This is for jamzz, I figured writing a sequel sounded like fun anyway and couldn't resist the idea of writing their transition into parenthood. Now Austin and Ally are on their way to parenthood in a big way! I hope you like it!

Ally's POV

I woke up and Austin was still sound asleep next to me. He had worked in the studio late last night so I intended to let him sleep. I got up careful not to shake the bed which here lately was becoming a little more difficult since I was five months along in my pregnancy and bigger than a house. I of course, was lucky enough to be pregnant with triplets. I had two words for that wow and ouch! Austin and I were still overjoyed and then we got the news Trish was pregnant now too. We planned a double baby shower and we have been reading books together about what to expect. Yeah, I know Trish reading a book is like a nerd failing a class, impossible, yet she was.

Trish helps out at the Sonic Boom; of course Dez and my dad do a lot now while Austin is at the studio when we work, but Austin always drops in and makes me refrain from carrying anything. Anyways, Trish and I instead of reading our preparing for mine and Austin's wedding because in a month's time is the date and everyone's worried with how big I am at five months I just might go into labor early so they want to do the wedding sooner than we first planned. I was deep in thought about the day and thing here lately that I didn't hear Austin stir as I stepped out of the bedroom. I slowly made my way down the stairs to the kitchen my ankles swollen from my daily activity here lately. It wasn't until I got down the stairs that I felt a pair of hands grasp my shoulders and I jumped.

"Ally, baby doll, I didn't mean to scare you. What are you doing up so early?" Austin sighed hugging me from behind his hands resting on the sides of my stomach. "I have to open the shop today. Dad has some errands to run this morning. I got to get some breakfast and get ready. Why don't you go back to bed you've only had three hours of sleep." I turned to him and he kissed me. I laughed as he eagerly knelt down laying his head against my stomach as the babies kicked. "Ouch, that was a strong one." I sighed moving away from Austin as he stood again after kissing my stomach through the soft silk pajamas I wore. I walked into the kitchen with Austin at my heels and I went to get an apple to eat before work. "Ally, I have the day off from the studio. I'll help at the shop and that way you and Trish can take it easy." He insisted and I smiled. "You need rest, I can't ask you to do that." I sat down at the table. "You don't have to. I offered to help." he sat across from me.

I bit into the apple and stood heading back for the bedroom to get ready. Austin followed again "Babe, your ankles are swollen and you are starting to have a hard time going upstairs and downstairs. We're using the guest room from now on and you'll hurt yourself if you're not careful." Austin rambled. "Alright" I paused to rest "Please, just stop fussing. I promise to take the necessary precautions, okay sweetheart." "Thank you, Ally." he said victoriously and I continued to go up the stairs.

Austin's POV (Sonic Boom)

I helped a customer with a trumpet and then walked over to Ally who was sitting on one of the comfy stool chairs we had gotten for the girls during their pregnancies. She smiled stroking her stomach with the tips of her fingers. Trish flipped through the pregnancy books here and there which still shocked me because the only book I've ever seen her read was a magazine. "Are you okay? Do you need anything to drink or eat?" I had gotten used to running around for Ally here lately and so asking her what her wants and needs were became my daily ritual. I love to help her, but when I'm at the studio she rarely calls or goes over to sing with me or give me advice because she's a little big to drive and she doesn't like to ask others for help. I miss spending hour upon hour with her, but she needs a lot of rest now and so I cuddle with her so she can sleep, but we hardly get to converse when I'm away from her all day so I took this opportunity to be with her to day waiting on her hand and foot.

Ally smiled at me "Maybe some ice water, but that's it." Ally didn't get very many cravings and she controlled her mood swings well, and I thanked my lucky stars for that. It made helping Ally easy, but poor Dez was always on edge cause Trish could go off like a ticking time bomb. I nodded "How about you Trish? I'm sure Dez and I can get you girls whatever you need." Ally's dad decided to watch the store while Dez and I tended to the girls for a moment. "Yeah Austin, I want some tacos and a large glass of lemonade. Dez, could you help him without eating it all before you get back?" Trish seemed in an okay mood today as she spoke. "Austin, could you get me a salad and some ice for my swollen ankles?" Ally decided. Dez replied to Trish "Yeah sweetie, I'm not an idiot. Let a kangaroo and a bird get out on accident because of my incredible mind and everyone picks on you." We all laughed and Ally kissed my cheek before we left to get them lunch "Then if it's okay, maybe I can go home for a bit and get some rest. Will you sing your lullaby too?" I agreed and her father nodded as we hurried out the door Dez playing with his gingerbread man Benjamin.

This is just an opener chapter to ease into the funny, crazy, and other silly things I have planned for the sequel! Please review and tell me your thoughts.