The only sounds that filled his ears were the sound of her sobs. Lucy's sobs. Each one hit him like a tidal wave and it wasn't because of his special hearing.
Natsu's heart panged. He had never felt this way before. Lucy, his Lucy, his friend, no, nakama. His heart yearned out for her, as did his hands and clutched her towards him.

He didn't know why he was embracing her, but it was like he know how, deep down. One hand was on her head, in her soft hair, the other comforting her on her back. Him comforting her seemed to make her cry even harder into his chest and Natsu hated that. "Lucy…" he said, yet she cried on.

It seemed like hours before her cries died down to sniffles and all Natsu did was let her cry.

"Thank you… Natsu… Sorry about that" She whispered so quietly, that without his special hearing abilities, he would not have heard it. He only clutched her tighter, a sign to her that he heard her.

Lucy leaned back with watery eyes and a small smile. "I really mean it, thank you."
Natsu looked away. "It was nothing." He muttered, embarrassed. Something had come over Lucy. She's acting weird again. He thought.

She had this weird look on her face and was she blushing? Natsu felt himself grow hot as she smiled a watery smile at him, and it wasn't because of his flames. What was she blushing for? Was he indecent? Natsu looked down, no he was fine. Lucy had this new found courage, she'd been trying to suppress her feelings but couldn't hold it in any longer as she realised something.

"Lucy?…" Natsu asked softly. Lucy leaned forward and before Natsu could react, she grabbed his special muffler pulling him forward and pressed her lips to his. His eyes widened. What was this feeling, bubbling up in his stomach? He had never felt it before. It was a strange, warm feeling that came from Lucy, and when he thought about her.

Come to think of it, that feeling had been there for a long time. He just hadn't realised what it was. He started to remember something Igneel had told him a long time ago about… love. Love…This was love? What he felt for Lucy?

Natsu felt light headed, he felt sick. No he wasn't sick, it's like there were fairies dancing in his stomach. Natsu liked this gentle feeling, he felt good.

His eyes closed and he felt himself respond to the kiss somehow, even though he had never kissed someone before. His lips moved along with hers, it was sweet. He clutched Lucy closer than ever before and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He felt her, her emotions, he knew she was scared about how she felt about him, how strongly she felt for him, and he felt the same way. He understood her, somehow, he knew.

This moment was bliss, but they had to face reality. Lucy pulled back after what seemed like only seconds. She felt his hot breath on her face as her lips lingered on his and her hands rested on his muffler. She pulled back a bit more after they calmed their racing hearts.

They stared at each other, not needing to say a word but understanding each other completely, they had a job to finish. For Fairy Tail. "Oi Luce, why'd you do that now for?" Natsu asked with his signature wide grin causing Lucy to sweat drop.