Okay, this isn't another chapter of this story as I am finished with it. This is aimed at that guest called FUCKYOUTHATSWHY. I find the review really funny. Like it's fucking HILARIOUS! Dammit, you gotta be a comedian, because that review is so fucking funny!

Let me start off by telling you and your little stupidity, that I wrote this little fanfic more of a joke in anyway. I myself am not a fan of highschool fanfics, but I made this, and another one of my stories to be cliché, because I wanted to test it out. Maybe if you had opened your eyes CLEARLY and read that little fact of mine wherever the hell I wrote it, I wouldn't have to waste my time typing this to you. Hell, even the name to this fanfic was more of a joke to show how cliche it is, duuh. Idiot.

Another little point of mine. If you know that it's going to be a highschool story, then why read it? It says it clearly in my summary and if you don't like it, skip it! Whenever I read a dodgy summary I never bother reading it. Don't waste your time telling me you hate stories like this because I simply don't care.

Damn, more points to write! If you actually have the guts to create an account instead of coming to me as a guest, then I wouldn't really have to post this as another chapter and lead people on thinking that I brought out another chapter. It's just stupid, just like you're stupid to me.

Ooooooh, Lolita still has another point! While you're at it, why don't you make a story of your own then? Let's see how shit that would be and I would avoid all your stories altogether. Why? Because I don't care.

The only criticism I actually listen to it when someone has a way to make my story better and that way I can improve. You? I just don't give 2 shits and a flying fuck about what you have to say to me to be really honest. As I've said before, I make these fanfics for MY amusement and well if you like it, then it's a bonus. If you don't? Then I really wish you could see my face because I really don't care.

Wow Lolita, that was a heck of a lotta points! And yeah, that's me done! Really don'rt wanna do that sort of thing, but I can't stand humans like that who KNOW they can't do better and they try and make shit out of other people's work. Improvements I can stand, but reviews like that? Ergh

Okay okay, now enough of that little retard being centre of attention, I'm sorry that I've been away for like a really long time and I know that I'm taking my time to update a wholelot of things. Exams are really tough this year, so it's gonna be a tough squeeze for me. I hope you guys understand!
