This is a tiny excerpt from the sequel LONELY NO MORE that I posted! So go read it :D

"I'm so scared, Inuyasha." Kagome said as she wept into his shoulder, clutching her baby tighter as he continued to sleep.

"Don't worry. I promise Naraku won't touch you." He said as he continued to run through the rain.

"I didn't think you would come." She admitted in a soft, sad voice.

"Why wouldn't I?" He said quickly as if she should have known better. 'I still love you. I cant let you get hurt anymore.' He thought to himself as he entered Kaede's hut, waking everyone inside.

Shippo rubbed his eyes and sat up. He could hardly see Inuyasha's figure but he recognized the scent, along with one other he could never forget.

"Is that Kagome with you?"

After a horrific tragedy leaves Kagome a widow, she is forced to raise her and Koga's son, Takeshi on her own. What kind of future awaits this young mother? and what part does Inuyasha play in it?

Thank you again for reading this fic you guys are wonderful :D