I hate doing this folks. I sincerely do and I even typed 'sincerely' correct in the first go so this is serious.

I forgot my flashdrive at home. I have almost FOUR HOURS TO TYPE STORIES AND I DON'T HAVE THE FLASHDRIVE!

I am nearly in tears and my friend [Aquamarine if you know my TF work] is laughing at my pain. I have to save this stuff on my school account (WHICH I DON'T EVEN TRUST! BECAUSE SCHOOL!) and email it to self for safety.


I will do my best to work with it so here we go.

I intend to update every two weeks or so now that I have days to work on things. THIS IS UNTIL I start gaining tutoring appointments. Until that happens this will work.

I will type on Mondays and Review on Wednesdays. Post on Wednesdays and cry on Thursdays.

[ PS: I watched Labyrinth with my family and yes. All the yes and glitter and Bowie and I sang and happiness. And Monty Python Holy Grail. RUNAWAY! ]

Also here are some new story things I maybe posting soon due to my lack of flashdrive…..work with me please this is hard.


I have a few Laxus X Lucy [Blonde hair blue/brown eyed babies (*w*)] I have a LOT of in-depth thoughts on Laxus and stuff which I want to explore to see if I can write his character and Lucy's and the cast of Fairy Tail. First off, I do not hate Natsu. I love him to death but I do not ship him with Lucy. For reasons mentioned within the stories themselves. There will be some clichés but very little. Also a maybe Gajeel X Lucy X Laxus BECAUSE REASONS! Personally, I freaking adore Levy and Gajeel. They are mah faves! BUT I have reasons to ship this pairing as well. AND I only really ship Gajeel with Lucy if Laxus is in the ship. Otherwise I view Gajeel and Lucy as having a sibling platonic relationship—explained in story/ies—and so on. To me, Natsu and Lucy are friends—best of friends—but not romantic material for each other. That is all I am going to say, so if you want It will be! And if you do not know Fairy Tail, I highly recommend it. If you do not like Fairy Tail, then that is fine. It is your opinion verses mine and I will not fight you over it.


[~10 and up?] MARVEL: HOLY TACOS DEADPOOL THE MOVIE IS COMING! –pterodactyl squeals—I HAS IDEA FOR IT AND LOTS OF AWESOME! Mainly an insert character who goes to see the movie but ends up transported to MARVEL and breaks down due to HEROS and VILLAINS and WHERE MAH FAMILY and DEATH POSSIBLE! And hangs out with Deadpool and Tony. Makes a life and so. Just a thought.

SOULMARK AUs ARE A COMIN' ! (*w*) Because hilarity. I SPELT THAT RIGHT FIRST TRY! YUSH! I can never do that! SO OCs and maybe some Darcy-ness. Because Darcy Lewis is amazing in my opinion. Which I will fight for this one. COME AT MEE! (DOWN RADIO!—BUT RUNNER! I MUST FIGHT!—NO! YOU TWIT! YOU'LL JUST HURT YOURSELF!—NUUUUU!—Get the traq.-KE… WHY CRUEL WORL-ggaaahhh! Zzzzzz)

Ahem. Continuing. (shifty eyes) I have a lot of fun but sad but interesting but silly ideas for this. I want to expand my creativity with writing deeper things like depression and other types of struggles. I feel as if I do not do the subject justice in how I write them. If I am going to use the subject I want to do it the right way. And I will. Wish me luck. Criticism of Construction is desired. And hugs. –puppy dog eye—

Next is ALPHA/BETA/OMEGA verse! Oh Mah Primus. This verse. I cannot even begin—oh wait yes I can. I am so interested in this. So much so that I decided to plot a story outside of fandoms to work on one that gets really dark—hence my struggle with how to properly word and describe the situation and all that. These ones that I have for MARVEL are more sweet but also a little harsh on some of our favorite characters. I don't mean to be cruel to Steve but he holds so much potential to be an antagonist while also being so adorable and it is so hard I love these people and don't wanna hurt them and others and portray them in a way that does not work or make sense because we idolize and make them into a mold that if they are not so it ruins everything which is WRONG! They are human and are more than the Stars and Stripes they bleed! FIGHT M—NOT THE TRAQ! I'LL BE GOOD!

-lowers traq and blow darts—

TT^TT help meeee

Anyway, this is with Victor because I love him. I adore his character so much. So much fun. Alpha Victor and Omega OC that holds a really cute slight creepy/odd—more so odd than creepy relationship.

SPEAKING OF THAT! I have other more non-related to Soulmarks and ABO ideas such as Victor/James-Logan/Wade being dads and uncles to a kid who was kidnapped and lots of bizarre (FIRST TRY!) maybe love interest in Pietro [HE IS ALIVE! NOT DEAD! I LIKE SWIMMING IN RIVERS!] or Colossus because height kink and ACCENTS ARE SUPERPOWERS!

So that is going to happen. Along with one that deals with Logan and Victor taking care of a girl who joined the military in place of her big brother. So everyone thinks she is a guy until she meets up with Logan and Victor's team where it is discovered she is a mutant. CODE NAME: Breakdown or Breakout. Cannot remember right now since this not in notes. Who basically goes off and does shenanigans (SECOND TRY SPELLING YES! WIN) since she lives like Logan and Victor in the not dying sense. She loves them as family and hard to find them after going into hiding. She is a lot of fun and likes to save people and other stuff. Do NOT piss her off. Both guys are in for it. 8 years and no phone call! No one stands up Foxy Cleopatra!

I have some other shorts that died but I wrote enough for entertainment that I might put up if it gets to a point where I am having tea with Death.

I have another AVENGERS one that involves dogs and alien goo and love. So much luv and frwendswhip. XD I'll put the beginning up and see what you guys think of it.

Now. This is important.

One Piece.

That is right. One Piece.

[~3] ONE PIECE GLITCHES! OHMAHTHOR! [runs around squealing and dodging darts]

I fucking LOVE One Piece. BUT I FOUND PROBLEM. Are fanfics are getting predictable and some are not updating. There are some really interesting ones (seriously though? Harry Potter cross overs? So many cats? Oh those are amazing ideas!) There are some good ones and I love the cats but we are getting walled up. Where is our creativity people? We have ones with children of gods/goddesses or famous pirates that are few but good. We have one that is about a girl in a dog's body which is AMAZINGLY done. For real. But we also have repeats of plot lines that need to be rethought.

I will be doing some of these clichés because I have idea that can only be birthed by such clichés. We all have to deal with it. I really do not like that at all. –heavy sigh—BUT we will proceed. Only like two or three of my really decent story ideas are insert characters. I have one that is in the story that gets added to the crew that is a LOT of fun! Like this is my SHENANIGANS TO THE MAX one. It's Smoker x OC with feels and I love it and am working on it sort of.

The others are very heavy in feels and identity and life choices. I nearly cried just thinking over some of this stuff. But that is the fun part. Getting that emotion out of a story or idea. Where is our emotions? Where is the effort and care? I WILL NOT STAND FOR THE LACK OF LOVE TO ONE PIECE AND FAIRY TAIL ANY LONGER! I will give my ideas in hopes others will see the greatness in creativeeee!


Okay… so yeah. Um what else…?


I will be updating Operation Femme Fatale VERY SOON!

I had to get my MARVEL out before that.

As for Transformers. I stopped counting after thirty story ideas. I will be making a place for my ideas which YOU the READERS will pick which ones YOU would like ME to expand on. Some I will have material ready while others will need some help. I HAVE NOT ABANDONED YOU! [I will put up ~12 not counting my main ones]


It will be massive and dangerous and I might need a month off after just to heal my fingers and clear the dust from my lungs but it is happening folks. I am ready to get started.

[1] I also have an idea for an INUYASHA fic. I have others but they are not as words not coming. As giving me the want to write about. It's a really interesting idea and I am learning new character personalities to write [MUCH THANKS TO MY MARVEL BUDS!] So that will go up eventually.


[2-3] I might put up my Sonic stories. I have to do an update on Deviantart as well because I normally only use that for my Sonic work but some of this is getting good in a really creative way so I will make a series of chunks of those stories in one so if anyone wants to they can enjoy? I am not sure but I have to do it since I am doing this. Gotta be fair people. UGH! TOO MANY FEELS MAN!

Seriously. I just wanna talk with others about my theories on Amy Rose and Shadow and oh god I acutally made a time line history for Silver and I cried because death and love and ow my heart and science and –THUNK!-


-_- ... ugh.

Most of my thoughts will be in the stories and god I wanna talk to people outside of my people but inside. Yah get it.

So that is what I have. I am going to work hard to follow this. Please understand due to who I am and my own struggles and stuff I may not update right on time. Life happens. With school I need to focus. I am on the fast track to finishing no joke. I have getting there so fast I am shocked and scared. I am becoming life and living and it is all so amazing but so scary. Please. I have asked so much of all of you and I adore every word sent to me. You guys make this worth every second. The people around me do not understand that feeling I have no matter how I detail it. I will do this. To the best of my ability and if I miss an update be assured. That means there is more coming than you think.


I have all this. And that is not even my own works that are hard copied. I am fucked. AND AQUAMARINE IS STILL LAUGHING ME! Which actually helps. I type better with friends near. Wait here while I propose this to her. She said yes. She will be with me when I type.

Also. I counted. I have approximately forty or so IDEAS to type. OF these, MOST IF NOT ALL have more than TWENTY PAGES meaning over 15,000 words per story already WRITTEN. Depending on how I am typing I can get 20,000 done in three hours…..

So for four hours for two days less than 13 weeks (computer access may change)…I will not make it. I WILL DO MY BEST!

I will update Op: FF. I will Continue UI. I will Start my Series. I will LIVE! I am Radio and I will see you all on Wednesday.

