Well…here's the epilogue.

I hate ending stories but I know they will end sooner or later.

I know! I used the Mark of Athena line "As long as we're together" but I just had too! I'm still hung up over the Rickhanger (which is worse than any cliffhanger I have ever written!)

My saddest review: Invisible Connections…I will miss you my old friend.

I hope you like it!

Annabeth's POV

The sun's rays were reflected off the beautiful blue sea water. It twinkled as the waves crashed onto shore, causing Mattie too giggle loudly and jump back. The sky was baby blue and the clouds where long and wiry, like feathers. Our house was on top of a cliff. It was a beautiful house. It was a two floor, white house, located at the top of a cliff. Nico watched us from the top of the cliff. He was sitting on the porch, rocking himself on a rocking chair, admiring the Greek waters.

Percy had wanted to move back to New York, but Uncle Hermes said we weren't safe there. He told me the truth…about everything. He told me my mother gave me up for adoption because she was too busy to take care of me. Agatha, the witch who turned Percy into a ghost, dressed up as a nice lady, which my mother deemed worthy of raising me. He told me my real mother's name was Athena. And that she was smart and beautiful, like the goddess herself. Uncle Hermes made it clear that we wouldn't be safe in the United States anymore. Agatha was still in custody, I guess you can call it, but he wasn't sure if the ghost could hold her there for long. He also told me that he knew about the ghost and he promised Percy he would help them.

We want back to the cave, to find that it was losing its magic. We all decided we would move far away from there…so we used the last bit of magic the lake had to teleport us here, to Greece. We arrived at the Parthenon. I made the boys wait as Bianca, Mattie and I ran around, admiring it's beauty. The boys got jobs at the capital as did Bianca and I. We were all living in the house as a big family for over five months now. It's been great.

Bianca opened up a little shop where she made custom clothes and sold expensive jewelry. She made friends with a girl named Hazel. They both managed the store well.

Nico got a job with the blacksmiths. He crafted unique swords made out of special stones Hazel finds for him. He doesn't like that job too much, he prefers to do something more quiet and where he could be alone, but he has gotten a reputation of making good swords, and it pays well.

Percy worked as a sailor. He helped catch fish for Mr. Argyros. He was Mr. Argyros's top fisherman, but the old man passed away quickly. At the Will reading, Percy found out that since he was like the son Mr. Argyros never had, that he was given 'The Argo' company. There he meant the man who makes the Argo ships, a brilliant man named Leo Valdez. He has become a close family friend.

And last but not least, me. I work as an architect in the inner city. We make the best buildings in all of Greece, everyone wants their houses or businesses made by us. I made Bianca's shop, giving it a personality to make its owner. I also created our house and many other buildings. I would tell you the details, but you would get bored eventually.

Mattie finally got to go to school. She showed everyone that she isn't only adorable, but smart. She has to learn the Greek language, but she is learning fast. I'm really proud of her.

And now, I was sitting at the beach with Percy. There were steps carved out in the very cliff that lead down from our house to the beach. We were sitting on the last step, watching over Mattie as she chased away the birds.

I looked up to see my Percy. His black hair moved in the wind, the ocean water matched his amazing eyes. He had gotten tanner and stronger from working in the sea all day, making him more and more handsome. He had a bit of facial hair, which he hated. I would always laugh and tell him he looks amazing. I guess he has to get used to being a human and not a ghost.

"See something you like, Wise Girl?" he said as he saw me staring.

I smiled.

"I do, actually."

"Really? What is it?" He said, playing along.

"He is a really amazing man, named Percy. I think I love him."

He chuckled and pulled me closer to him.

"You think or you know?" He asked, looking straight into my grey eyes.

"I know."

"I know too," he said as he kissed me. "I love you, Annabeth."

"I love you too, Percy."

Just then Mattie ran up to us and jumped into our arms. We all laughed and I could spot Nico and Bianca racing each other to get down the stairs. Bianca's long dark brown hair flew behind her as she picked up her skirt, trying not to trip but to also beat her brother. Nico's dark eyes seemed to smile as he made it towards us first. Since he won, he got slapped in the head by Bianca, who was panting.

"We have important news to tell you-" Nico said but he was cut off by me.

"You found a girl that will talk to you?" I asked, playfully.

He paused for a minute, glaring at me, then nodding.

"I actually did, but that's not important right now. What I was about to say was that-" But he got cut off again.

"-That Hazel and I were voted as Athens number 1 store!" Bianca shouted happily.

"Yay! Auntie Bianca is amazing!" Mattie said as she gave Bianca a big bear hug.

Nico glared at his sister.

"No…I wasn't going to say that. What I was going to say was," He paused and made sure no one would interrupt him. "That Leo, Jason, Piper, Hazel and Frank are coming over for dinner. I know how to cook, but I have cooked for the last three days and I think I deserve a break."

I laughed and got up, brushing the sand off my skirt.

"I think Bianca, Mattie and I got this one." I told him as I walked past him.

Mattie clapped and raced back up the stairs. Bianca laughed and walked up the stairs. Nico followed his sister and I followed them. Percy, however, stayed back in the beach, thinking about something. I asked him if he was coming, but he said he would be up in a few minutes. I nodded and walked up the stairs.

*Time Lapse*

Nico, Bianca, Mattie, Piper, Leo, Hazel, Frank, Jason and Percy were all seated on the table. I placed the food on the table and sat down in my seat next to Percy. Inside, the house was decorated by all five of us, so it had random things all over the place. The floor was made of wood and so was the table. The chairs were made of wood, but with red cushions.

"So, what's the special occasion?" I asked.

Everyone turned to me, with a confused expression.

"Special occasion?" Mattie said.

"Yes. Usually, every time we eat in a family like this, is when something is going on. Like last time, we ate like this for initiation of Bianca and Hazel's store," The girls smiled at the memory. "Or that one time, for Jason and Piper's wedding." I finished.

Piper smiled, showing off her beautiful smile and grabbed Jason's hand. Jason kissed it and turned to us.

"Well…It's a very special occasion. Percy?" Jason said.

I turned to Percy and found him smiling at me. But in his eyes, I could tell he was nervous. He took my hand in his and began to speak.

"Today is August 3rd…the day we first meant." He said.

I smiled back at the memory.


I turned back and went over to look at all the pretty flowers when I heard a noise. I turned around to see a boy. He was about my age. He had really black hair, like a raven. He was wearing a white shirt, navy blue pants, and black boots. He saw me looking at caught my eye. His eyes were a beautiful Sea-Green. He smiled and waved at me.

I happily returned the smile, and waved back. I think I just made a new friend.

"Hi, I'm Annabeth, what's your name?" I asked.

The boy was about to respond when my mother called out to me. I turned around to listen to her better.

"Annabeth, stop talking to yourself and come on in! We need help unpacking." She said.

"Yes, Mommy!" I said. "I'll be right there!"

I turned around to say goodbye to the boy, but he was already gone.


"Be careful!" A voice called out.

It was a boy's voice, but it wasn't familiar to me. I turned around to see who it was, when I slipped on a slippery rock and fell into the dark water. I didn't even have time to yell out for help.

*Hours Later*

I woke up in a cave. It was moist, and I could hear theDrip-dropsounds of water falling off of a stalagmite in the roof of the cave, into a small puddle on the floor. See, I told you I was smart. I know what a stalagmite is. My head was hurting, and I was dripping wet. My head was gently placed on a bunch of grass that was put in a small rectangle. Like a pillow. I managed to get myself up and I looked around. There was no one else in the cave but me? How did I get here? Didn't I fall in the pond?

"Ow!" I said as I tried to stand up.

My leg was hurting real bad. I wonder if mommy can fix the pain.

"Lay down, you need to rest." The voice said again.

I looked behind me to see the same boy I saw yesterday in the garden. But now I could see him better! He was my height, or maybe I was a bit taller than him. He still had raven black hair. And his Sea-green eyes still captured me with their beauty, even though I already saw them yesterday. He was wearing different clothes this time. A black button down shirt, blue pants and black shoes.

"Who are you?" I asked.

My mommy always told me not to talk to strangers. But, this stranger happened to save my life. Plus, it doesn't feel like he's a stranger.

"My name is Percy Jackson," He said with a smile. Then his face turned worried. "Here, let me help you." He said.

He ran over to me, and extended out his hand. I took it, and he helped me stand up.

"Thanks. My name's Annabeth Pallas Chase! But you can call me Annabeth." I told him.

He smiled.

"Annabeth…that's a pretty name." He complimented.

"Thank you." I said.

I noticed we were still holding hands, but I didn't say anything. This could be my first friend here! I won't have to go to school alone now! Forget my old plan. Make a friend before lunch, so you have someone to sit with. I wouldn't want to sit with anyone else except Percy.


"Do you know what I love about Greece, Annabeth?" Percy asked.

"The amazing culture? The rich history? The food? Ooh, I know, the architecture?" I guessed.

Percy laughed.

"Yes, I love all those things, but no. That's not the answer I was looking for." He said as we walked down the steps to the Acropolis. "To find the answer, you have to think like me, and think about Greece."

Okay, think like Percy…oh, duh. I should have known this one.

"The white sand beaches?" I guessed.

Percy turned to me with a mischievous smile.

"Bingo!" He said as he took my hand and led me through the labyrinth of closed stores and houses.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To the beaches, of course."

"How do you know where it is?"

He looked over his shoulder and winked. My heart fluttered.

"Do you trust me?"

"I trust you."

"Then follow me."

All those memories were the most precious thing I had. I smiled and nodded.

"I know. I remember that day clearly." I said truthfully.

"I know, so do I. After that day you changed my life, Annabeth. You were the only thing I needed to survive. I didn't need the magic cave, the lake, all those things I didn't need. What I needed was you. And as the years went by, we became closer and closer. From friends to best friends to this…"He said, smiling softly.

"And I know you already know that I love you. And I know you love me too. I guess, what I'm really trying to say is…Annabeth Pallas Chase, will you marry me?" he said as he took out a beautiful ring from his pocket.

The silver band was beautifully crafted with elaborate designs that took my breath away. The gem was a beautiful deep blue color that as it moved in the light, seemed to change color. I felt tears in my eyes and I was aware of all the eyes that were looking at me. Is this how Piper felt when Jason asked her to marry him? Did she feel this nervous and excited?

"Yes." I managed to say as I nodded.

Percy's grin widened and he wrapped his arms around me in a hug. After spinning me around, which caused me to laugh, he placed the beautiful wedding ring in my finger. I stared at it in awe.

"Where did you buy it? It's amazing." I said.

"I'm glad you like it. Bianca drew the designs, Hazel got the stone and Nico made it." Percy said.

"Hey! I helped out! I clearly remember being there in the forge with Nico!" Leo said as he swallowed a spoon full of corn.

We laughed.

"Yes, yes and Leo helped too. Piper also helped Bianca with the designs and Jason took Hazel to the place where the stones were at. Since Hazel still doesn't know her way around Greece. Frank was also there." Percy said.

"Thanks guys. It means a lot to me." I told them sincerely.

"It was a pleasure, Annabeth." Jason said.

"As soon as I knew what was happening, these people," Piper said as she glared at them with her ever color changing eyes. "almost gagged my mouth so I wouldn't tell you."

"Almost is an understatement." Frank said.


Mattie giggled.

I laughed at them and enjoyed my life. I was so lucky to have such good friends, and my…fiancé. I smiled up at Percy and he pulled my closer to him. I was lucky to have a connection with Percy…an Invisible Connection, ever since I meant him. I never regretted that moment, not even when Agatha was using me as a punching bag.

We laughed and talked the rest of the night away.

Life was good. I had everything I needed.

Percy leaned over and kissed me.

Yes, life was good.

So that's it.

I am so sad, I took forever! I was writing so slowly my friends asked me if I was alright. I hoped you all liked it!

Thanks for the amazing reviews.

I also wanted to say that I am Co-Writing a Story with Blondie B. Happy.

Please, check out CodeName:Athena. Our new profile! Thanks!
