Chapter 1

I sat in the library re-reading Hogwarts: A history for the billionth time. It was the last day of school as tomorrow everyone goes home for the Christmas holidays. This year I've decided to stay at Hogwarts with Harry though somehow I think Ron may convince him to go to the Burrow. Maybe I should ask if Lavender or Parvati are staying. I look at the rounded clock on the wall and see that it's nearly dinner time so I pack my book away and make my way to the Great Hall. I spot Ron and Harry sitting about half way down the long wooden tables so I make my way down the aisle to them.

"Hey 'Mione, where have you been?" Ron said through a mouthful of roast chicken.

"In the library," I answer.

He rolls his eyes as if he should already know that and I just smile and get some food onto my plate.

"Ron, just the brother we've been looking for," said a familiar voice coming from a few meters away.

Fred and George Weasley are making there way up to where we're sitting and sit either side of me.

"Surely you weren't looking for Bill around here, you know that he hasn't gone to school for a while now?" Says Ron sarcastically.

"No we weren't but I wasn't looking for the brother that was right beside me that would be a bit foolish wouldn't it?" Jokes Fred.

"Sometimes I wonder how you even made it this far in school," George added.

Ron grimaced at George, "Just get on with what you were going to say."

"We need to talk to you later," Fred said while George and him were getting up, "Bye Hermione."

"Bye," I waved.

"Is that actually all they had to say to me? Bloody hell," Ron said shaking his head.

The main courses vanished from the dinner table and Dumbledore rose from his seat and motioned with his hands for everyone to be quiet.

"I'd like to say with great pleasure that this has been a wonderful first half of the year and I do wish that everyone has a safe and happy Christmas if you are going home tomorrow! Now let's have some desert," He announced.

Blocks of ice cream in every flavour, apple pies, treacle tarts, chocolate éclairs, trifle and rice puddings appeared all over the tables. I grabbed a chocolate éclair and started eating it while Harry and Ron got one of everything and were nearly finished by the time I had taken my last mouthful.

"Do you want to go up to the common room now?" asked Harry.

We got up and walked up to the common room. As we walked into the common room I spotted the best seats next to the fireplace were free so I raced Harry and Ron to get one of the two seats and only just beat Ron.

"I win again!" I exclaimed teasing Ron.

"Ha ha, very funny," Ron said.

"Uhh, Hermione," Harry started, "I was thinking of going to the Burrow for Christmas."

I knew this would happen but it was alright the Burrow was pretty much Harry's home.

"It's fine I'll just hang out with Parvati," I smiled.

"Ron!" One of the twins yelled from the other side of the common room while motioning with his hand to come over. Ron stood up and walked over.

"I really am sorry Hermione, it's just Mrs. Weasley invited me and I know Ron would like the company," he explained feeling a bit guilty.

"It really is fine Harry, I understand." I said.

Ron came back and sat down at the foot of my chair. "What did they want?" Asked Harry.

"I'll tell you later," he said, "Hey, Hermione, do you want to come over for the holidays?" Ron asked looking at me.

"Are you sure there wouldn't be too many people over?" I asked.

"Are you being serious?" Ron raised his eyebrows. "She'd be fine with it she's used to having seven kids in the house!"

"Oh, well in that case, I'd love to! I have to go pack my bag though! See you's tomorrow." I smiled and waved. I got up and headed up the stairs to the girls' dormitories.

When I got upstairs only Lavender was in the dorm asleep. I got out my suitcase and packed all my clothes and some good books. I heard the door open and I turned around to see Ginny walking in.

"Are you coming over for the holidays?" Ginny asked?

"Sure am!" I smiled.

"It will be so much better now, do you know what it's like having six brothers?" She asked. I just laughed and shook my head.

"So guess what I overheard my brothers talking about?" Ginny said smiling.

"I have no idea, what?" I said sitting down on my bed.

"Well I think Fred and George have a thing for you. They asked Ron to ask you to come over."

"Seriously? Why would they do that?" I asked.

"No idea but they obviously want to spend time with you. I'm going to bed because we have a long day tomorrow. Goodnight." Ginny said.

"Me too, night," I replied.

I laid in bed but couldn't sleep. Why would the twins suddenly want to spend more time with me? Did one of them have a thing for me? I've known them for six years and not once did they ever like me or act like they did. I just kept thinking about it until I eventually fell asleep.