Ah, another ghost from the past XD I remember toying the idea of doubles and all that, then this happened. It's Pride!Ed, by the way, just to clear that up.

Doppelgangers and Clones

Alfons ran his fingers down Pride's bare chest, twirling around his nipples. It was Edward's chest, but his reactions were different – instead of flipping him over and quite forcefully taking the initiative, he squirmed beneath him, his golden eyes silently begging him for more.

A distant memory stirred in Pride's mind, of another Alphonse. That Alphonse had been softer, more hesitant, less dominant. He had whimpered softly as he lowered himself onto…

Pride reached up and kissed Alfons, gently, softly, pleadingly. They weren't the same people as Ed and Al. If they had been, long ago, it didn't really matter.