A/N: It is time I've exited the slump I've been having and get back into business. I owe you guys all this update for being so patient.

Thank you for the comforting and entertaining PM's, the reviews to remind me there still are readers, and the casual push for a new chapter.

No promises for the releases to come but I will do my upmost to get back into a routine that will include regular updates. Until I can get back into routine of my mass updates, I'll be releasing at least 3 chapters every Friday. Those chapters I'll give everyone the option of choosing by reviews received on the stories since people have mentioned that not everyone can vote on poll unless they have an account. Deadline of review count will be Mondays. If anything ties, I may or may not make an exception and release an extra chapter on Fridays.

Animelover4ever69- Yes they are conniving but they are lovable and dear. Ryoma has always been a bit about himself when troubles deal with him so he's a bit clueless.

Denizen of the night- Maybe I should mention that huh? LOL Well It continues off where Subtle Ways ends. Perhaps I should revamp summary as well then to attract more Thrillers XD

MARYLOVER- I suppose that's what happens when you start settling in and running the same routines.

As Time Goes By

Rated: M

Summary: Ryoma finds that with Fuji, there is no happily ever after… especially when raising a team of boys, visits from nosey friends and new rivals.

Ch V: Headed Out

Seigaku Middle School

Tokyo. Japan

Ryoma was convinced he wasn't angry or bothered in the least that Syuusuke was not here to send him or Ryo off. For all Ryoma cared, he could stew in his anger all he wants because Ryoma was way too busy to be babysitting another baby who needed attention constantly.

HE had to make sure he was going to train these two teams to the top. They were his boys and he was one hundred percent focused to make sure they walk out of this training camp with the skills they needed to carry their schools to Nationals.

"Dad, are you-"Ryo started from the hall.

"No I'm not frustrated,"Ryoma said cutting Ryo off. "Syuusuke is just bust visiting his family and there's nothing wrong."

Ryo didn't say more. His father trying to justify the problem was telling enough that it bothered him. Especially since Ryo was only going to ask if he was done and nothing about his other father.

Ryo sighed and wondered if both fathers were being too stubborn for their own good that they couldn't even apologize or touch on the subject.



Frustrated…. Yeah he could sit here and freely admit that Ryoma had frustrated him to the max these last couple of days and YES, he was lonely but he wasn't going to give in.

Besides, he wasn't lonely in the least here with Yuuta. Yuuta filled that loneliness and kept him busy so there was no reason to even think that when he went home tonight Ryoma would not be home. In fact, no one would be home and he'd be alone.

Yuuta, on the other hand, viewed his brother's ever changing expression on his face and knew there was something wrong because for the first time in a long time, he had come over but barely gave him attention. Usually Syuusuke would be off the wall crazy in his antics to make him angry or at the very least, tease him to distraction! … not that he wanted his brother too but something was definitely off and Yuuta was pretty sure it dealt with the bratty partner of his brothers.

A/N: We'll get to see the boys and Ryoma next chapter.