Me: Yay, another story! XD

Naru: Shit, it's you again.

Mai: Be nice!

Naru: Or what?

Mai: Or else I'll sick her big sisters on you.

Naru: Yeah right, like I'd fall for that.

Mai: *Turns to Silver* Silver, if you'd please.

Me: Sure! *Takes deep breath*

Naru: What's she do-

Me: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Onee-san! Naru's being mean to me!

Naru: SHIT! *Starts running*

Gene: Ha-ha! Run little white boy, run!

Me: Gene!

Gene: What?

Mai: Don't say that, it's supposed to be run idiot scientist, run!

Gene: Hell Yeah! *Joins Mai in on the new chant*

Me: Okay then, I don't own Ghost Hunt, and please R&R while I get some popcorn and watch.

Mai's POV:

"Hey Muffin, can you please go sweep the outside of the shop?"called a motherly voice that I had grown so used to hearing in the past few months of living here.

"No problem Mom!" I shouted back as I fixed my priestess kimono. 'Yep, that's right. I, Mai Taniyama, just said priestess kimono. Ayako's now no longer the only priestess in SPR, if SPR was still here that is.'

Naru had left for England, and left me in his wake. Everyone from SPR broke apart, throwing me into a world of darkness. Even though they tried to stay in touch; I never responded to them. I even ran away from the city and into the country. If it weren't for Mom then I would probably be dead right now, or have been sent somewhere where I would be watched, but I won't get into that. (A/N: If interested in back-story, please see Cause You'll Always Have Me)

'Oh, and Mom's not really my mom. That's just her nickname to the people who know her. Her real name is Hanayo Tsuki, or just Hana if you want.' Anyway, she's really nice, and lets me live here with her for free and cooks all of our meals, unless I decide to cook. She said that she didn't want anything in return for all that she's done for m, but I wore her down to letting me help in her shop downstairs, although she does pay me quite well. She's married and is almost three months pregnant. Even though I've never met her husband, he seems like a good man.

I grabbed the broom by the door and went out to sweep the side walk. As I said before, the house and shop are connected. The building itself was three stories high and was white and blue. Not that baby blue, but a nice, rich, dark, navy blue. The first floor had the shop and a 'Creativity Room' as Mom would have called it. It was actually just a large sun room with a bunch of materials used to make anything and everything. The second floor was here the kitchen and living room were. The kitchen was pretty big, but the living room was gigantic! The top floor held the master bedroom and a few guest rooms, one of which I am currently staying in.

The house was on top of a hill surrounded by wild flowers, grass, and weeping willow trees. There was a winding pathway that led to the edge of the flat topped hill. At the edge, there was an arch with ivy growing all around it, a gate at the bottom, and a sign at the top. Hanayo, didn't need to put in a fence since the vegetation surrounded the area that she owned. I finished sweeping the path up to said gate, and then flipped the sign of a sleeping cat with a witch's hat on over, to reveal a witch sitting on the moon with the words next to her saying 'Stop in and Stay for a Spell'. I smiled at that. Mom had painted this along with the head sign above my head. I looked up and felt my smile widened. On it was the triple Goddess symbol and the title of the store written out in blue flower petals: 'Ice Flowers'.

"Well, better go help set up the shop!" I said to no one in particular, as I began just a normal day. "Mom, do you need help with any-ugh!" I coughed getting squished by a killer hugged.

"He's coming home today!" Mom exclaimed hugging me even tighter (if that were possible). She finally released me and looked at me with such joy filled eyes, that I couldn't help smiling back.

"Who's he?" I asked, already having a guess at who 'he' was, but not one hundred percent sure.

"Izo-kun of course! You'll finally get to meet him while I finally get to tell him about them! Oh, also he'll be bringing some acquaintances along, but that doesn't really matter now does it?" She explained going into a cleaning frenzy.

"Wait, them? Are you talking about the baby?" I asked, wondering what compelled her to say them instead of it.

"Nope. Not baby, but babies. I found out last night along with their gender." She squealed happily. 'If she smiled any brighter, I think I'm going to need to get a pair of sunglasses.'

"How many, and how many of each gender?" I interrogated, so that I could start planning the surprise baby shower and designing the nursery.

"Triplets! Two boys and one girl." She placed her hand on her slightly swollen stomach and smiled lovingly.

"Oh my Gods!" I exclaimed happily, hugging her tightly, while still being careful of her unborn children, and jumped up and down in joy. Once we calm down, I let go and eyed her carefully. "Isn't that exactly what you wanted?"

"Correction, what we wanted. Izo and I tried to have kids before, but were unsuccessful. We decided that we were going to aim for two boys and one girl. Even though we would have loved whatever we got, that's what we'd prefer."

Well duh. I'm not even your family, yet you treat and smiled me like your daughter. What I really want to know is how you're going to tell him." I pried knowing she must be dying to tell someone about all this. That, and I'm extremely curious/excited to hear about it.

"I was hoping that we would play 'One fact about you', so that everyone would get to know each other. Oh, I can almost see his shocked face!" She began, dancing around the shop and turning on the radio, only to have a happy bubbly song come through completely matching our emotions.

Do you believe in magic?
In a young girls heart
How the music can free her
whenever it starts

And it's magic
if the music is groovy
It makes you feel happy like an old time movie

I'll tell ya about the magic
It'll free your soul
but it's like trying to tell a stranger 'bout rock n roll

If you believe in magic, don't bother to choose
If it's jug band music or rhythm and blues
Just go and listen
It'll start with a smile
It won't wipe off your face no matter how hard you try
Your feet start tapping
And you can't seem to find
How you got there
So just blow your mind

If you believe in magic
Come along with me
We'll dance until morning, just you and me
and maybe, if the music is right
I'll meet ya tomorrow
so late at night

We'll go a dancin' baby then you'll see
all the magic's in the music and the music's in me, yeah

Do you belive in magic? Yeah.
Believe in the magic in a young girl's soul
believe in the magic of rock n roll
Believe in the magic that can set you free
Ohhhh, talkin' bout magic

Do you believe like I believe?
Do you believe in magic?


Mom and I sang around the shop, dancing and prancing around. Once the song stopped, we ended up laughing so hard that we doubled over on the ground nearly in tears. 'How did I get so lucky to have been found by someone who really cares?'

"Because fate let you here to this town and me." She giggled, surprising me yet again with her mind reading ability, which is only one of the many abilities she has. Actually she's a perfect medium, unlike anyone in my old family.

"Do you really believe in fate?" I asked, still on the floor, rolling over onto my tummy and placing my chin on my folded up arms, so that I could look at her like I did my own mother when I was younger and when she was still alive.

"Yes and no." She replied, looking back at me as she lay on her back.

"What do you mean yes and no?"

"Well, I believe that everything happens for a reason, that every person you meet holds a lesson of some sort, and that there is only one person in the world out there for you, but I don't believe that your life is planned out for you in a little black book telling your life stories. I may believe in reincarnation, but you always have the power to change your future." She explained, getting a dreamy far-off look in her large still eyes, which today were her classic silver and pink tie dye blend where iris around her pupil is deep dark pink that slowly becomes later until there is a ring of silver around the entire iris.

Her eyes also changed on a daily basis, and before you ask, no she doesn't wear colored contacts. You know the saying 'The eyes are the Gateway to the soul'? Well for her it's completely true. Her normal eye color is silver, but depending on how she's feeling the iris around her pupil will change. Hence why she's such an open book to read. Apparently it's a family trait, making me wonder if her kids will get her eyes. I've always been jealous of her eyes. Compared to hers, my cinnamon eyes look like dirt.

"Now Mai, there's no reason to be jealous. If you want, I can whip up a potion that will do the same things to your eyes, except the outer ring will stay your lovely cinnamon." She said, breaking me out of my trance. When her words finally sink in, I leapt up onto my feet, pulled her up onto hers, and began dragging her over to the herbal section of the store where all the tools and materials are making conjuring bags, to use, medicines, and potions were. "Well isn't someone being a happy puppy."

"Yep! How come you didn't tell me that there was a potion for that earlier?" I asked, realizing that if she could read minds and emotions, why hadn't she told me about it earlier?

"Because I just found it in my grandmother's book of shadows, which by the way is now added into mine. Anyway, first I have to tell you the side effects, and if you still want these," she pointed to her eyes. "then I'll make the potion for you." I looked at her with a please-get-on-with-it look. She sighed and shook her head with a smile.

"Alright. Listen well, and listen good, because I won't be responsible if it's done and you don't like it. First off, it's irreversible. Once it's done, it can't be undone, second, it'll latch onto your DNA and become your only trait which is also the dominant trait, third, from this point on, all of your generations to come will have those eyes, fourth, only your reincarnation will have those same exact eyes despite which family you may be born into, fifth, all your reincarnations will remember everything from your past lives and will all have your psychic abilities, sixth, your abilities will be heightened and much more powerful, and lastly, you'll officially be a part of the Tsuki clan."

"Okay. I get all of it except for the Tsuki clan thing." I stated, completely okay with what would happen if I took this potion.

"In short, you would become a part of my family, biologically and spiritually."

"Wait, so I'll be your-" The last word froze in my throat, unable to voice the meaning that this held.

"You to become my distant relative. Like a niece of my third cousin five times removed. Now then, I've named my price, but are you willing to pay it?" She asked sitting down on her work chair wearing in very serious face, which I've only seen a few times. Her once color filled eyes were now once again silver and void of all emotions except for calmness and seriousness. I was stuck under her stare. There was no way for me to look away. I took a deep breath and jumped to her, hugging her tightly as I could. "I'll take that as a yes then?"

"No duh." I giggled, completely enthusiastic about being a part of her family. I mean I already see her like a mother, and I'm officially an adult now, so this is really the only way that I know I won't be abandoned.

(A/N: Don't do this at home. It's made up and won't do anything.)

"Now that. Let's get that potion made." I pulled away and smiled brightly at her in complete agreement. "I'm gonna need you to get the tools while I create the potion." I nodded and walked over to the tools, ready to take her order.

"Alright, I need water, fresh rose petals, orange peels, sunflower petals, clovers, bluebells, violet petals, lavender petals, sweet pea petals, daisy petals, iris petals, dead petals from all of the above, pure honey, the balance, the herb crusher, the sun bowl, the triple moon chalice, chalk, a Sage smudge sticks, the candles, a wooden spoon, and let's see, what else? I know there's one more thing. Oh, and my moonstone, amethyst dagger." She happily said, tying up her long sun bleached reddish-brown hair.

As she spoke, I gather the materials and placed them on her work table in front of her. Once I placed everything in front of her, I stood back and watched in awe anticipating what she could possibly create. I felt the air shift around her as a calming aura filled the room. She began by taking a deep breath and lighting the Sage smudge stick and then began to walk around her 'sacred space' clock wise.

"Distant relatives of my mother's mother, please aid me in this cast to extend our bloodline to yet another worthy soul." She asked, finishing her sentence right when she finished her circle. "May all negative energy be banished from this sacred place and my holy Temple as I work with my magic for the greater good." She began smudging herself, clearing away any bad energies. Finally she placed it into an ashtray and turned to the balance and herbs. She began taking the petals, and placing them on the scale with expert speed, grace, and focused. Every time she finished measuring a type of petal, she would place it into the herb crusher. Once all of the herbs were measured and placed into the herb crusher, she rose to her feet and put four of the five candles into their proper places, then back to the center with the last one.

"Earth, guardian of the North. Please come, join, and rejoice in the wondrous circle as you give us strength to use when we have none of our own. Air, guardian of the East. Please come, join, and rejoice in this wondrous circle as you give us freedom that we need to perform this magical act. Fire, guardian of the South. Please come, join, and rejoice in this wondrous circle as you give us the passion to follow our dreams and wishes. Water, guardian of the West. Please come, join, and rejoice in this wondrous circle as you give us healing when we fall so that we may get back up. Last, but definitely not least, I call upon spirit. The main foundation that all of life is based on, I ask that you come and join us in the circle, thus completing this place of magic." As she called out the elements each candle in the respected direction let as a feeling of peace intensified with each flight. When the fifth candle lit a sense of power radiated out of mom causing me to slowly come closer to her until I reached the edge of her circle.

"Mom?" I asked cautiously, making sure not to disturb her from her focus.

"Come into the circle Mai." She said in the commanding tone, causing shivers to go up my spine. My hands made a movement like partying a curtain and I then walked through it into the circle. Making sure not to let any energy leave, I quickly closed the 'curtain' and was then completely surrounded by pure energy. It hit me like a tidal wave. It was so strong that I ended up falling to my knees. I heard Mom chuckle softly at me, but then turned to focus on the pedals in the earth crusher. She picked up the actual crusher for it, and began to pulverize the contents into a paste.

"Love, content, embarrassment, jealousy, sadness, loneliness, happiness, worry, fear, rage, abilities, and finally calm." She chanted, repeating it three times, while she made absolute sure that there was no solider remains of the herbs that were now a fine paste. She then took the contents in the herb crusher and poured it into the bowl and began another chant.

"Red rose, orange blossom, yellow sunflowers, green clovers, bluebells, purple violets, pink sweet peas, gray lavenders, white daisies, black petals, rainbow iris." With each ingredient listed she put a spoonful of honey in the bowl, and then once all of the herbs were listed she began to mix the honey and paste together. When it was completely combined she took the herb crusher, poured water in it, then poured the water into the bowl (making sure not to waste any herbs), and mix the contents together. Once she deemed that it was acceptable, she poured everything into the large chalice.

"Mai, please draw a positive pentagram with the spirit candle in the center." I wasted no time and quickly drew one. "Perfect, now, stand in front of me, on the other side of the candle." I once again followed her commands as nervousness filled my body. "Mai, I forgot to mention one thing. Once you take this, things will look, different. You'll be able to see what others cannot. Are you absolutely sure that you want to do this?" She asked warily.

"Mom, this only gives me more incentive to take it." I countered, now not as affected by Mom's energy like I was when I first came into the circle.

"Don't say that I didn't warn you." She said handing me the chalice, but not giving me the okay to drink. She put her hands palm down over the top of the chalice and began speaking in a foreign tongue, that I was currently learning, managing only to pick out the words 'angel', 'demon', and 'blood'. When she was done, she put her left hand down and grabbed her dagger with it. She then brought the points to her palm and pierced her flash just enough for one drop to be shed and fall into the chalice. Now, the once clear (yeah, don't ask me how it was clear with all that stuff in there) liquid began to glow a Crimson Shade, casting eerie shadows all around the room. "It's your turn Mai."

I lifted my right palm and she pierced me in the same manner as my blood mixed into the concoction, thus completing the potion. The glow had diminished leaving the liquid red, stained by blood. Without any hesitation I drink the entire thing trying not to think about what was in there. Once I finished I felt lightheaded, and soon streaks of color swirled around me. The colors drew closer and closer until it all blended into black and only black. That was when I realized that I blacked out.

Me: Wow, I didn't intend for it to be that long.

Mai: What's gonna happen to me?

Me: I don't know yet, I'm just going with the flow that the story pulls me in.

Naru&Gene: We're screwed.

Me: HEY! *Chases boys around with a dictionary*

Mai: Please Review everyone! ^_^