Kinda goes with "I love the Rain" but this is with Gilbert and not Matthew. Please review? Let me know how I am doing?

I thought I was happy, perfectly content with my life. I was just a big kid, not wanting to grow up. All I wanted was to act crazy, go to bars with Francis and Antonio, and get drunk with them. I was very wrong. Francis started to date a lady named Joan. She was a nice lady, loved to bake, and the food she made was really good. Though Francis changed, he started to decline my invites to go out drinking and came to fewer and fewer Friday night clubbing. He was not the only one. Antonio also got someone new, a loud, hot headed, Italian named Romano. He was the twin brother of the pasta loving Italian that my brother was dating. Though Romano is a guy, he was not fun when drunk, and so to keep Romano from becoming violent, again, we decided that it would be best not to invite him but Antonio follows him like a puppy. I have no clue what he sees in the hot head Italian.

I'm happy for them both, good for them, I'm just fine alone. I stated to go out drinking alone. It was not as fun if you don't have a group of friends to be drunk with, and people just look at you with funny or sympatric looks when you are drunk off your rocker alone. I still when to the bar but didn't drink a lot, maybe one or two glasses of good old German beer. So this was my life, well…it was until I met this quite blond one Friday night.

It had been raining all day and not many were going to brave it to drink. I sat at the bar with my back to the dance floor, sipping on my beer. The door to the club opened and a wet blond stood there, looking like he needed a drink. I looked back at my beer and didn't see him until he sat next to me, not saying a word.

Soon, after sitting in silence except for the music in the background, I started up a conversation. And that was all it took. It was easy to talk to the other. We meet up every day, the same bar, and even in the same spots. That is when I was when I saw what had caused a change in my friends. We had found our other halves.

Thank you, Matthew Williams.

Should it be "Thank you" or "I love you"?