~ Chapter Fifteen ~


You Won't Find Him Drinking At The Table;
Rolling Dice Or Staying Out Until Three.
You Won't Ever Find Him Be Unfaithful.
You Will Find Him…

When the Skies Are Grey,
And All The Doors Are Closing,
And The Rising Pressure Makes It Hard To Breathe,
When All I Need's A Hand To Stop The Fears From Falling,
I Will Find Him.

I Will Find Him Next To Me.

~Next To Me, by Emeli Sandé

Disclaimer: Me No Own; You No Sue.

Soon enough, Aaron and Derek shifted positions, each of his lovers entering him at that exact moment. He shifted uncomfortably against his lovers at first, feeling much too full, but quickly adjusted to the sensation of being stretched around two separate lengths, which also pleased his lovers beyond words. This combined friction enticed Aaron and Derek to increase their swift speed, until the point in time that Spencer suddenly screamed out amidst the brilliantly hot rainbow of colors, shapes, and feelings.

Memories of the past and present collided in that moment; however, Spencer, filled to the brim with affection and love, could only smile in his exhaustion and cuddle into his tired lovers. The night might be daunting at times, with its endless black silence and the memories of his injuries, but Aaron and Derek would always be there to chase his demons away. Hopes for the future – for their future – would brighten the night and bring the sunshine of tomorrow. And Spencer dreamed.

~*Five Years Later*~

A thin blur of blonde hair, blue jeans, and delirious laughter zipped through the gray and black kitchen. The whirlwind knocked down the – thankfully – plastic vase of freshly picked flowers from the counter, which slammed into the floor, bounced twice, and then rolled until it hit the dishwasher. Water cascaded down the stainless steel and to the floor, where it collected in a puddle, but Spencer ignored the mess in favor of reprimanding his endearingly sweet but hyperactive stepson.

"How many times must I ask that you only walk inside the house, Jack?" Spencer gently scolded, placing his hands to his thin hips and furrowing his eyebrows in mild disappointment at the fact that the child could not follow simple rules.

"Sorry, Dad, but I really need to get the door!" Jack exclaimed, his forest green eyes wide with anticipation. He barreled through the hallway and into the living room, straight toward the front door, which opened to the sound of the key turning in the lock.

Spencer sighed, shaking his head and smiling fondly at the small boy, who looked remarkably like his tall, dark, and handsome lover, Aaron. Like father, like son…

"Welcome home, Daddy!" Jack yelled, loudly, and with only the utmost happiness singing in his words. His slender arms were wrapped firmly around his neck, the subconscious fear that his father would leave him again stifled only by this physical contact.

He chuckled lightly at the familiar antics of his son and ruffled his soft hair between his fingers in greeting. "Hey, Jack," Aaron replied, before tenderly kissing his forehead. He smirked at the playful scrunching of his nose. "Were you good for Dad?"

The boy completely ignored this question, knowing that it would be impossible to lie outright to the profiler, and smiled brightly at his father, instead. Happiness filled his voice, and Jack said, "You know, Dad said that you would be coming home, but I didn't think it would be tonight!"

Aaron raised his eyebrow at the abrupt change in subject, surprised, but ultimately decided to humor his son, who shifted somewhat guiltily in his arms. He hugged Jack, pulling him closer to his broad chest, and continued to walk further into the living room. "Where is everyone, anyway?"

"Right here," Spencer softly responded, drawing the attention of his husband, who smiled when hearing his voice. He leaned against the frame of the door, his smile faint but bright in its honest intensity. As always, Spencer could feel his heart swelling with the return of his husbands.

"Hey, Babe," Aaron murmured into his brown hair, having walked forward to pull the younger man into his embrace. A heated kiss was pressed to his lips, to which Jack giggled and buried his face in his shoulder, delighted that his fathers were now together again.

"Oi, I leave for ten minutes to get a pizza," Derek cheerfully protested, closed the front door with his booted foot, and walked further into the room with that familiar smirk glued to his lips, "and you've already replaced me?"

"Hush, Derek," Spencer dryly said, amused but not willing to play that game now. His attention was entirely focused to his oldest husband, who finally returned from his defense case. He could multitask and fuss at Derek, too, but who wanted to deliberately antagonize his alpha(s)?

Oh, right. That would be Spencer…

His darker husband smiled, amusement burning in his stomach, and his skin curled into lines at the sides of his eyes. Happiness glittered in his expression, and Derek cheerfully said, "Sure I will, Baby Boy, but only if you'd shut me up!" He leered at Spencer.

Ever the lawyer, Aaron glared through his forest green eyes at Derek, though this supposedly terrifying expression could only be called halfhearted at best. He eyed his lecherous smile with disbelief and gently rebuked, "Leave him alone, 'rek."

Annoyed, Derek pouted, his lower lip stubbornly sticking outwards, but complied with his gentle command. "Fine," Derek muttered, folding his arms in apparent (sexual) frustration, "but I still want to kiss him…"

Peeking out from his refuge in interest, Spencer smiled sweetly at his second husband and then gestured for his first to hand him their son. He made certain not to jostle Jack, who was resting quietly, with his thumb in his mouth, in the protective hold of his father. Heading toward the kitchen, Spencer placed him in his chair beside the head of the table, where Aaron usually resided for meals. Jack whined gently, apparently tired, but soon perked upwards as a mouthwatering smell reached his nostrils.

Happily, Jack reached out for the box that Derek placed in the middle of the table, his small fingers already digging into the box in an attempt to pull out the first slice. His father, however, quickly pulled the box back and glared lightly at him. The rebuke could probably be seen a mile off, if Spencer was correct in his assumptions. His lips twitched when Father and Son glared at each other. Now approaching eight, Jack was opinionated, always right, and could be quite the handful.

Jack slumped in his chair and whined again, this time in frustration, and glared harder at his father, who seemed unmoved by this refusal to listen and handed him a napkin. Not to be deterred, Jack scowled at the napkin and bluntly demanded, "Pizza…!"

Green eyes examined his child with amusement. "Plate first, Jack," Aaron reminded him, handing the dish to his son, who immediately grabbed his first slice of pizza and burned his tongue in the next minute.

"Ow!" Jack exclaimed, his hands darting upwards to fan his mouth. He bounced in his seat, wanting something to drink but not remembering how to ask for it, and frantically stared this way and that in apparent desperation. "Hot, hot, hot, hot, HOT!"

He smirked at the complaining child, his lips twitching at the sight of the tongue hanging out of his mouth and his eyes watering in pain. Still, Aaron swiftly pushed his son a nearby glass of ice and cold coke to wash down the burning piece of pizza and cool his mouth. Jack gratefully gulped down the drink, which seemed to help, and burped lightly. He sighed in relief.

"Well, Jack," Spencer sternly continued, but could not find it in himself to really reprimand the hilarious child for acting so impulsively, "Your Daddy warned against eating hot pizza last time, remember?" When Jack pointedly stared at Derek, Spencer sighed, "Never imitate Papa…"

Derek merely snorted and continued to devour his hot slice of pepperoni and bacon pizza, oblivious to the incredulous stares directed his way. He finally sensed the heated expressions of his husbands, however, and swallowed the last bite without pause. "…what?" To which Aaron and Spencer could only sigh in fond exasperation.

"Well, I…" Jack glared at his fathers, all three of them, before realizing that three opponents translated roughly to him being outnumbered. He ducked his head sheepishly and then quietly mumbled, "…yes, sirs."

Appeased, Aaron started to eat his food, his mouth moving to chew his bite of pizza before it opened again. He cleared his throat with another drink of soda and curiously asked, "How was school, Jack?"

To his left, Derek and Jack groaned, clearly remembering this morning, during which time the two overslept and nearly missed the bus leaving for the local elementary school. Spencer was up early and generally prodded the two night owls awake when their alarm stopped with the infernal ringing. This morning, however, Spencer did not bother to wake either of the irresponsible children. Because what else could Derek be called? He was an adult, too, but…

Thinking about his family, Spencer could not help but smile. His husband, Derek, remained immature, even as the head of the local police force. Rash impulsivity was replaced, however, with clear thinking and this endearingly protective streak that existed for miles and miles and miles. No one was ever going to hurt Jack, Spencer, and Aaron.

Speaking of which, Aaron was silent but sweet, like always, but rather consistent in his firm upbringing of Jack, who continued to thrive under the attention of his parents. Aaron continued to spend most of his time with his family and his friends, especially since his return to the firm last year. He liked to take time off here and there for little field trips to the zoo and the movies with his husbands and his son.

A boy like Jack, who loved attention, could not survive with only his Daddy. He needed his Dad and Papa, too. Yes, Jack realized that many people did not have fathers, let alone three, but there was nothing in this world – be in insults or threats – that would part him from the three men. He loved watching movies, cooking, and fishing with his Daddy. He loved playing tag football and video games with his Papa. Above all, however, Jack loved curling up in front of the fireplace and reading with his Dad. Charles Dickens became his favorite author.

Smiling, Spencer glanced at the three with tears in his honey eyes. His vision blurred into a small river of blues, greens, yellows, and black, but Spencer could still make out the concerned expressions of Aaron, Derek, and Jack, who all exclaimed, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Spencer responded without concern, a wide smile claiming his lips when Aaron, Derek, Jack, and Clooney, who wandered into the room and sniffed at his socks, stared back at him with gentle smiles.

"Everything is perfect."

***Author's Note***

HELLO! I finally finished this story. Woohoo~! :)

What do you all think of the ending? From the beginning, I planned to end with the family scene, yet I did not expect it to turn out so, uh, mushy. ;) But I could not resist having that typical family night at home with Aaron, Derek, Spencer, and Jack. I hope it meets your expectations!

Please read and review, okay?

Later! :D