Updated on Feb 24, 2019

AN: Hello! It's me again~ Took some time but I finally updated, yay! I realized I have not written one fic in 2018 *sadness* But better late than never!

Chapter 11

The Meadow

Youko was always the warrior, the bold, the unfazed one. But the person she was right now - could not exactly fit into those exemplary depictions.


Wide-eyed, the empress was lying on her back, her crimson hair splayed out and her dress in complete disarray. Her sword was nowhere to be found. There was no enemy.

But she found that the atmosphere was so tense that she forgot how to breathe.

Especially when she was directly staring into those intense purple orbs owned by none other than the ever stoic, placid kirin who was now hovering on top of her, one hand under her head while the other was plastered on the grass to keep himself from actually crashing into her.

A certain position that everybody else would definitely misunderstand.

How did it end up like this again?

Lifting the hems of her court dress as conservatively as possible, Youko quickened her strides to catch up to her much long-legged courtier, the ever unreadable Taiho of the Kingdom of Kei.

After the dramatic confrontation she had with Keiki, which actually turned out to the kirin finally being able to apologize at how bad he is in expressing his feelings. Youko stifled a laugh. Who would have thought that Keiki, of all the people she knew of, was actually struggling to say he was worried about her, and had utilized lectures to reach her instead? And now, he was inviting her to a place to relax, to even tell her that refreshments would be prepared just so she could stay for a while.

Dealing with enemies of the kingdom, and then having to face the scrutiny of her courtiers were truly exhausting. But receiving such a sudden embrace by the usually stoic Keiki… was it the reward she was secretely hoping for?

Youko shook her head at such impulsive thoughts.

What are these thoughts? Just when Keiki and I have finally improved our relationship-

Her Majesty senselessly bumped straight into the hard back of the subject of her thoughts.

"Shujou, you must watch out where you are going," Keiki stopped in the middle of his tracks, worry marring his features. He held her on the sides, "Are you alright?"

"It's nothing," The empress laughed. "I got too distracted."

As if on cue, a warm breeze blew on the trees, revealing a paradise beyond Youko's imagination. There was a vast meadow with vividly colored flowers, trailing to a clear blue lake with matching pearl-colored sands on a shore that seemed to go on forever, as if it connected to the Sea of Clouds. Several bright-colored birds were perched on the azaleas as similarly bright-colored butterflies fluttered animatedly over the flowers.

"I never knew of such a place," Youko held her breath, her eyes marvelling at her surroundings then at her Taiho, "How come I was never told about this?"

Pointing towards the lake, Youko looked at Keiki with a pout. "May I?"

With a worried yet amused sigh, Keiki nodded, following in her Highness' footsteps as she bounced her way to the lake. She swept her hands through the thick undergrowth. In her surprise, they were velvety instead of the prickly sensation she anticipated for. Nearing the lake, she gathered her dress in one swoop and dashed.


Breathless, the feisty empress threw her hands up into the air and laughed. She again ran to the water's edge and began to remove her shoes.

"Your Majesty, please do not tell me you are planning on-"

Youko turned abruptly and planted her hands on her hips playfully, "I seem to remember someone talking about how I should relax and enjoy myself from time to time."

"I.. That is," Keiki lowered his head, his response dying in his throat.

"Thanks for the approval, Taiho!" Sekishi laughed heartily as she lifted the hems to her knees, throwing off her heavy outer coat, splashing her way into the cool, clear waters of the lake.

"Shujou!" Keiki held this breath as he quickly scooped her Majesty's coat, running after her but abruptly halted at the water's edge. Her Majesty had just disregarded her clothing and he was not ever going to look. He thought he could. But the moment he lifted his eyes from the ground to follow where the empress was, he was met with a laughing Youko, gliding and splashing to her heart's content. Basking in the sun, her fiery red hair shimmered like rubies as her cheeks flushed in delight.

Youko Nakajima, the plain-looking girl he found in a classroom Over There, had grown so much.

How the girl who ran away screaming had now magnificently transformed into a fine empress who rules her kingdom with compassion and humility.

How the girl whose hand barely fit his, now wielded Suiguutou like a general on the battlefield.

How the girl with a hesitant smile can now brighten up the palace halls with her unbridled laughter.

Youko's laughter was not something that would belong to a young girl; it was throaty, of moderate pitch with a softness only unique to her Empress. The only voice Keiki looked forward to hear day by day, even if at times it was only a snicker - he was sure never to miss it for the world.

And recently... how the girl with such a frail body and pale complexion have bloomed into the most beautiful flower this kingdom ever has. How her radiance had blinded him offhandedly, as if the wind got knocked out of his chest the moment she came into his view.

Never mind that her inner tunic was now soaked and her full silhouette was beginning to show…

"Shujou! What if a minister were to see?" His ears were flushed, eyes looking down on his shoes as he held on her clothes in front of him.

"There IS a minister seeing, and I don't mind what he thinks," Youko inhaled the fresh air and started to go further into the lake.

"But your inner tunic…!" Keiki continued to protest. He was not letting her Majesty's modesty get tainted just like that.

"Is it so unpleasant to the eyes?" Youko turned around, pretending to get hurt by the comment.

"I… That is not-"

"If that's the case then, look to your heart's content!" The feisty empress laughed as she scooped the water into her palms, splaying them into the air as they sparkled like tiny cut diamonds.

Upon hearing her majesty's laughter, Keiki tore his gaze away and swallowed.

Teasing her ever-so-stoic kirin was just so irresistible. He was just so cute. To be honest, it was incredibly rare to see him so embarrased like this. She had her fun. She was starting to feel sorry for him now that he was looking down at his feet the entire time.

"Alright. I'm getting out of the water now." Youko started to tread to her kirin, turning her back against him to put on her outer coat. "Where should we go next?"

"Under that great tree," Keiki finally cleared his throat, "The refreshments are already prepared."

Both Empress and kirin trudged along a small hill towards an old tree whose branches spread widely, sheltering them from the sun's rays much like a pavilion. Right on the grass under the shade of the tree, a large mantle was laid out. Several freshly sliced fruits, saffron rice, sauteed tofu with herbs, and steaming chick pea soup served on a ceramic bowl were prepared, along with several silverware and plates from the palace kitchens. A porcelain teapot with sweet-smelling tea did not go unnoticed.

"It seems that lunch has come," Keiki eyed the amount of food laid out on the mantle.

He realized that it took a while to cross the area (including the time his Empress had wandered and splashed around), which was why noon had come sooner than he expected. He was just as thankful that the palace cooks had the initiative to prepare lunch, knowing fully well that her Majesty would probably start getting hungry after all the hike.

"A picnic?" Youko could not believe it herself. It was the first time that she saw a practice from her former world, Yamato, to be casually done in any of the Twelve Kingdoms.

"Although uncommmon here, people do lay out their mantle to eat food under trees," Keiki spoke as if explaining to a child, "I heard it was common Over There… is it not to your liking?"

"It's perfect," Youko smiled gratefully, nostalgia warming her heart. "I just did not expect how I missed things like this. Thank you Keiki."

"There is also a change of clothes for you, Shujou." Keiki picked up a box and pointed her to a small hut a few meters away. "You can change there."

"Thanks Keiki!" With a grin, Youko dashed off, not wanting to delay herself anymore from the food.

Once she returned, the two settled down on the mantle and started to help themselves with the food.

"They sure won't be looking for me?" Youko asked as she ate a spoonful of saffron rice.

"Who?" Keiki looked up, having been abruptly disturbed from fixing his cup of tea.

"The ministers," Youko took another bowl as she scooped the soup for a second helping, "I'll be in trouble again."

With a beat, Keiki leaned over and brushed off a grain of rice from her cheek.

"There was rice on your cheek, Shujou." Keiki stated nonchalantly.

Youko felt her heart beat loudly, her face starting to flush. She immediately grabbed a cup of tea and gulped the contents in one go.

"Please do not worry about it. I have sent word about how you are spending some time for de-stressing."

"Really? I can do that?" Youko blinked in surprise, reminding herself to calm down. She reminded herself that more often than not, her kirin lectured her about managing her time well instead of touring several towns on a whim.

"Your Majesty had been in quite a number of distressing situtations as of late," Keiki made sure to emphasize. It was not, after all, a very good memory of him waiting on her Majesty as she battled man-eating youmas and murderers on her own. The memory itself tugged on his chest that moment.

"I-I see," Youko smiled awkwardly. "It's good that the ministers understand."

Afternoon came before they realized as tiny lights started to gather underneath the tree branches.

"Fireflies!" Youko chimed cheerfully, "There's so many of them!"

"It seems this tree is their home." Keiki trained his eyes to the flickering lights over their heads. "It has been a while since I saw this many of them."

The fireflies danced in an ethereal fashion like a constellation of stars spilling from a daydream. Youko raised her head in delight as she marvelled at the lights, her face radiant as ever.

From a corner of his eye, Keiki watched Her Highness as if she were enjoying one of her childhood fantasies. Just like that, she looked so innocent and unawarely beautiful at the same time.

Before he even noticed, Youko started to climb on one of the lower branches.

"Shujou! Please be careful!"

"There's that particular one that emits a purple light," Youko turned to look at her kirin, "I'd like to see it up close."

Feeling the next branch with her other leg, Youko prepared to swing her other leg to latch unto the branch as she held on a hole in the trunk.

To her surprise, a rather large owl with the largest amethyst eyes she've ever seen emerged from the hole, catching her off guard.



Closing her eyes right at the moment she fell, Youko felt her head being cushioned from the ground.

Did Keiki actually manage to catch her in time?

Youko, still with eyes closed, was wondering why her kirin had become quiet in all of a sudden. She expected to be reprimanded right then and there.


She opened her eyes, finally realizing what made her kirin so silent.

As if in a daze, Youko could not help stare incoherently at the protuberant violet orbs before her. Keiki was cushioning her head from the impact with his left hand as he supported himself with the other. Her legs were awkwardly wrapped around his right knee which was kneeling on the ground.

Is this the price for teasing him so much at the lake?

Their faces were so close that Youko could feel his breath on her face, smelling the tea they shared for lunch. As his translucent golden hair fell on her shoulder, Youko was surprised at how soft they were on her skin. She noticed how his lips were slightly parted as if…

Suddenly becoming aware of him and their position, Youko's heart started to beat so rapidly that she was afraid the man before her would know.

That he would know how she actually feels for him.

That despite everything she did to bury the feelings into the deepest pits of her heart, with just one touch, with just one gaze from him… all of them came bursting out like a dam.

The cost was just too high for her to pay.

Keiki found that he could not make himself move.

That he could not resist gazing at her was numbing his mind.

That the harder he fought, the stronger the unknown feelings were binding him to her… to his brave, radiant Sekishi.

And before he could rationalize further, these feelings were not mere ouki alone - they were something else that he refused to recognize all this time.

Did his walls finally give up after falling piece by piece?

Would he dare follow the mandate of his heart… and pay the price with his life?




A/N: Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed this update. If I were not so busy, I would re-read the novels... I just miss Youko and Keiki *sigh* Just a side note, my grammar's still in the gutter lol. Constructive reviews are welcome! *wink*