The albino was just enjoying the show, watching the blond get flustered as the most desperate of the girls batted their eyes at him. The blond looked away from the girls promptly, embarassed and uninterested. It was cute, really. The way he blushed and tried to discourage the girls without actually saying anything.

The albino smirked. The wedding wasn't much fun, really, so Gilbert focused all of his attention on the unknown blond on the other side of the reception pavilion. The blond that was ignored by most of the wedding guests (the desperate women being the only exception outside of Gilbert himself). The blond with the purple eyes and the single rebellious curl.

Gilbert caught the cute blond's eye and gave a cocky wink. The blond blushed- Gilbert was pleased to see that the blush was visibly deeper than the blush the blond had taken on when dealing with the forward, desperate women.

"Bruder, vhat are you doing?"

"Eh?" Gilbert glanced over at his younger- taller- brother, "Nothin', why?"

Ludwig gave him an expression of disbelief, but didn't say anything else, instead choosing to walk away. Towards that weak little Italian boy, Gilbert noted with a smirk. He turned his attention back to the blond, finding him talking to a girl. He looked flustered, and the girl looked persistent.

"Time for the Awesome Gilbert to intervene," Gilbert told himself, standing up and making his way over to the yet-unknown blond and the buxom, annoying girl. "Hallo," he said, raising a hand and grinning at the blond. The girl just wasn't important.

"H-hi?" the purple-eyed blond fidgetted uncomfortably.

"We should dance," Gilbert said confidently.

The girl looked annoyedly at Gilbert, "Uh... are you stupid? He's a boy."

"And you're annoying, goodbye," Gilbert said, waving the girl off and turning back to the blond, "So, Birdie? Care to dance with Pure Awesome?" he smirked self-assuredly.

The blond fidgetted, standing up hesitantly, "I-it's Matthew..." he said.

"And I'm the Awesome Gilbert, nice ta meetcha," Gilbert grinned, "Is that a yes, then?"

"I-I guess," the blond looked at his feet self-consciously.

"Awesome!" Gilbert took the blond, Matthew, by the hand and half-dragged the poor boy out of his corner and onto the brightly lit dancefloor.