A/N: A little drabble I wrote a while ago when I was feeling particularly angsty post-TWoRS. I have a feeling it's not very good, but here you go anyway. Oh and Amy and Rory have still got bunk beds because I felt like it.

Amy woke up to the sound of shouting coming from the direction of the console room, she thought. Though one could never be too sure with the TARDIS.

She climbed down from the top bunk, careful not to wake Rory who was still snoring softly below her.

She snuck out to the top of the stairs overlooking the console room.

"I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!" the Doctor was shouting to the empty room around him. "I know I shouldn't have, but River never would have listened to me otherwise."

Amy watched on curiously as the Doctor moved to sit on the stairs below her and put his head in his hands.

"I'll never feel the way with her that I feel about you," the Doctor continued. "Though I'm sure you and the not-me-me are enjoying a wonderful life, little pink and yellow and brown babies running around wreaking havoc."

Amy was surprised to hear one lonely, heart wrenching sob tear from his throat.

"It could have been me. It should have been me. I was to much of a coward then though. I miss you so much."

The Doctor stood up again and began to pace. "She's not even anything like you."

She shouldn't be there. Amy may be nosey, but this was different. She made to leave, but then she heard her name and the temptation to stay was too much.

"Amy reminds me of you sometimes. She'll say something or do something and I just have to turn away so I don't see you there instead of her."

"River's different. She doesn't make me a better person like you did. She hasn't saved me like you have." He collapsed back on the stairs.

"Oh Rose, I should have married you."

The TARDIS made a comforting hum and the Doctor looked up at the glowing time rotor. He sniffed and nodded, pulling himself up with great effort.

Amy took a step back as the Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and began tinkering under the console.

As the redhead climbed into the lower bunk and cuddled up to her husband, she decided that she would find out who this Rose woman who had such a hold on the Doctor was.