It's been a while since I have written a fiction so please bear with me while I get into the swing of things.

I don't have a direction in which I plan to take this fiction, I will probably just see where I go from here chapter by chapter but ideas would be welcome. I do plan on making it a bit more Lemony in a few chapters when I think of plot.

I sadly do not own THG, well I own a set of the books but the rest of it is Ms Collins'. I just wish I did. Reviews are welcome :)

Chapter 1:

One month, that is how long I have been back here in District 12. One long month of wandering through the streets, which were no longer as ruined as they were all those months ago when I first walked the ruins of my former home...

Home. It is a strange word, the home I grew up in still stood on the edge of the meadow, just as empty as it had on that day I took Bonnie and Twill but I cannot face it any more, too many memories. The home I moved into as a Victor, the one I currently reside is just empty, without my mum or Prim it just stands empty. The memories of the past, haunt the four walls.

If I was honest with myself it was a struggle trying to get through each day, each day of the last month had been difficult, Sae had been in every day to take the meat I had hunted that morning and cooked for myself and Haymitch, not that we ate together, I would take his food and leave it somewhere out of his way but easily accessible because he was usually drunk or passed out. He hadn't wasted time returning to his former glorified drunken self when we arrived back in District 12. "So much for keeping an eye on me" I had thought to myself one the first evening I started this routine.

Every week I would have a phone call with Dr Aurelis' in the Capitol, I wasn't interested in talking about me, every time I was on the phone I just wanted to ask how Peeta was doing, how was the boy with the bread. I missed him, I could admit that now. After everything that we had been through, it made me miss him to know he wasn't just 2 doors away, it wasn't there in the distance keeping an eye on me, watching out for me like he had during the games, even when he was Hijacked, lovely, dependable Peeta came back to me. He was the constancy in my life that was now missing.

Nightmares plagued me as I slept, nightmares of the games, being attacked by those Mutts, seeing Peeta die over and over again at the hands of President Snow, watching Rue die, seeing Cinna bludgeoned before my eyes, seeing Finnick killed... haunted every night with no respite. The only place I wasn't haunted was with Peeta and now that was missing. I figured that I deserved this, it was my fault, it was all my fault.

If I had just died in those first games, let Peeta win, everything would as it should be. Prim outside enjoying the weather milking her goat, mum knitting as she watched, Peeta with his family baking or painting, everyone doing something that they loved.

Yet it was me that was here, suffering. It wasn't going to get easier, I was just starting to contend myself with the fact Peeta was not going to come back this time, he wouldn't want to come back here, his family were gone. Not like my mother in District 4 unable to face the memories of District 12, there was only me left here for Peeta and whilst I longed for him to return, not that I could understand why I wanted him here, when everything seemed to change again.

Today there was a train from the Captiol, refugees, workers and families returned to District 12, we now had clean streets, most of the bodies were buried in the Meadow and they were getting ready to start reconstructing the District, it was one of the wishes of President Paylor, she wanted each District rebuilt, helping each other and working together as a unit to stabilise the country. As the Mockingjay I had obviously agreed with this idea, it was depressing in District 12 with only a handful of living people and the ghosts of those who the Captiol killed. I didn't stick around to see who had gotten off this train, after the first 2 or 3 I had realised he wasn't coming back and nor was my mother.

I spent the day in the woods, hunting, trying to let the thoughts of my sister abate, she had haunted my nightmares last night, blaming me for what happened, I had woken in a scream and cried as I missed her and silently begged for forgiveness. I could see all of the Primrose flowers for which she was named starting to grow throughout the woods so I had sat down in the middle of the flowers and sung "The Hanging Tree" as I wept quietly and to myself, listening as a few mockingjay's picked up the tune, causing me to laugh lightly to myself. Peeta had been right, the birds had paused before they picked up my song like they had for my father.

As evening was drawing in I headed back to Victor's Village and my "home", I had a relatively successful day hunting, several rabbits and one or two squirrels where tucked into my game bag. When I approached the cold looking house that was my own, it took me a moment to realise something was different. I could smell something in the air... "Primrose" I muttered to myself and then I saw them. Outside my house, in a window box, the pink and yellow of the unmistakable flower that I just been sat in...

I hadn't done that and I know Haymitch wouldn't... there was only one person in this world that would have done a gesture like that. As my brain came to that conclusion I dropped the game bag as my heart skipped a beat and I almost ran to his house, knocking on the door, I didn't even know if he was there or I was just imagining things but I had to see. I had to see if he was back, it didn't make sense.

My heart pounding in my chest I raised a shaky hand and knocked three times on the door and waited for a moment. It felt like the longest few seconds in my life until I heard a noise, the unmistakable noise of his prosthetic leg on the wooden floor and this caused my heart to race more as he opened the door, confusion on his face before it broke into that small smile, with that hint of shyness that had caused so much confusion in me the first time I saw it before the Games, with that smile he almost whispered my name "Katniss"

And I couldn't help but smile back at him, the first time I had smiled in months, maybe even since I had found out he was alive and back at District 13, before I had learnt he was hijacked and as my heart continue to pound loudly against my chest I finally managed to speak
