of his strength to hold her from wriggling form still. Wave upon wave of pleasure rocked through her core and spread over her body. She had forgotten how long it really had been. Her nipples pebbled and pressed against the soaked cloth of her bikini top. They were begging to be touched. Any felt her thighs shake as his finger trailed down from her sensitive nub. Automatically, her thighs parted to allow him deeper access to her most sensitive and private area. He chuckled. She could feel the rumble against her back. She did so enjoy his laugh.

"Eager are we?" he whispered. She nodded slightly. This was something she was very eager to feel. Thank every god worshiped that it was dark and the jets created a small blanket of bubbles to hide their rather explicit activities. That and the fact Clara was drunk.

Clara was slurring about something. Andrea wasn't sure. About a guy? The woman was hitting that 'gone' mark. She never had a chance to really hear what Clara was bitching about. Kurt's finger slid deeply inside her. Her whole body clamped down around his digit. A strangled groan bubbled from her throat. Sweet god that felt incredible! He sunk inside her to his knuckle waiting for her to adjust to his touch. Andy reached down to grip his forearm with her hand. She needed to have a solid balance as her hips squirmed against him. His throbbing erection still pressed against the soft mounds of her rear. He occasionally rolled his hips up, allowing her to feel all of him. Andy closed her eyes and sighed silently with pleasure. Her feet flexing as she opened her legs to allow him more access.

He took advantage of that. He started to pump his fingers in and out of her, dragging his touch over her pleasure sensors. Her body shivering with delight as little electric pulses danced over her thighs and inside her lower abdomen. Her walls clenched around him as the pleasure continued to shake her.

"Andy!" Thomas shouted at her. Andrea's eyes popped open and looked at her friend. She felt the overwhelming need to slap him. He had this smug smirk on his face as if he knew what was going on. Her cheeks heated as Kurt slowed the pumping inside her. This at least allowed her mind and verbal skills to find each other again.

"Yes?" she croaked out.

As Thomas spoke, the beauty was finding it a bit hard to keep her hips from riding him. She wanted to feel that pleasure push her over the edge. After all it felt so right. "Evie and I are going to take drunky to bed." She nodded her understanding. She couldn't breathe again. Kurt was flexing his finger inside her. His knuckle and fingertips messaged against her g-spot. Her toes clenched as she hiked in a breath. It was getting very hard to breathe.

"Okay." She managed to squeak loudly. Thomas laugh and gave a nod to Kurt. The German behind her just laughed and said,

"Gute Nacht Herr Thomas."

Thomas laughed, "Night to you to Kurt."

Andy watched as Evie and Thomas pulled a drunk and disorderly Clara out the hot tub. The bottle blond was stumbling and laughing, calling Andy a lucky bitch before all three disappeared inside. The heiress almost wished they would come back because there was a fear that she would lose all sense of boundaries with her and her servant. Not that some boundaries weren't being broken at this moment. They were. However sleeping with him would have been a really big problem.

As his finger twisted and drove inside her, Andy knew she was teetering on the brink of the forbidden. The pleasure was overwhelming. Andy choked back a cry of delight. She heaved forward groaning loudly. Kurt held her by the waist to keep her in place. His knees locked under hers and pulled her thighs wider apart. Better access for him to give her mind numbing pleasure. His fingers plummet inside her at an increasing pace. Her body was shaking with the intensity of it all. Her walls clamp down on his fingers. Her hips rolled back and forth; riding his palm as she held back every moan and gasp of pleasure.

Kurt leaned down and kissed her shoulder. 'Andrea." He whispered. 'Let it go. Let all your stress go." He was encouraging her pleasure. He was urging her to climax. How could she stop herself? His thumb circled her sensitive nub and his finger pumped quicker than she thought possible. Her breathing came out in heavy gasps. Her thighs shaking violently and her inner walls clamped down on him.

"Kurt…Kurt…" she moaned out. Her stomach twisted tighter and threatened to snap at the increasing pleasure.

"Let go." As he said that his thumb pressed down and applied pressure. She exploded. Her climax slammed against her with full force. A cry escaped over her lips as she almost slumped forward. His movement never ceased as Andy's whole body started to shake with her orgasm. Black lined the edge of her vision before she closed her eyes. Her heart raced and she couldn't breathe. The delight and heat that spread through her entire form. Andy went to the moon and back more than once. The climax the most intense she ever felt before by any of her previous lovers.

She groaned. "Oh fuck." She panted as he finally withdrew his finger from her. Kurt wrapped both arms around her and nuzzled her neck. His form was so solid against her own which continued to tremble. She never felt so….so… safe. Yes. Safe.

"Was that good for you?" he questioned. "Because I aim to please my beautiful mistress." A shiver ran down her spine. Oh dear Lord! His voice was a deep rumble that rocked her while they cradled against one another. This was so perfect.

The water jetted around them, churning the soothing water around them both. Her head tilted back, laying her head on his shoulder. Her breathing had calmed in relation to her coming off her sexual high. Kurt continued to kiss her and spoil her with feather like touches. "Kurt…I…" The realization hit her about what just happened. Not to mention with whom it happened. She was able to admit to herself that she had grown very affectionate for the blue mutant. She had even gotten possessive. But even though her body and dreams craved his body, Andy knew that any relationship between the two was so forbidden. Her body jumped from his touch launching herself across the hot tub. Her body twisted causing her butt to land on the seat across from him. Kurt's face was frozen in bewilderment as he looked right at her.

"I can't do this." She whispered. Andy meant to keep a confidence in her tone, but that failed completely. Her tone was rough and tense. Saying this caused her chest to constrict. It was almost like she couldn't breathe. She didn't want to say it. God she wanted to fall into his arms and make love to him right there in the hot tub. But she couldn't….damn it… "This is not going to happen. You are a servant and I am your master." She said. Her legs trembled as she managed to stand. Her knees were weak. "You will dry off and sleep on the couch tonight Mr. Wagner."

Kurt looked as if he had gotten shot. His eyes widening and his mouth hung open in shock. Hurt and confusion radiated in his gaze. Andy's lips pressed together. She was feeling the same thing. Her mind was shouting that this was wrong. Her body was screaming for her to throw herself at him and beg for him to take her. Her mind was currently winning. "Mame." He said. His voice edged a little with concern and worry. "I am so sorry mame, I just thought…"

What she said next was certainly an arrow to both their hearts. "You don't think Mr. Wagner. You do as you are told." Her words shaking as she scrambled from the hot tub and grabbed a towel. The freezing snow covered the deck and barely registered to her as she backed towards the door. Her hand fumbled to find the doorknob behind her. "You are my servant." She repeated that. Andy was trying more to remind her of his role than him. "There can…." She paused and gulped. "There can be nothing between us."

Andy then left Kurt standing there in the snow with his brow furrowed and a more than crushed look on his face.