Hello there, so before the new picture of "the original five" was posted a wrote a little drabble and after the picture I was really emotional about this whole thing.

So here have what is my head canon for the last episode.

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or any of the characters!

They all sat together on the floor of the choir room. It was the last day they would spend together, for some of them it would be the last time in this room, this school or even this town.

It was their last time.

"I'm so proud of you guys" Mr. Schuester began, "it was a long, hard journey, but we did it. You did it." a choked laugh escaped him. It was hard for him, too. He loved teaching the kids.

The trophy in the middle of their circle was proof enough for their success. They were in the top 10 at Nationals. They finally won.

"It all started with just five of you, dancing and shaking your hands to Rocking The Boat" he imitated the motion with his own hands. Tina, Artie, Rachel, Kurt and Mercedes laughed awkwardly whispering "God we sucked." under their breath.

"Hey.." Artie started, rolling across the room in his wheelchair so he had some more space. "How about we do it again? The others never saw our failed attempt at being a good show choir."

Kurt and Mercedes stood up "Yeah.. and this time we won't suck." he added with a raised eyebow and smiling wide.

Rachel and Tina looked at each other and started laughing as they stood up to go to the other three already waiting for them.

"Wait, hold on a second" Mr. Schuester said as he hurriedly stood up to the cupboard and pulled out a box with old costumes and accessoires. He took out five pairs of white gloves, handing them over to his students.

"Oh my god, you still have them?" Rachel said, not believing he would keep them when they were such a… awkward memory.

Mr. Schue nodded, "Yeah, I'd never throw them away. That would be wasteful! You can never know what you need them for."

As the five students pulled the gloves on, they glanced to their friends still sitting on the floor.

"Don't you dare make fun of us!" Kurt spat, trying to keep a serious face, but failing miserably as he saw everyone just smiling and chuckling softly.

As they began to sing, they danced to the cheography they learned oh so long ago but this time, they didn't mess up. They didn't walk into the other one's space. They worked together.

Suddenly the other's stood up from their spots on the floor, everyone putting their own moves into the choreography along as they sang together, suddenly bursted into laughter.

The song came to an end, the first one to start crying was, oh surprise, Rachel. Finn saw her and hugged her tightly, kissing her on the forehead.

Rachel was literally sobbing into Finn's chest as she pulled her head back, trying to calm her breathing.

"I can't believe that this is the last time we're going to be here together. We're all going our own ways! I can't believe it's over already. I love you all so much, you are my family." Before she could finish what she had to say more tears streamed down her face "I've had the time of my life with you. I'm going to miss this so much."

There was a short moment of silence, when suddenly sniffles from everyone else could be heard. Now all of them were crying, hugging each other, saying how much they will miss each other.

Despite all these problems that came along, so many dramas, so many tears, slushies and all the bullying. But every time they made up, got stronger, laughed and looked into their bright future ahead of them.

Enemies turned into friends. Into a family.

No matter what anyone says. It was the time of their life, and they would never trade this memory for anything else.