Hello Dear readers!

I'm posting a new chapter for you! :D YAY! *jumping up and down*

I meant to post this sooner but time got away from me X_X

Thank you so much to all my readers, reviewer, followers and favouriters! It truly means the world to me that you all read my story!

I do not own The Vampire diaries or any of the characters in it! (I can dream thou...)

Please let me know what you think of my story in a review. Any ideas or recommendations are also very welcome! :D

Thank you for reading!

I hope that if you're still reading my story you enjoy the chapter! :D

Much love



Chapter 26

"Stefan, may I ask your advice on something?" I said looking back at the bluebells.

"Yes of course you can Elena. What it is?"

"I have a friend back home who is very similar to you and is going through quite a difficult time at the moment. I was wondering if you knew how I could help him?"

"What is wrong with him?" Stefan said looking concerned.

"He has got mixed up with this really bad man who has forced him to become something he no longer is and something that he hates but now that he is that person again he does not know how to stop and go back to himself. He is not this person that he is now and I don't know how to help him become who he was before."

"I see. Are you still able to talk to him?"

"Yes but he does not seem to listen to me anymore. It is like he is a totally different person now."

"Is there nobody else who can help him? Maybe he has a brother?"

"His brother is trying to help him and he is constantly keeping track of where he is and what he is doing but he does not know how to help him or what to do either. The man that he is with is such a bad man that his brother cannot even go get him and take him away from this man."

"Your friend has got himself into quite some trouble."

"Yes he has and we all are trying to get through to him and bring him back home but we just do not know how to do that anymore."

"Are you sure that he wants to come back home? He might like what he has become and that is why you cannot get him through to him to help him."

"He does want to. The only reason he got involved with this bad man again was because he needed to save his brother and there was no other way for him to save him."

"So he did not get involved voluntarily?"

"No he did not. He would never do that. He is the most honest, loyal and selfless person that I know."

"He sounds like a saint."

"He is. That is even his nickname." I said with a sad smile.

"How did he get out of this situation last time, Elena?"

"His best friend helped him through it and taught him how to be himself again."

"Elena, the only way that you can really help him is to get that best friend who helped him last time to come help him again." As Stefan said this everything fell into place.

Stefan was right, of course he normally is. That was how I was going to help my Stefan! All I had to do was find Lexi. But that was when it dawned on me. Lexi was dead. Damon had killed her on Stefan's birthday as part of his plan to throw the counsel off of him and the vampire attacks.

"That is a brilliant plan except for the fact that his best friend is dead. Oh what am I going to do Stefan? I have to help him!"

"There is one thing that you could do, Elena, but if you ever told anyone this I would deny it."

"I promise not to tell a soul, Stefan."

"That is exactly what you are going to do, Elena. You need to find a witch, like Emily, to contact his best friends soul."

"How do you know that Emily is a witch?"

"Katherine told me, Elena. Do not worry, Elena, her secret is safe with me."

"I hope you are right Stefan otherwise you will have me to face." I said with a hard expression on my face. Nobody was going to take the only person who I trusted completely and who knew everything about me away from me. I would make sure of that.

Stefan laughed. "Do not worry, Elena. You have my word that I will keep her secret safe."

"Thank you, Stefan."

"Now as I was saying you need to find a witch who can help you cast a spell so that you are able to get your friend help by talking to his dead best friend. The witch will know more about what she will need and what she has to do but as long as you have the best friends name and an object that was theirs you should be able to get the help you need for your friend." Stefan said with a smile. Stefan was brilliant!

"Thank you so much Stefan! You do not know how much this means to me and how much you have done for me. How will I ever be able to thank you?" I said almost wanting to cry I was so happy.

"You do not need to repay me, Elena, but there is one thing that I must ask you."

"Anything, Stefan, I will do anything and I will do it to the best of my ability."

"Please, Elena, from the bottom of my heart, do not hurt my brother. He has been so hurt already in his lifetime and I do not think he would be able to live if you hurt him. You are the only good thing in his life and he would be broken if he ever lost you."

"I promise that I will never hurt him Stefan. He is my best friend and I would never try to or purposely hurt him and if I do, I will do everything in my ability to make it better until I die. I give you my word, Stefan."

"Thank you, Elena. You truly are a remarkable young woman." Stefan said with a smile as he took my hand and kissed it.

Blushing I said, "And you are such a gentleman, Stefan. I am so glad that you are my friend."

"I am glad that you consider me your friend, Elena."

"Now I just have one small favour to ask you, Stefan."

"What is that, Elena?"

"In order to prevent any hurt and to not make anyone jealous, can we keep what we have spoken about today between us?"

"Yes we may, Elena."

"Thank you, Stefan."

"Now I think it is time that we head inside for some tea, Elena. I saw that Samantha was making her famous butter scones and carrot cake this morning when I was having breakfast and I am think that they will be done by now."

"I think that is a wonderful idea! I am starving and those scones sound like they are delicious."

"In that case, we better get back to the house before my father eats them all." Stefan said with a laugh as he offered me his arm.

"We walked back to the house talking about what we were going to have on our scones and what tea would go best with them. Both of us were grateful that we had become friends and I was so happy that Stefan had helped me with what I should do about my Stefan.