Hello! So this is my first ever fan fiction, I can only ever say that once so I thought I'd state it loud and clear. So please, be gentle. I know I'm not that great but I'm having fun and to me that's what it's all about (may or may not be listening to the Hokey Pokey right now…. Don't judge me on that!)

This is a little something that started to float around in my head in the middle of the night just before a very, very important exam (procrastination even occurs in my dreams!) so I wrote it all down and I hope anyone who reads it can enjoy it.

Before i start… I have to say that I do not own Glee or anything to do with it, that all belongs to (now let me see, *searches through list of awesome people* J.K Rowling?… no not her, Russell T Davis?… no not him, …where… oh here!) Ryan Murphy and his jolly band of misfits that's them!

This one is for all the Rory fans out there! Enjoy!


"No! No I don't want to go, you can't make me!" A little girl, only eight years old, stood at the top of the stairs in her home in Ireland, screaming at her mother. She stomped her tiny feet as the tears trickled down her face.

"Abby baby, I know you don't want to go but we have to. Daddy has a very important job to do over in America which means we have to move there," her mother explained as gently as possible. Abby didn't care much for gentleness at that point. She almost wished that her mother would yell and scream just like she did, at least then she wouldn't have to feel like the only person upset about all of this.

"Why? Why do we have to move too? Can't you and me and Danny stay here while Daddy works?" she asked a little more calmly. She watched as her mother shook her head very sadly.

"But then we'd never see daddy and you'd miss him. We're a family Abby, and families stick together."

Abby looked up at the family portrait on the wall. There was her mother, smiling proudly with a one year old Daniel sitting on her knee. Next to her sat a sixteen year old Katherine, Abby's older half-sister and behind Katherine stood her older half-brother Conner who, at the time of the picture, had just turned turned twenty and moved in with his girlfriend of two years. As her eyes moved to the final two figures in the portrait, she felt as though she might start to cry again. Next to Conner stood her father, tall and proud like any other army man and clutching a beaming Abby tightly to his side. The picture had been taken just over two years ago and she would have given anything to go back to that moment but she knew that she couldn't.

"What about Conner and Katie?" she asked in a small, choked voice. "They're our family too but they're not coming with us."

"Oh sweetie of course they're our family but Katie just started college and now that Conner is married he has to stay here with Lucy," her mother explained.

Abby thought about not seeing her brother and sister and sighed. She loved them but she could never move away from her Daddy. She loved him more than anyone else in the world and she knew that she could never live without him.

"Is America a nice place?" She asked nervously. Her mother only smiled and took her by the hand, leading her into her room.

"I'll tell you all about it while we pack."

Three weeks later, Abby stood surrounded by boxes and almost ready to leave her home in Ireland.

"I wish you didn't have to go." A young dark haired boy pouted as he stood in the living room of the house next door to his own. He crossed his arms over his little chest, frowning rather comically.

Abby laughed a little sadly and pulled him in for an awkward kind of hug. She was going to miss him, even if he did have boy germs.

"I don't want to go Rory, but Mummy said that Daddy is so good at being in the army over here that the Americans need his help over there," she told him excitedly. "And America is pretty great too, or it looks pretty great on TV, and San Diego sounds cool." She was rambling and she knew it but she had to try as hard as she could to convince herself that America would be just as good as Ireland or she'd never be able to say goodbye.

The two children held onto their clumsy embrace for a few more moments before breaking apart and simply staring at each other. They were complete opposites in almost every way but that never stopped them from being best friends.

Rory Flanagan was average height for his age, but still a little taller than his friend and even at eight years old it was clear that he was going to be what the adults called a 'looker' whatever that meant. His dark brown hair was always sticking up at odd angles and his smile was often said to light up a room but it was his eyes that captivated everyone who saw him. They were a magnificent shade of bright blue that one simply could never find the words to describe.

Abigail Moore, on the other hand was short and pale and altogether rather plain. Her dark brown hair fell completely straight and shiny to the middle of her back, contrasting with her porcelain skin and matching here chocolate brown eyes. Although there was nothing special or stunning about her, there was something quite captivating about the way she smiled and even at eight she had a way of drawing attention to herself.

"Do you think you'll like it?" Rory asked suddenly.

"Huh?" She had to think for a second before she remembered the reason they were both standing there. "Oh yeah, I'll get used to it. Nothing will be any fun without you though," she admitted bashfully. She could have sworn she saw a blush creep onto his cheeks but he quickly changed the subject.

"Yeah, and the call football 'soccer' over there, that might be weird."

The two giggled like the little children they were and just as Abby was about to ask him if he wanted to go outside for a bit, a voice called her from the next room.

"Abby honey, come and say goodbye to everyone. We have to leave soon!"

She felt her stomach twist a little at the thought of going so soon but she marched into the kitchen anyway. The room was crowded with people. Everyone from Rory's parents, his twin sisters and his older brother to Abby's parents along with Katie, Conner and Daniel had gathered there to say their goodbyes.

Katie smiled down at her and Rory as they walked in.

"Where have you two been?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Nowhere," the both replied at once. This earned then a grin from Conner.

"Oh yes? Just getting some privacy were you?" for an eighteen year old and a twenty-two year old they teased her as if they were much younger, but it was all in good fun.

The teasing was cut short however by the long ad miserable task of goodbyes.

When everyone had said their farewells, Abby stood on the front porch and waved goodbye until the Flanagan's were out of sight. Without a word to anyone she swiped away a silent tear and marched back inside to finish the last of her packing. It wasn't that sad after all, Rory was her best friend, surely they would keep in touch.

"They'll never be able to keep us apart for long," she told herself in that determined voice. "Never, ever, ever!"

Hope you all liked that. There's more to come if you did :) ~Polly