AN: Dedicated to JenRar, my dear friend…if I hadn't been betaing your Twilight FFs, I don't think I EVER would've thought of Vampire Garcia. I love you..thank you for always betaing my stuff, too…you add "sparkle" to my life…in more than one way! :)

Chapter 20-The Epilogue

"That was awful," Penelope groused as they walked out of the movie theater. Normally, she was a happy cinema patron, and she liked most movies, but this... She swore she could feel the steam rising from her head.

"It wasn't that bad."

Derek had his arm around her shoulders, and she had her arm around his waist like usual, except this time, they stood maybe a hair closer to one another. Well, not really. They'd always stood incredibly close. It served to remind her: they were a couple even before they were officially a couple.

She shot him an incredulous look and then started the tirade that had been coming since about fifteen minutes into the film. "There was nothing even remotely realistic about that movie! The way he turned into a bat, how he was uber strong, even that fog that followed him around."

Derek sighed heavily. "I hate to say it, but I told you going to a vampire movie was a bad idea…"

"Yes, you were right," she decided begrudgingly with a pout, and then continued, "but I didn't think they'd be that bad. It was beyond campy to downright insulting, and—"

"At least they got the sexy bite right..."

The low timbre in Derek's voice caused a sweet thrill to race across Penelope's skin. The sensuality of the bite she'd given him was something neither of them would ever forget. It was also the only residuals from the entire event; they both still had faint puncture wounds on their necks. Deep down, she hoped they'd never go away completely. It reminded her that they were soul mates.

Sighing with dramatic flair, she said, "I'll give them that."

"That's my agreeable girl," he teased, kissing the top of her head.

Penelope snuggled happily into his side as they continued toward his car.

Moments later, they arrived at Derek's house. He tossed his keys on the entry table and toed off his shoes.

"Ready for bed?" he asked.

Penelope yawned. She was already sleepy; it had been a long day. "Mmm hmm...I could use a little sleep."

Looping his arms around her waist, he gave her the sexy smirk she'd adored for years and was now only hers. "Who said anything about going to sleep?"

"I should've known better," she purred, looping her arms around his neck in reply as he leaned down to kiss her cheek, her jaw, and the length of her neck.

"Hell, yes, you should've," he growled softly, giving her a playful nip that made her nipples harden and her groin tingle. "Need some caffeine?"

There were electrodes attached to Derek's mouth; she was certain of it. There was no other excuse for the lightening that rolled through her body whenever he touched her. One thousand watts of pure pleasure, wrapped up in a delicious, milk chocolate package.

Not to be outdone, she kissed him soundly, tangling her tongue with his, drawing a groan of satisfaction from them both. "I'm wide awake now."

They continued kissing and shedding clothes as they made their way up the stairs to his bedroom, laughing as they occasionally stumbled. By the time they reached the room, they were in their underwear only.

Derek unfastened her bra, and she shrugged out of it, letting it drop to the floor.

"Oh, hell, yes..."

He was staring at her chest. He was such a breast man, and heaven knows with forty double Ds, she had a lot of breast to offer! Thinking to tease him and make him wait—good things came to those that waited, after all—she stepped away from him. She saw moonlight streaming from the open windows. Backing up, she turned so it coated her body and opened her arms. "Come and get me, tiger."

The look of lust that came over him made the teasing worth it.

Moving toward her, he reached out and cupped her breasts, flicking his thumbs over the tips. "I love this new lotion you're using."

Penelope smiled and then frowned just a little in confusion. "What new lotion?"

"This stuff with glitter," he said, leaning down to place a kiss on top of the curve of one breast. "It makes your body shine."

"Derek...I'm not wearing lotion."

He lifted his head. "What?"

She was still frowning. "I'm not."

"Baby," Derek said slowly, "you have to be. You're sparkling in the moonlight."

Penelope rushed to the bathroom. In the regular light, she looked just like herself. Taking a mirror, she went to the spot with the sun streaming in, and sure enough...she glittered. Not quite as dramatically as she'd thought—she was thinking disco ball glitter—but she did sparkle.

"Wow," she said, looking up at Derek. "At least it's not my face. This I can deal with...and I kind of like it."

He smiled as he ran a finger over her nipple and then circled it, making her shiver. "I do, too."

She couldn't help it; she had to look in the mirror again. She was awestruck when she said, "Amazing..."

"It is."

"It's another vampire residual," she said seriously, putting the mirror down. "It has to be. One more thing right from new school: glitter. Like Twili—"

"Don't say it," Derek groused. "Don't start that old school vamp versus new school argument again..."

Stepping closer, she ran her hands over his chest and then rested them on his shoulders. "Then do something to make me stop arguing," she teased suggestively.

And he did.