Summary: When a fifteen year-old girl from our world and time finds herself in her favourite videogame, things get a little crazy. Things from the series are revealed that nobody could ever dream of. A fourth bearer of the triforce? A prophecy that told of her arrival? Yep, things will definitely never be normal for one Celia Jensen again.

A/N: Just a quick note, the point of view in this story is Celia's, and if it changes the point of view will be made known and clearly indicated.

This chapter was rewritten as of 5/16/13

Rewritten a second time as of 8/01/14

Disclaimers: I created Celia Jensen, Bethany Marshall, Carmen Vance, Scott Grant, and every other character that isn't from something you recognize.

Prologue - End of Normalcy

Everything that changed Celia Jensen's life forever started on June 16th, 2012, two weeks after she turned fifteen years old...

"Ah, free at last." I sighed happily as I exited the school. I heard rushing footsteps following shortly behind me, and as the school's front door opened I was nearly completely bowled over by none other than my best friend Bethany Marshall. "Woah! Where's the fire?" I exclaimed, quickly sidestepping to avoid my things being sent flying, along with me.

"S-Sorry, Ceecee… Hiding, from the gym teacher…" my friend panted once she regained her footing. When she appeared to compose herself, she busted out laughing, clutching onto the fence separating the parking lot from the schoolyard to hold herself up. I raised an eyebrow at the display, and it hit me that there were very few reasons for her to be laughing so hysterically at school. Granted, we were free for the weekend, but still.

"Alright, what did you do?" I asked, resigned to the fact that my best friend had been a prankster since we were kids, and there really wasn't anything I could do about it.

"I... may or may not have 'accidentally'," my taller friend formed airquotes around "Accidentally" with her fingers as she spoke. "Glued Mr. Martin to his chair." …I could not even bring myself to be surprised, or wonder how she managed to not get caught. It was Bethany, for God's sake. I stopped wondering about her…I'd say back in first grade.

I sighed, bringing a hand to my face as I pictured how well Mr. Martin had reacted to the prank, but I couldn't help but laugh. Very few people liked the gym teacher; he was viewed as harsh – a bully. Basically, your stereotypical highschool gym teacher. It's terrible, I know.

"I'm just glad you weren't caught. C'mon, let's head home." With that, we started away from the school and towards the hill. Living within walking distance of the school was both a blessing and a curse. Bethany and I lived on the same street, just three houses apart, and that was most definitely a blessing. It made the walk to school and back much less scary when we were younger, too.

"We're meeting Carmen at your house later, right?" Carmen Vance was the youngest of our trio, only by a year. And, unfortunate as it was, she lived on the other side of town.

"Yeah, once she finishes detention…" I sighed grimly. I'd seen our younger friend at lunch hour in the office, it did not look pretty. I saw something light up in my friend's eyes as I mentioned detention.

"What happened?" From the look of it, Bethany already knew – we both did, it wasn't hard to figure it out – but I filled her in anyways.

"A fight in Math class. I talked to Carmen when I saw her in the office. That girl Abby she told us about was harassing her about her parents. She said… something that set Carmen off, she didn't say what." I shrugged. It was no shock that Carmen had been in another fight she hadn't started. Why couldn't people just leave us alone?

"Ooh, that sounds bad. I wonder if Donna's gonna go through with pulling her out of school." Bethany grimaced, and I echoed the sentiment. I just shrugged. Our walk was silent from then on, at least until we reached our street.

"Alright, I gotta split. Chores to do before Lauren brings the twin terrors home, then I'm babysitting 'til John gets off work. Text me, hey?" Bethany bid me goodbye, darting across the street. I saw her fumbling with her bag as I continued walking, trying to dig out her house key.

"She will not be safe here! There's no other choice, Lilllian!"

"How do you know she will be safe there?"

"Ugh… save the screaming match…" I muttered aloud as I climbed the staircase to the front door. I sound crazy, I know. It's just… something's been up with my head, it started on my birthday. I was hearing voices, voices I'd never heard before. And I was having strange dreams with the people that came with the voices.

Lillian and Jethro. From what I gathered – with the help of a dream journal – they were a married couple. Jethro was a knight, I wasn't quite sure about Lillian. But whoever they were, they'd been starring in my dreams, both awake and asleep. They were both so painfully familiar, but I couldn't figure out why. I had a collection of books that these characters would fit in well, like Lord of the Rings, or Dragon Age, or the Inheritance Cycle, but they weren't.

So who were they?

Shaking my head again, I put it out of my mind before any silly fantasies could form in my head. I put enough of those in my writing. But, then again, fantasies were normal for an adopted child, weren't they? I read about children fantasizing about their real parents, or perhaps their new ones, but…

'No. Alexis and Shane are my parents.' I reminded myself, shrugging off my backpack and toeing out of my boots. My reflection caught my eye as I made for the stairs, and I couldn't help but stop as that same pesky train of thought forced its way back into my head. I wondered which one of my parents I looked more like; Blonde hair, green eyes, fair-ish skin and those ridiculous ears. The only things I'd seen come close to resembling my ears were Hylians in Legend of Zelda. Granted, mine weren't quite as bad, but they were long and pointed. Bethany and Carmen had playfully called me "elfie" when we were kids because of it.

After checking the answering machine, finding a note from my mom telling me about the lasagna in the fridge for my brother Braeden and I, and texting my younger brother that I was home, I finally went upstairs to my room. It was strange that the only sound was my footsteps; having only recently been living in a house with three other teens/young adults and our parents, noise was the norm.

My older brothers, Dean and Anthony, had moved out just a few weeks ago. Anthony had gotten married and wanted to travel with his new wife. Dean was headed to college. That left me and Braeden, the thirteen year-old.

After growing up in a family of six, complete silence in the house was strange.

I blindly tossed my bag towards my bed when I reached my room – technically the attic. I had wanted it that way, it was one of the biggest rooms in the house. Shane had fixed it up for me and made it into a proper bedroom, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

With three boys in the house, our family had never had a shortage of gaming tech. Most of it had passed to me when my older brothers declared themselves too busy for games. Therefore, I was rather privileged. I was more attached to the Wii than the X-Box, but they were both fun.

Another gift from my brother's moving out was the couch he'd had in his room, which I tiredly collapsed on upon reaching it. With finals coming up, teachers had really been cracking down on the students. Today had been exhausting. I was probably the only person unlucky enough to get three academics to one elective in the same semester. I let my eyes drift closed, intent on resting until my brother got home.

The peace was short-lived, unfortunately.

"Jethro, what's happened?"

"He's here! He-They- They've come for her! We're out of time, and options! I have to go, the other soldiers need me-"

"How do you know he won't be defeated? That this is not the only way?"

"His people remain, even if he is defeated. And if he is, they will hunt her!"

"Same old screaming match… Seems to be the only thing you two are sayin' lately…" I muttered. Yes, encouraging the voices in my head by talking to them is probably not going to help, but they never answer anyways. However, seeing as they didn't plan on shutting up, I didn't think I'd be dozing off any time soon. Opting for videogames to pass the time and get my mind off the confusing dreams, I grabbed for the remotes for the TV and Wii.

Twilight Princess had to by my favourite videogame for either the Wii or Gamecube, and second favourite out of the Zelda series, coming close to Ocarina of Time. I'd played the game to death, and practically memorized it back to front.

So, imagine my surprise when the startup doesn't go the same way it has for the last, oh, I don't know, hundred times?

It started when I left the game to load, waiting for the intro-song. Nothing came, it was just a black screen. I tested to make sure the TV hadn't turned off, and it hadn't. A minute passed, and I grew worried. Two more, and worry coupled with impatience. And another, and another, and another.

Was it broken? I stood up, intent on removing the disc and checking for damage, when finally something happened on the screen. Though, it was not what I'd anticipated at all. It was just words, seemingly just floating there. I recognized it as the Twilight Princess variation of Hylian text, and I wondered if I'd come across an easter egg of some kind.

Several years' worth of obsession kicked in, and I found myself reading it.

"Young Heroine, bearer of the triforce of…" I trailed of, narrowing my eyes at the text. "Unity? There's no such thing as the triforce of unity…" I muttered, before continuing to read. "The time has come for you to aid the Hero of Legend in his quest to defeat the evil plaguing Hyrule…"

As if the words had activated some kind of spell, I noticed a strange light had entered the room. Looking around, I tried to find the source. After another few seconds, I realized what it was – my hand. The light was coming from my right hand. I hesitated to look down, and my eyes blew wide when I saw what was there; the triforce. It wasn't some sharpie-drawn mess, or some kind of temporary tattoo, it was the actual triforce, on my hand.

Before my awe could fully take hold, I found my eyes drooping closed, even as I began to panic. What was happening?

The last thing I remembered was feeling myself falling, though… I don't remember hitting the ground.

Chapter 1 - Welcome Home

"Rosalie, it is time for you to wake."

I frowned at this new, distinctly-female voice. Who was Rosalie? Where was I? What happened to me? The whirlwind of questions continued until I opened my eyes. The first thing I saw were that there were stars, lots of stars. That kind of view was impossible from inside the city, or anywhere near one. I quickly ruled out that I was very far from home.

The next thing I saw were the trees; tall, thick evergreen trees, mixed with a few other kinds. A forest, then. As my other senses returned, I heard running water – a stream? It sounded too small to be a river. I pushed myself into a sitting position, hoping to get my bearings a little easier, when everything stopped.

I knew this place. I knew where I was. But I couldn't be there, it was impossible! It was fiction! F A K E.

Ordon Spring. The very same Ordon Spring that housed the Light Spirit, Ordona, which only existed in Hyrule, which was not real!

"This… this isn't funny anymore!" I shouted, my voice reverberating and echoing around me and into the forest. The only responses I got were the sounds of nature. Animals, bugs, trees. I felt the stirrings of panic churning inside me – Why was I in Ordon Spring? Better yet, why the hell was I in Hyrule?! "This is a joke, right?" I muttered to no one. "Or, or, maybe I'm insane, or in a coma somewhere!" I started making theories as to what had happened.

"I'm insane, I spent too much time obsessing and now my brain's snapped. Well, this is it Celia, you've officially lost it!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms out as I shouted. The urge to do so faded, but I continued my muttering. "I bet I'm in some institution somewhere in a straitjacket, sitting comfortably in the corner of a–"

My muttering cut off as I realized I was no longer alone; the water in the spring was beginning to glow a brilliant gold, the rocks around the spring glowing blue in strange patterns – the light spirit was coming.

"Padded… cell…"

The golden glow enveloped every inch of the water, and right near the center, a single drop of water jumped from the spring, just for a moment or two. Once it returned, a golden orb rose in its place. Beams of light seemed to be trying to escape, and lit up the whole spring.

Slowly but surely, the light began to gather and take shape; a head, a body, four limbs, the tail, and finally – the horns. The first of the Light Spirits Link was meant to meet on his quest, this was Ordona.

The light spirit seemed to be waiting for me, and I mentally fumbled for a moment – what does one say to a spirit of light?

"U-um… Hello." I said quietly. Wow, wonderful first impression, Ceecee. The light spirit seemed amused.

"Hello, young one." That was the same voice that had called me to wake up before! So… Ordona was female. Wait, did light spirits have gender? Never mind, either way, Ordona had woken me up. And she'd called me Rosalie.

"Uh, my name's Celia," I introduced. "Celia Jensen." Ordona seemed to laugh, though not unkindly.

"Indeed. I understand you must be very confused, little one. I cannot provide you with all the answers you seek, but a promise that they will come in time." The light spirit seemed sympathetic here, and I briefly entertained the thought that she'd been witness to my near-meltdown. I nodded, not feeling all that reassured, but who was I to question?

"I don't suppose… you can tell me why I'm here? The TV wasn't very forthcoming with information before I was brought here." I weakly joked.

"All I am permitted to say is that you will play an important part in the battles to come, alongside the Hero of Legend." At that point, my eyes blew wide. What? Sensing my oncoming stress, Ordona spoke again. "Worry not, child. The goddesses have not left you ill equipped for the task before you. Look,"

At her suggestion, I looked down at myself on first instinct. I had been given a change in wardrobe, it seemed, but it went further than that – my new clothes looked suspiciously similar to Link's; tunic, undershirt, beige-white pants and knee-high boots. On first glance in the dark, I thought I was wearing Link's outfit. But I looked closer, and saw the details that were very different.

First and foremost, I had less armour; no gauntlets or chainmail to speak of. I did have the same fingerless gloves, though. Another was that the white shirt beneath the tunic had a different neckline, and the boots I wore were more… fitted, I suppose, than Link's. Either way, there were little differences that, when added together, made for a strikingly different outfit.

My next discovery was that I'd been given weapons. So that was what Ordona had been referring to. A sword and shield, specifically. They were set innocently on the ground next to where I'd awoken, both bearing the crest of Hyrule. There was much struggling when trying to find a way to get the sword in its proper place, with all of the confusing buckles. In the struggle, I came across my final gift – my phone. In the small bag attached to my hip. My phone.

Why, on God's green earth, was my phone brought with me?

My desire to investigate quickly proved useful – my phone was now functioning as an interactive (somewhat?) map, which was set upon the Ordon Province.

"There is little time, young one." Ordona spoke up again. "There are two things I must tell you, before I depart; the first, is that you are not alone in this world. There is another traveler from your world, residing in the province of one of my brothers. Two more shall come in time, and you will find them once they do. The second, is this; you must find the Hero of Legend when the evil strikes. I know not when, nor how this evil will come, but you must be prepared." These were the light spirit's final words, as the light that had formed her before me began to dissipate. The golden orb it had all formed around returned to the spring, the glow faded from the water and surrounding rocks, and I was left in the dark again.

"This is surreal…" I murmured, sinking to my knees as the full weight of what I'd been told came over me. I was going to help Link fight through the Twilight and defeat Ganondorf. I would meet Midna, and Princess Zelda, and everyone Link meets. "…No way…"

Doubt began to cloud my mind, as all of the reasons I wouldn't be able to do this took hold. I couldn't fight with a sword, couldn't kill monsters, I'd probably just become a spirit in the Twilight Realm, I was afraid of heights…

But then…I had to have been chosen for a reason, right? For whatever reason, I was chosen to help Link. Granted, how a fourth piece of the Triforce fit into it all still eluded me, but I could take a chance.

I hoped.

I took out my sword, weighing it in my hand. The triforce was back on my hand, I noticed. The sword felt good, almost…natural. Like it was a part of me. Standing back up, I took a few experimental swings, and grinned at the sound as the blade cut through the air. I took a moment to mentally cycle through basic attacks, mainly the ones used by Link; horizontal and vertical slices, the stab, the spin attack, and the jump attack. I felt at least semi-confident in my ability to do the first four, far less confident in the jump attack.

Once I'd confirmed that I remembered the basic moves, I tried to execute them. Most of them went rather well, but I didn't even attempt the jump attack. I knew I was nowhere near as good as Link, but I was at least starting somewhere. Maybe I could get Rusl's help, or even Link himself!

However, all of that took a back seat to getting a decent rest. The sky was growing lighter, the stars were beginning to fade, both only barely. I had a few hours at the very least before someone came by. With that knowledge, I moved to the far side of the spring, laying back with my arms as my pillow. Despite laying on the ground, I was asleep in moments.

A/N: So, I decided to give the prologue a second overhaul. More revisions will follow. Leave a review and let me know what you think?