Title: Snacks
Pairing: Alan J. Corbett/Ed Zeddmore
Word Count: 158
Rating: Uh...PG?
Note: I love Ghostfacers with a passion and everyone seemed to be getting into it again, so I figured I should write something. Also, I just watched the episode and am chock full of feels.

"Corbett," Ed says, snapping Corbett out of his daze. Corbett nods, signaling that he's paying attention. "You're in charge of snacks." Corbett nods again, knowing exactly what snack duty is accompanied with each time.

Later, when Corbett finishes buying all the things on his list, he'll get home and call Ed. He'll claim to "need aid" in picking out snacks, because Ed always answers the call on speaker. Ed will go and help him. He will leave Ghostfacers HQ in favor of Corbett's inviting bed.

They will be alone, where "Corbett" morphs into "yes Alan god more."

If the other Ghostfacers know, they don't ever mention it. And, when they aren't looking, Ed sends a smirk his way.

In the background, he can hear Harry going over some minor details about the Morton house again but he isn't really paying attention. When Ed takes control of the conversation, a warm feeling settles in his chest.

Life is good.