It was about 10am in game time and a well adorned man in a pure white armor was walking through a large hall way in Mora's newly constructed Royal Palace. He had been staring incessantly at all of the decorations on the walls for the last hour.
"The chandelier alone is 1450 gold, the porcelain pot is 500 gold, rose like painting frame is of pure gold so 730 gold, painting is of a view of the beach from a hill by some
famous artist I've never heard of and has been reported to be some 1120 gold. AND YET MY SISTER AND I COULD HAVE MADE ALL OF THIS BY OURSELVES FOR LESS THEN HALF THAT! Argh! When I find the little bastard who
bought all of this I'll wring him for all he's worth and then put him to work for the rest of his-"

"Um...Your majesty? There's something I'd like to discuss with-"

"WHAT IS IT? Can't you see that I'm deep in thought? screamed Weed as he turned around to see who was interupting him as he was contemplating the various Chinese torture methods he had read about before(He read a book about it in front of Zephyr when he came over to his house to see his sister. Needless to say it scared the crap out of him and reinforced the idea of not crossing this man or making his sister cry)

His eyes met an old stuttering man in his late 80s who was cowering and on the verge of tears "W-w-Well you's about the Mora's current state."
"Eh? Town elder? Ah...I'm so sorry...I was thinking about the recent battle I had with the Demon in Rodrick's Labrinth" said Weed as he bowed in apology several times. Harn loved his grandmother dearly because of all the long years she had spent looking after him and his sister. He reflected this deep respect and love toward anyone elderly he came across.
"Ah yes the battle with the fierce demon and the conquering of the said to be impossible labrinth! Do you know it's the talk of the city right now? Numerous knights, priests, paladins, and players have come to Mora after hearing of your great conquest!"

Hmm...that's good, increase in numbers means a more consumers and an increase in revenue due to the tax system
"So what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Harn felt that the old man was prepared to ramble about this accomplishment for several hours if not stopped. As much as Harn cared for the elderly, right now he was Weed. Lord of Mora and a man had to figure out a way to
re-stabalize the economy after the large expenditure on the royal palace.
"The smith is running low on supplies, there's been an increase of fish coming in from some of the villages which is good, but the wheat and other food supplies have been a bit slower this year. I fear that we may have to import from other cities and increase the tax rate."

Argh...more things to think about. I can't decrease funding to the blacksmiths because their armor and weapons will be vital for the eventual battle with Hermes and Embinyu denomination but I can't increase the tax rate just yet since it's only been a few months since the last one...
"Transfer 4 squads to the fishing town and 5 squads to Bar Kahn's castle and hire some orcs there to work with them. The mountains near Bar Kahn's castle have numerous monsters so we can kill those for meat and transfer them to the areas we need.
Along with getting in some basic training they'll also be able to increase their strength by mining in the nearby areas for minerals. Also Increase the funding for the Navy and begin building ships at the nearby fishing town so that we can later increase the amount of fish caught.

"Understood. But there's also this other matter we need to talk about."
"The current king of Rosenheim kingdom has invited you to a ball room dancing event held at their castle. It's supposed to be a celebration of the recapture of Rosenheim kingdom and they want you to be the guest of honor for the event."
"Tell them that I can't go then. I have to go to Bar Kahn's castle in order to get everything in order for the knight squadron and give them a little more training before they hunt on their own."
"Hm...very well then, I'll send them a message that you are unable to go. So sad, I had heard that there was an increase in jewelry in Rosenheim kingdom to. How beautiful it would have been to see all those noble ladies dancing with their necklaces shining on their pale white skin."
"Yes. There have been a string of newly found diamond, saphire, and gold mines found near their kingdom."

At this time Harn's mind began calculating the amount of average income generated from each of said mines and how much gold could be gained after crafting them into bracelets and necklaces to be sold in the Mora market or in other kingdoms through Mapan's numerous merchant shops.

"Change of plans. Tell the king that I'll be more than happy to go to the event."
Money money money~! There's money to be made! Not to mention the amount of experience I'll get after clearing the surrounding area of monsters and claiming the mine as my own!

"Understood, your majesty. The dance will take place in two days. I recommend going to one of the clothes shops near Wyvern plaza, it's been said that there's an advanced level Taylor who's in the middle of his master quest. Also, it would be wise to go accompanied. But...ah...that's probably needless. You must have thousands of women fawning over you! Hahaha, to be young again..."
Bah who needs to hire a tailor, it's much cheaper to make the clothes yourself. Though, I'd better go to the mall after shopping for groceries so I can steal-err...learn from their great designs. kukuku.
But who on earth am I suppose to bring to accompany me to the ball? Thought Weed as he parted ways with the town elder and continued walking down the hallway.

At this time the answer came to Harn not as a flash of inspiration but a massive tackle by Maylon, Pale, Mapan, Irene, Romune, Surka, Hwaryung, Zephyr and his own sister whose game name was Violations.
"Take us with you!"
"I'll help you make a profit from all of the items and jewelry you get/make from the mines!"
"I'll teach your soldiers the art of fishing by any means necessary if you bring us along!"
"There's this gorgeous dress I've wanted to wear in public for a while!"
Last but not least was his sister who was making puppy eyes at him while squeezing the life out of him with a bear hug.

"Alright, Alright. I'll take everyone along to Rosenheim kingdom...but all of you had better earn your keep! We'll move out first thing tomorrow morning."
All of the girls had begun to hold hands and spin around as though they were possessed and chanted "Yipee! We're going to a ball!"
"Um...but,how am I suppose to bring my wagon along?" Said Mapan after several seconds. A wagon was essential for any Merchant when going to a far off location and he was unwilling to part with it after all of the tough journeys he had went through with it.
"'s a very heavy object and Violations picture shifting can't transfer it so...I guess you'll just have to be sent via air transport."
"Air transport? Did Royal Road have that?" asked Mapan questionably
"hm? Of course! Have you already forgotten about Tori's bats? He can easily transport you and all of your cargo to Rosenheim kingdom in a matter of hours. Of course he's going to have to drink some of your blood midway through the trip since it's a large distance"

At this time Mapan started to look at the ground and rub his neck with his right hand. During the battle with Shire and the undead legion Mapan was used as a battery for Tori so that he could regain his mana and continue fighting. Needless to say, the memory of having your neck drilled into by two large fangs while suspended some 20 miles above ground was horrifying and he had since tried to block it from his memory.
"Okay...guess there's that way. Ah! How about if Bingryong or some of the Wyvern's carried me there instead? All of them are more than large enough" said Mapan as he raised his head at the thought
Unfortunately Weed had long since turned his back and continued down the hallway, crushing Mapan's only hope and leaving him to his fate.

Just as he was about to turn the corner he felt a tug at his sleeve and almost fell backward.
" what is it?" asked Weed as he slowly turned around. To his surprise he found a beautiful woman with deep red hair and pale skin staring up at him while holding onto his sleeve with both hands. Seoyoon!
He was struck speechless as this one of a kind beauty tightened her grip on his arm and stared upwards into his eyes while pouting.
Weed could only lean backward in surprise and utter "gu..." while clutching his heart. Her expression clearly said "Me to...I want to go to."
"Alright you can come to..." muttered Harn as he turned his head to the right to avoid her gaze. With that she let go of his hand and walked down the stairs with a slight smile on her face after she turned away from Weed.

Several seconds later Weed was banging his head against a wall in a far off part of the castle.
"Gah! Why did I do that~~~!She must be tricking me again, just like she did that one time when we fought the undead dragon! Her goal must be to get her hands on the mine. Hmph! Like I'll let you steal from me what is mine!
That's right, I won't be tricked!" cried Weed as he shook a fist at the skies

Meanwhile Seoyoon was still smiling as she shopped around Binryung Plaza in search of a suitable dress and items to bring on the quest.
"It's been so long since we went on a journey together..." While in the mist of happiness Seoyoon had forgotten to put on her cloak as per usual so as not to draw attention to herself.
Several men around the plaza were awestruck at her beauty and stopped in their tracks immediately upon seeing her. Some of them had even fallen to the ground after being pushed aside by strangers but they didn't care, they just continued to stare at her as she walked by.

"kuuk! What beauty..."
"Where did she come from?"
"I must have her...anyone who gets in the way shall die!"
"I must propose to her!"
All of the men began to fight each other in order to get closer to her and eventually a dog fight broke out.
The only thing that could be heard as the sound of slaps ringing out and screaming from the plaza as things settled down a bit.

"You cheat!"
"What? You said you were going to marry me! You were even on your knees a few seconds ago!"
"What does she have that I don't?"

" for one thing?" said some of the men
*smack smack smack* *kick* "FIREBALL!"

"Besides, look at her hand. She has a ring on which means she's already married."

At this time not just the men on the ground because of their girlfriends/wives but all of the men in the plaza turned their heads in unison to look at Seoyoon's hand.
As for Seoyoon...she was completely oblivious to all of this and was just carrying a bag of groceries while humming.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" said a man as a stream of tears ran down his eyes.
"why god...why...! I've been an honorable man..."(Really? You were about to propose to another girl a few seconds ago lol)
"We must kill this bastard who dares to take away our goddess!" screamed a warrior as he raised up his broadsword.
"YEAH!" yelled all of the men present

Weed: "Achoo! Bah...bad luck as always."
"Sir, there's a small mob at Bingryong Plaza. they seem to be screaming random things among which was 'Kill he who took away our goddess'. What are your orders?" asked a royal knight in an armor made of pure steel.
"Reoncile with them by trying to find the source of the problem and negotiating. Then force them to disperse. If all else fails, have Rover tackle every one of them. He's been getting a little fat lately."
"Sir, yes sir! Come on guys!" and a group of 60 knights began marching toward the plaza.

At night time:

While Mapan was screaming/being transported through the air by Tori there was a small uproar in one of their nearby forest hunting grounds.

"Master! Master! I have great news!"
Geomchi "Hm? What is it? We're still in the middle of eating dinner(All Barley bread) and then are going to continue hunting for another 5 hours."
Geomchi and all of the other swordsmen disliked sleeping in Inn's feeling that it would dull their instincts. So they decided to stay outside so that they would always be at the ready.
"It seems that there's going to be a party at Rosenheim kingdom where lots of people are going to be dancing in dresses. Brother Weed was invited and some of his friends have already started heading towards the city."
*gasp* "Brothers we not miss this event! We must begin heading toward Serabourg immediately(Capital of Rosenheim kingdom where Weed started out)
Geo34chi: "But why? Won't it be only old people there?"
Geomchi: "Idiot! Serabourg is filled with beautiful women, especially the upper class women who will be attending the ball. Have you already forgotten Serena's beauty?(Girl from Serabourg who ran a flower shop. Geomchi and all 500 friends helped build her flower shop in volume 6) Imagine how beautiful the ladies at the ball will be!"
After some thought all of the students yelled "To Serabourg!"
"But master, how are we going to get there in time? The ball starts in 2 days and it's all the way in central continent(They're still at Mora which is in the north continent) Not to mention the fact that we have to be dressed in a tuxedo in order to enter..."
All of the swordsman and instructors usually spent their money on food or equipment. They never bothered saving up and just survived from the land.

"None of that matters! Real men do not give up so easily, they just give everything their all and crush any obstacles in their way!"
Awestruck the trainees could only agree and yell "Yeah!" while raising their swords into the air.
"We will begin a nonstop march toward Central continent right now and cut down anything in the way. Afterward, we can sneak in through the east entrance of the castle and scale some of their walls/rooftops to avoid security, and just knock out some of the upper class men going in and take turns wearing his clothes so we can go inside."
"To the death penalty!"(I still feel like this means "To the extreme!" lol)
"For the ladies!"

Currently, there was a female orc staring dumbfounded at this group of men who had just decided to cross some 20,000 miles worth of land and desert all for a ball.
It was Seecwhi(think this is the name), aka Dr. Cha who is Seoyoon's friend/therapist in real life.
"How is it that they can come up with such a great idea of stealing someone's attire and invitation, and yet be so stupid as to run from one continent to another all for a party?"
After some seconds of thinking she came to the conclusion that this group of men were a mystery in itself and decided not to kill more brain cells on analyzing their actions.