Summary- While on a trip to Canada, Harry discovers that he might not be as straight as he though.

Disclaimer- I am not Japanese, or British, so therefore, I do not own either of these lovely creations. As such, ANY CHARACTERS FROM AXIS POWERS HETALIA OR HARRY POTTER BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. Unless, of course, I complete my plans for world domination.

Warnings- Male characters thinking that other male characters are attractive. Also, America being, well, America. That's warning enough.

Rating- K+

Pairings- Future!Canada/Harry

Who Likes Bears?

"Ron, Harry, it's rude to stare."

The aforementioned boys stared at their longtime friend, Hermione, in bemusement.

"Hermione", Ron started slowly, "how can we not stare? He's eating enough food to feed the entire school staff! Except for that slimey git, since he obviously only eats students!"

"Really, Ronald!", Hermione huffed, "Professor Snape is an intelligent man who deserves respect...",

As his friends argued, Harry continued to stare at the cute blond boy who was sitting next to the aforementioned human compactor (see above). When violet eyes met emerald, both hidden behind fragile glass, Harry flushed and looked away. Maybe he would visit Toronto more often.

Wait, was that... a polar bear?

A/N- I'll continue this if anyone asks me to. If not, it's staying how it is. For the record though, I would totally send delicious virtual pancakes (made by Canada) to anyone who'll write me a Canada/Harry fic. Seriously, I would love you forever.