AU. Jimmy's wedding is in florida & they are staying at the hotel for 10 days(: TIVA!

I am planning to carry this on- it will not be the last chapter; please review & stuff because I am really nervous- It is my very first fanfiction(: ENJOY.


Ziva sat beside Tony and Abby. She was squashed up against Tony, which she was not complaining about, neither was he. Ziva hadn't drank much wine, as it was only Jimmy and Breena's rehearsal dinner. The wedding wasn't for another two days, and they were staying at the hotel, in Florida for 10 days. Ziva did not know what room she was in, her suitcase was still in the car, with Tony's. Jimmy hadn't been round to their table yet, he was still trying to please Breena's dad with a couple of jokes that Tony told him.

After another hour into the evening Jimmy got to the table and squeezed in beside Abby, making Ziva and Tony even more squashed up together.

"Thanks a lot for coming guys, I am so grateful!" Jimmy said. He was quite drunk.

"That is no problem my boy. Your big day is coming up soon, you need to be prepared," Ducky reassured him.

"Jimmy, I know that it is still early, but can I ask where abouts my room may be?" Ziva was getting tired and wanted to leave within the next hour or two.

"Oh yeah, wait I will be right back, Breena has all those details," Jimmy hurried off.

Abby and Ducky where having a discussion about Jimmy's big day, whilst McGee was telling Gibbs about this amazing new computer he had just gotten, and Gibbs tried to look as if he was interested.

"Getting tired are ya, Zee-vah?" Tony asked.

"Yes actually, I am. I have been up since 0400 this morning and I did not sleep at all the whole journey here."

"Yeah I know, I was beside you the whole time," Tony smirked.

Moments later Jimmy and Breena walked out of the hall which contained the whole wedding party. Ducky went over to have a chat with Breena's Aunt and Abby insisted that McGee danced with her to the song that was playing.

There was an awkward silent between Gibbs, Tony and Ziva while they watched Abby and McGee dance. Finally Gibbs broke the silence.

"I'm just going to go to the men's room." Gibbs then left.

Tony and Ziva weren't as close anymore as they were able to sit around the bench type seat. Once again there was another silence between the two.

Then once the song had finished and a new one began Abby pounced over to the two.

"Guys you two need to dance. Like seriously."

"I do not feel like dancing Abby, my heels are kind of hurting me," Ziva stated and looked at Tony.

"Oh come on Zi, It'll be fun. Just one song," Tony practically begged her.

"Fine," Ziva sighed in defeat. "But just one song, yes?"

Tony led her to the floor. It was a slow song, but it was nice. She placed her hands around his neck and he had his hands on her waist. Tony heard Abby telling McGee how cute they were, but he pretended not to hear it. He didn't want to ruin the moment. It was nice being with Ziva. He hope that he could spend more time with her this holiday.

They didn't dance to close to each other at first but Tony dared to spin her a little faster than usual and their chests clashed together.

Ziva glanced up at Tony. They didn't know what to say. She was currently in Tony's arms gazing into his big eyes, but it didn't feel weird. It felt comforting. They stared into each other's eyes for about a minute until Jimmy came running up to them both waving two sets of keys about. They broke apart.

"Here you go guys, sorry I told so long! I got a bit carried away," Jimmy said with his face covered in lipstick, the same shade Breena had been wearing.

"I see," Ziva giggled. "Thank you, but I think I am going to head off upstairs now."

"Me too actually Jimmy, I am a bit tired. I'll see you tomorrow though." Tony told him.

Ziva was confused. Why did Tony say that? He seemed fine. He hadn't had much to drink either, but he still wasn't as tired as she was, he actually slept most of the way here. She didn't question him though.

They said their goodbyes to the team and got their bags from the car. They both got into the elevator, and got off and the exact same stop. Not a word was said until Ziva arrived at Room 231, which was stated on her key.

"Tony, why are you following me?" Ziva asked, slightly confused.

"I could ask you the same thing, look this is my room," Tony showed her his key which read 'Room 231'.

She then looked down at her key which had the exact same number on it.

"Maybe we are sharing a room."

"Perhaps. There must be two beds."

Ziva unlocked the room with her key and they entered. It was a big room. There was a huge plasma TV on the wall. A two seated couch. A beautiful view of the sea, but only one bed.

They both looked at each other with confused. Jimmy hadn't said anything about sharing a room, never mind a bed.

They gave each other a blank stare and then heard the elevator. They both turned and Jimmy was running up to them.

"Hey guys, sorry I forgot to tell you that I had to get one room for the two of you. But there is a slight problem… I could not get a room with two single beds. I am really sorry guys." Jimmy explained.

"Fine," Ziva sighed in defeat. She was too tired to argue and she understood that Jimmy had enough stress with the wedding.

"Thank you so much guys, I really appreciate it," Jimmy left them to it.

Tony was confused. Did Ziva just say fine to sharing a room with him? When she could easily fight her way out of this? Tony didn't bother questioning her.

Ziva started unpacking and got her sleep wear out. She walked into the bathroom to get changed. Shortly after, she came out with a vest top and shorts on and her hair up in a loose ponytail.

Tony noticed that she has very little clothes on and her beautiful olive skin was showing, he couldn't stop himself staring.

"What?" Ziva asked Tony confused.

"Huh? What? I mean nothing I was just um... Thinking." Tony replied unsure.

"Ok," Ziva chuckled.

Tony went into the bathroom to change too. He came out with boxer shorts and a t-shirt on, he didn't know what to wear. He didn't think he would be sharing a room with anyone so he never exactly packed suitable stuff.

When he came out of the bathroom Ziva was lying on top of the bed reading a book. Tony didn't want to disturb the ninja but he wasn't sure where he was going to be sleeping.

"Uhh, Ziva."

"Yes Tony?"

"Well um… I was just wondering," He begun. "Where abouts, you know…"

"Spit it out Tony!"

"Where will I sleep tonight?"

She laughed and patted the empty space of the bed beside him. "Right here"

"Wait, so I'll be sleeping beside you?"

"Yes Tony, it is not like we have never slept in the same bed before."

"Yeah I guess." He said still unsure.

It was still considerable early. Only about 8pm. Ziva was still lost in her book and Tony was listening to some songs on his iPod. The song that was playing earlier when him and Ziva were dancing came on, he was about to change it when he started thinking about earlier. He was thinking how much he enjoyed dancing with her, holding her in his arms… He glanced over at Ziva. She looked so cute reading her book. He was wondering if she enjoyed earlier. He was going to ask her but she noticed him staring.

"What are you looking at Tony?"

He took his earphones out. "What was that?"

"Why were you looking at me there? Are you uncomfortable? Would you like me to move to the couch?" She gestured to the couch.

"No! No, no, no. I was just thinking. That was all"

"Well could you think to your iPod please, you are putting me off?"

"Yeah, sure."

Great, now Ziva had caught him staring. He didn't know if he could last tonight. She was sitting over there being all beautiful and all, and he didn't want to, he couldn't keep those little feelings tucked away forever.

"Uhh, Zee-vah?" Tony started.

"Yes, Too-ney?" She said, too annoy him.

"Well, um, I was just thinking and.." He was cut off by Ziva.

"Oh my God… Tony."

"What you know what I was thinking? I know you are a ninja 'n' all but I haven't even hinted to you yet." He replied stunned.

"No Tony, but stay as still as you can." She sounded scared.

She took his iPod out of hand and got her book, she moved closer to Tony and screamed while she hit the huge spider off of Tony's head. She hadn't noticed she pushed herself up against him so hard until she found herself lying on top of him on their hotel room floor.

Ziva looked into Tony's eyes and he looked into hers. They both stayed there for a minute until Ziva felt something. She giggled.

"Tony, I know that is not your knee."

Tony looked at her quite embarrassed. She slowly lowered her face to his wondering what she was doing. Before she had time to think she pressed her lips against his. Surprisingly he kissed back. The kiss got stronger and more passionate. He brought his hands up to meet Ziva's hips and she put her hands on his chest. Suddenly they were interrupted by someone knocking on their hotel door. They broke apart and Ziva jumped off of him. Tony answered.

There was an older man, about the same age as Gibbs, standing in front of him.

"Hi, I am truly sorry to disturb you but I was just wondering if you could pop into my room and fix my television for me?" The man asked sweetly.

"Uhh yeah, that's no problem." Tony replied, closing the door behind him.

Ziva lowered herself onto the bed. She didn't know how she felt. She just kissed the man she thinks she is in love with. But she doesn't know how this is going to ruin their friendship. She smiled at herself. I just kissed Tony she thought to herself. She moved over to the window. She was lost in her thoughts, good thoughts.

5 minutes later the hotel room door opened. Tony close it behind him and then his eyes met Ziva's.

They, hesitantly, walked a little closer until they were close enough to touch. They just looked at each other. Tony didn't know if it was a good idea to kiss her again or not but he went for it.

He touched her cheek and pulled her closer with her waist and then ran his hand through her hair. Then Ziva put both hands on his cheeks and then their lips touched. Much like the first time the kiss was soft, but got more and more passionate. He lowered his hands until they sat at the bottom of her back and she put her hands around his neck. Ziva ran her hands down his T-Shirt until she reached the bottom and pulled it over his head. He smiled against her lips. He was now kissed Ziva in his underwear. Next thing they knew, they were both lying on the bed kissing, Ziva on top of Tony.

Suddenly, Tony pulled away.

"What is wrong?" Ziva asked confused.

"I'm sorry, I just think it is a little too quick, don't you?"

"Yes, I did until I found myself on top of you, and I liked it," she replied sounding quite embarrassed.

Tony gave his famous DiNozzo smile. "Really?"

"Don't flatter yourself, you liked it too," She chuckled.

They shared another look.

"I just don't think we should rush into things, if you understand what I'm talking about." He broke the silence.

She looked concerned. "Tony are you OK? You are turning down an offer to sex?" She chuckled.

"Sort of," He gathered her hand in his. "But only because I want it to be special. I don't want it to be a one night stand or something you think that you may regret."

"Well Tony, I do not regret anything with you, but I guess you are correct." She leaned over and kissed his cheek softly. "Thank you."

"For what? If anything I made you sad…" He said confused.

"For not letting me rush into things. I would like it to be special too." She leaned in and kissed him softly. "Would you like to go to bed now?" She asked.

"Yeah, that sounds good."

They climbed into bed and Ziva looked over at Tony. When he noticed her, he looked around. She had little puppy eyes as if she wanted a cuddle. He held his arm out and she rested beside him with her head on his shoulder and hand on his chest. He was very happy and quite excited to wake up in the morning.