Chapter 1:

Blaine just finished his rendition of "It's not right, but it's okay" much to Kurt's utter embarrassment, when Kurt could feel the rage he had been holding onto for two days boil over and out to the surface. Snatching his bag from the floor, Kurt began his dramatic exit from the choir room.

"I told you I did not cheat on you with Chandler!" He screamed.

Even though he could feel all his friends eyes on him he did not care. He would not sit by and be blamed for something he did not do. He did not cheat. Not this time. Not on Blaine.

"But you texted him. You flirted with him Kurt" Blaine words shot through his thoughts like an arrow stopping him at the door.

"I'm done explaining to you what I was and was not doing. I. ...Chandler" Kurt growled out slowly.

"You keep saying it like that. Why do you keep saying it like that? Blaine said tears beginning to form in his eyes.

"What?" Kurt asked confused.

"You keeping saying that you didn't cheat on me with Chandler." Blaine repeated.

"Because I didn't." Kurt spat.

"Then why do you keep saying his name." Blaine said.

"No I don't" Kurt said.

"Yes you do Kurt" Mercedes said.

Kurt looked over at his former best friend. He completely forgot where he was. In the choir room with an audience. An audience of gossiping little trolls that like drama. His eyes scanned the room until it found Santana and she looked away. It was completely unnoticed by the rest of the group because they were focused on him.

"Did you cheat on me before?" Blaine asked nervously.

"Wha..What?" Kurt stutter.

"Oh my god, Kurt." Mercedes chimed in.

"Shut up." Kurt spat at her.

"Kurt." Blaine whined.

"No" Kurt said looking towards Santana who was looking at her phone.

"Look at me," Blaine said stepping closer to Kurt, "Did you…cheat on me?" Sorrow filling every word.

Pausing to look at the man he loved Kurt decided it was best to tell the truth. He didn't want to have this conversation here. He never wanted to have this conversation anywhere. He could see the tears filling up Blaine's eyes and the glee girls taking in gasps of breath. So he said the thing that he never wanted to say aloud.

"Technically, no. I…." Kurt said letting his voice give out.

"What does that mean, technically no?" Blaine said backing away and letting anger fill his voice where sorrow once was.

"It…It means I cheated…with you, not on you." Kurt said glancing at Santana who now looked up at him.

"Wait how is that…" Blaine said confused.

"It means…," Kurt paused taking the largest breath he could, "that he hates you because of me. He has a reasons and it's my fault…"

"Wait I don't…You're talking about—"Blaine face registered not just an understanding of who Kurt was talking about but a level of rage that Kurt didn't even believe that Blaine was capable of.

"And that's my cue to exit" Santana's voice rang out in the now silent choir room.

"You knew!" Blaine screamed turning his rage on her.

"Hold on Blaine." Kurt tried to interject, but Blaine ignored him.

"You fucking knew!" Blaine said storming across the room.

"What? You think gayface over there came back to McKinley because he loved the glee club so much. Sorry to bust your bubble, but no. He asked me to help him get his boyfriend back from the hobbit that stole him and I did. They've been doing this shit for almost 2 years now and did you honestly think your pretty put together eyebrows was going to stop that." Santana cut into him.

"Oh, my god you're talking aobut Karofsky." Rachel said loudly.

Rolling her eyes Santana spoke directly to Kurt. "You on the other hand need to stop being an ass and make your choice already. You're breaking his heart. You know that you two can never really be friends. If it wasn't for you and that stupid date of yours he would be safe and happy, but you couldn't leave well enough alone."

"That's not my fault." Kurt replied.

"No. Nothing's your fault. You just happen to love the fact that he will wait till you get tired of the hobbit, or whomever else you wanna play with and go back to your superman" Santana said walking past Kurt and out the choir room door.

"What date Kurt?" Blaine asked slicing through Kurt's thoughts again.

"Valentine's Day. I was with David at Breadstix's…He sent me gifts all week. I knew in my gut that it wasn't you as much as I wanted it to be because that's just David's style…I went and we got caught by a jock from his school. He left in a hurry. Then everything just went wrong from there." Kurt said closing his eyes and sighing.

"You were the boy that caused all that" Mercedes whispered.

"And I'll never forget it because I told him that I wouldn't leave Blaine for him and refused his calls, which I have never done before by the way, and…this is what happened." Kurt said.

"You're not responsible for him trying that." Quinn said.

"No. I'm not. But I'm responsible for wanting to be with him," Kurt replied and looked straight at Blaine, "You wanted the truth so here it is. I love two people and I have no clue what to do about it. So when I say I will never cheat on you with Chandler believe me I won't because my heart is full."

Kurt turned and started walking out when Blaine's words stopped him.

"But how am I supposed to trust you around Karofsky?" Blaine asked.

"I ask myself that everyday." Kurt said and kept walking out.