"Yes? What about the tea lover?" Francis asked through the phone.

Alfred sighed. "He… he's no longer… here."

The line went silent for a moment.

"He's… gone?" Francis struggled to respond. "Gone as in…"


"No, this is… impossible..." the line went dead again before he spoke. "Why don't you come over here? You shouldn't be alone at a time like this."

"Thank you. That sounds… nice."

Alfred hung up and went over to Francis's house. He rung his door bell and the tear streaked face of Francis greeted him.

"Come in, mon cheri." He said as he wiped his eye with a white handkerchief lined with lace.

Alfred stepped in, the scent of perfume and French cooking filling his nostrils.

"Please, sit." He said as he led Alfred into his living room.

He did as he was told; he observed the delicate glass statues that decorated Francis's house. It felt strange being inside his house but he felt like it was a place where he could sit down and be himself. Despite his infamous perverted personality Alfred didn't feel a bit unsafe. He doubted he would try anything on him, especially at a time like this.

Francis disappeared into his kitchen. He opened a wine bottle and poured it into two large glasses. He normally wouldn't drink straight from the bottle but he took a quick swig to settle his nerves. He returned and handed a glass to Alfred before sitting down and sipping his.

"So… our Iggy has… passed?" Francis started.

"Yeah… he died in my arms." He responded.

"At least you got to see those pretty emeralds one last time." He said.

"Yeah but…" Alfred swallowed hard. He promised himself he wasn't going to cry anymore. "I saw them lose their shine… they just… glazed over…"

The memory replayed in his head, he lost control of his arms as he raised them as if he was holding Arthur again. They shook violently as he witnessed it over again.

"Alfred, snap out of it!"

Alfred shook his head, trying to remember where he was. "Oh… I didn't mean to… I'm… I'm sorry…"

"Don't be. Just try to calm down. Remember you're here with me, you're not in the hospital anymore."

Alfred looked down at the ground to hide his shame. He couldn't stand feeling so weak.

"I guess it had a bigger effect on me than I thought." He said.

"No one blames you. It's hard… when someone you love so much is just suddenly… gone. But you have to tell me…" he sat up, curiously. "Did he… tell you?"

"Tell me what?" he asked.

"Did he tell you how much he loved you?"

Alfred sighed. "Yeah… yeah he did."

"That's all you have to say? Do you have any idea how much you meant to him? Any time your name came up his face would brighten up, but he would always hide it with that frown he wore around all the time. The day you became independent was the day his heart shattered. I still remember it… he didn't even want to live anymore. But he pulled through. He wanted to see if you would ever come around. He would always talk about you. Just asking himself how he could make you smile each day. I have to admit, I was a bit jealous. I've never had love like that. You know? The real kind. The one that actually meant something. I've always wanted our little Arthur for myself but I knew I could never get in the way of you two. You had something special that a lot of people only think they have. You're lucky, Alfred. I just hope you didn't push him away."

"You know what? I love him too. I love him more than anything. If I only knew he would have died saving me… I wouldn't have let him done it but for some reason he took my place on the death bed. It wasn't worth it. Do you have any idea how terrible this guilt feels?" Alfred forgot his promise to himself and started tearing up. "I cried myself to sleep last night only to wake up and cry again. I never wanted him to give up his life for mine. I'm the hero. Not him. I was supposed to swoop in and save him last minute like they always do in the movies. I can't even do that right. He made me promise him that I'd go out there and show everyone my best but how can I do that when I'm so pathetic? I'm not going to lie. I thought about it. Suicide. But then I realized how stupid that would have been. His sacrifice would have been in vain if I just threw it all away. But I never wanted any of this. Now I can't even see straight. I just want to jump off a cliff and let the ocean wash my misery away. He's always telling me how much of an idiot I am… well look at him! He gave his life away to someone that doesn't even deserve it! That fucking…"

Alfred had to breathe. He was starting to make himself angry. Not only at himself, but at Arthur too and that was the last thing he wanted. Francis quickly ran over and put a supporting arm around him.

"I'm sorry. It's just… hard." Alfred said as he hid his face in his hands.

"Of all the people Arthur had to die for… I'm glad it was you." He said.

"Why do you say that?"

"You might be kind of obnoxious and your ego is a bit too high for my taste but you have the biggest heart out of all of us. All that "hero" stuff you talk about… all you've ever wanted to do was help people and to lead them to what you thought was the right direction. You definitely weren't always right but you always had good intentions for the most part. I think you deserved it. Not the pain but the life you still have to live. You can go out there and show us just what kind of hero you really are." He said.

Alfred smiled at his encouraging words. "Of all the words to describe me I never thought 'big hearted' would have been one of them. Thank you, Francis, you never seemed the type, but you know what to say when it's needed. I'm going for a drive; A long drive. I might not be back for a few days but I need a long time to think." He got up and headed towards the door but not before Francis could get him a few more words of support.

"Alfred. Remember who you're fighting for." he said.

Alfred hovered around the door, trying to make the most out of the last words he heard. He left without a word and closed the door behind him. He travelled through Europe, never really stopping until he was on the verge of starvation or passing out from lack of sleep, reviewing his life and replaying certain moments, trying to figure out what he could do to make his deceased lover proud. He continued until he reached what use to be England. He stared down at the dead grass that limped in the wind. He tried to remain strong but he couldn't help it. The sight caused depression to overtake him again.

He fell to the ground in defeat as his pity overwhelmed him. All his efforts had been wasted if he couldn't even handle this. He closed his eyes he tried to keep any more tears shaming him any further.

"I miss you so much." He whispered to himself.

As it he continued to convince himself to pick himself back up he heard rustling somewhere amongst the dead flowers and dried up grass. He strained his eyes to see what was causing the noise but the grass was too tall to see.

"Hello?" Alfred called.

The rustling stopped for a moment but continued after Alfred made no sounds.

"Is someone here?" he called.

Whatever was playing around in the grass started coming faster and closer towards Alfred, almost as if it was excited that there was another living being here with it. He thought he might have just been seeing things but he swore that as the thing continued down its path of dead grass and flowers they were filled with life and beauty again as if a giant group of fairies had enchanted them. A soft laughter could be heard as it came nearer and nearer.

A small boy emerged from the grass and stared up at Alfred with his beautiful green eyes. He smiled widely as his messy blond hair blew in the breeze. Alfred held his breath at the sight. Could it be?

"I'm right here! It's me!" the small boy said in an English accent

"Are you… a new country?" he asked.

"I think so, but I'm not quite sure yet. Hey, you seem familiar. Are you my big brother?" the boy asked.

Alfred felt a tear depart from his eye. He picked the little country up in his arms and held him closely as if he would disappear if he let go. "Yes… I am. And I've missed you very much."

The small country returned Alfred's hug, squeezing him tightly, a feeling of familiarity making him feel secure around the man. Alfred held him in his arms as he made through the now beautiful field.

"Let's go home, my little Arthur."


(Author's Notes)

Now that I'm finished with this story what do you think I should do next? A sequel, some smut, a different pairing, or some more USUK? Let me know what you think in a review!