Disclaimer: I don't Harry Potter or Glee.

Pairing: Harry undecided opinions welcome :) Finn/Hermione, everybody else just message me.

Summary: Harry is found to be Finn's half brother and has to go live with him and the Hummel-Hudsons. How does his presence affect things?

A/N: okay this is something i've been thinking about for a while but never really got around to writing so here it is and hopefully you'll all like it and i will continue it. Also i know this is a little choppy but bare with me its just to rush through the first part and the next will be more solid fuller chapters, I'm sorry its heaps of dialogue. Also im sorry if i confuse you with sometimes calling him a boy and sometimes a man Harry is 15 almost 16.


"How is he Doc?" The detective asked turning away from the adolescent boy in the bed to look at the doctor who had walked into the room.

"Honestly?" He looked at the other man and sighed when the detective nodded. "His inuries are vast there's broken bones, internal bleeding not to mention a severe head wound, I'd be suprised if he survives the night." The detective clenched his teeth and nodded wondering how anyone could do this to a child.

"If he's not going to survive the night i'd like to take copies of his fingerprints and a DNA sample now if you don't mind." When the doctor didn't complain the detecive did as he asked and made to leave before he turned to the doctor "Keep me updated. I want to know if his condition changes in anyway." He left the young man's hospital room and returned to his precinct, a long night a head of him.

"Anything on those prints yet?" The detective asked the constable he had searching the system.

"No Sir, noth..." the constable was interrupted by the ringing if the detective's phone.

"Andrews." He barked into his phone and walked towards his desk where his partner was waiting for him. "Aha, yep, ok got it, let me know if anything changes." He flippeded his phone shut and turned to his partner, "Kid's still alive. Barely." He sunk into the chair opposite his partner "Doc said his vitals have dropped which isn't a good sign, they've given him 24 hours. Did you get anything from the DNA?"

"There was no match for him so the lab is expanding the search looking for maternal or paternal DNA matches. " He repeated to Andrews what the lab tech had told him.

"Let's go talk to the witnesses while we wait" Andrews said grabbing his jacket and leaving the buliding.

"Lab thinks they might have a match." Detective Brody told his partner on the way back to the precinct.

"Yea, they say anything else?" Andrews asked.

"Just that the match was maternal from a military database. They were sending a request for the officer's file and it should be there by the time we get back."

Andrews said nothing he just put his foot down harder on the accelerator eager to get back to base.

"Sheila Hudgens 23, she was a field medic working with an American platoon in Afghanistan. Sent home for getting pregnant in the field, she gave birth to a boy she named Harry in Lakenheath military hopsital. Put him up for adoption and then returned to duty, She died in an explosion 6 months later ." Andrews read from the file to Brody.

"Anything on the adoptive parents or the biological father in there?"

"Nothing on the adoption but at least we know where to look as for the father." He flicked through a couple of pages. "All it says here is that it was an American soldier, doesn't say what happened to him."

"So what do you want to do?" Brody asked.

"I say we look at the adoption agency first and go from there."

"Okay so the adoption agency said that Harry was adopted by a young couple Lily and James Potter. I looked into them and found that they lived in a small town called Godric's Hollow until Harry was 15 months then a gas explosion blew up part of their house killing Lily and James leaving Harry the only survivor." Brody stated when he saw Andrews hang up his phone. "Then after that he is registered as living with Lily's sister Petunia Dursley and her family."

"Right, ok, do we have any info on the Dursleys?" Andrews asked, when Brody said he had nothing else he told his partner about the hospitals update. "Harry's still alive, docs are now saying he could possibly survive although he's still in a very serious condition but his vitals are improving and every hour he's still alive increases his chance of survival."

The sound of the fax machine interrupted the two detectives and Brody went to gather the information. "Okay says here the Dursleys live in Surrey. Vernon Dursley is the director of a drilling company Grunnings, Petunia doesn't work and their son Dudley goes to a private school called Smeltings. Doesn't say anything about Harry though."

"Well then, I think it's time we went and paid the Dursley a little visit wouldn't you agree?"

"Can i ask what all this is about?" Petunia asked the two detectives seated in her lounge room.

"It's about your nephew. Harry." Detective Andrews said noticing the way her smile faltered for a second.

Petunia opened her mouth but was interrupted by a fat man with a walrus moustache "Pet, i'm home..." He trailed off when he noticed the men in his lounge room. "If your here about that freak boy, we don't want anything to do with him." He said breathing heavily his face red with rage.

"Mr Dursley, your nephew was beaten within an inch of his life and is currently fighting for his life." Brody stated knowing that being direct was the only way Vernon would listen to him.

"I don't care! He can die for all i care!" Vernon yelled working himself into the angry rant that normally happened when the boy was mentioned around him. "He and his freakish ways are not welcome here. Leave and don't come back!" He continued to yell angrily, but when the detectives refused to leave he left the room and told his wife to deal with them.

"Mrs Dursley, when was the last time you saw nephew?" Andrews asked her.

"A little under a week ago, we often leave him to his own devices it's not uncommon that he leaves without telling us." She replied.

"Has he ever been gone this long before?"

"The boy attends boarding school in Scotland for ten months of the year detective. We only have contact for the 2 months he is required to stay during the summer. But to answer your question during the time he is here he has only ever been gone a day or two at the most."

"Did you think to report him missing?" Andrews continued his questioning not fully able to believe that she could feel so indifferent to her nephew.

"No i figured he had gone to one of his friends house until school started." Her cold matter of fact tone bothered the detectives although they showed no signs of their discomfort.

"Did you know that Harry wasn't your sisters biological child?" Brody asked.

She reared back slighty as if she had been slapped and stared at the two men. She took a deep breath and swallowed loudly. "If i had known he wasn't hers we would never have kept the boy." She admitted and then informed the men that it was time for them to leave and that she like her husband wished to have no further contact.

"The boy awoke, only for a few moments though. Its enought for the doctors to believe that he can pull through they want to do more tests as they don't know what condition he will be in when he's awake for more then a few seconds. " Andrews said to Brody when he got off the phone.

Brody smiled, hearing that the kid might be alright was the best news he had all day. Hopefully the news he had for Andrews would be just as good. "That was the American military the believe they have a match for the kids DNA they're sending the file over now."

"Thats good hopefully we can find some family that will actually appreciate this kid."

Brody looked over the file of the man believed to be Harry's biological father, silently cursing the boys fate to never know any of his parents. "Give me some good news!" Andrews yelled to Brody seeing the file in his hands.

"Wish i could." He sighed before reading the report summary. "Christopher Hudson, 29 from Lima, Ohio, served in the marines and died in a gun battle two months after Sheila returned home."

"Christ! Does he have any survivng family at all?" Andrews asked

"Hudson was an only child and his parents died in his early 20's. He was married though to a..." He [aused searching through the file for the womans name he had previously read. "Carole Hudson who he had a child with." Brody finished and chucked the file on his desk.

"So the kid has a brother?" Andrews confirmed.

"Yea older. The brother was a couple of weeks old when Hudson left for duty and 6 months when he died. The file lists an old number and address for Carole, She's probably his closest living relative and hopefully can take him in."

"Ok, try and get a current list of contact details for Carole Hudson. I'll call child services and see if the can contact the appropriate department in America to work something out for this kid."

"Mrs Dursley." Andrews paused then began speaking into his phone again. "The doctors believe your nephew will make a full recovery." He had to stop speaking as she wouldn't hear him over her screeching. Once she stopped he continued with his reason for calling. "Mrs Dursley we may have found a possible guardian for your nephew on his biological father's side and we'd like you to sign over all guardianship rights to them."

The silence Andrews heard on the phone dragged on for a few minutes before he heard her tell him he was welcome to come round anytime with the papers for her to sign and after that she wished to have no further contact before he heard the harsh beeping that indicated he had been hung up on.

Detective Andrews turned his attention to his partner who was also talking on his phone. "I'm Detective Ryan Brody with Scotland Yard." He paused and when she enquired as to his business calling her then he continued on. "I'm ringing in regards to a young boy who was attacked to the point of unconciousness." Even from across the desk Andrews could hear her gasp of shock and cofusion through the phone. "Yes it's a very unfortunate situation Mrs Hudson, he's doing remarkably well he is in a stable conditon and the doctors have high hopes for his recovery."

Brody could hear in her voice how much she cared about a boy she didn't even know and it brought a smile to his face that if she did take Harry in he would be well cared for. Unfortunatley he also knew that he had to get to the hard part. The part where informed her that her husband had had a child with another woman while he was on active duty. "What does this have to do with you? Well Carole as we had no way identifying the young man we had to do a DNA test and we have been informed that his father was an American soldier by the name of Christopher Hudson..."

The silence coming from the other end of the phone was deafening for a few moments until it was broken by a loud crash and a man calling her name from the phone.

Thoughts? please review even if you think its crap :)