Title- Secrets

Author- Laura (Loulou26)

Pairing- Clark and Lois. Oliver and Kara. A little Jimmy and Chloe.

Rating- PG-13

Well guys, here it is, I wasn't completely happy with this fic but since most of you have been asking me to post it, I'm doing it for you. But please bear in mind that it was written a long time ago so there may be some mistakes that have slipped past me. But I really hope you all like it.

It's not absolutely essential for anyone to read Solace to follow this story but it would help make it clearer.


Sirens blared past her as she hurried down the street, as fast as her feet would carry her in the three inch heels she was wearing. The air was thick with smoke and she could already hear the cries for help. She stopped dead as she rounded the corner, the blazing wreckage now coming into full view. Her mouth fell open at the sight of people running around begging the emergency services to help them. As she watched, she felt something slam into her from behind.

"Ow, Lois! Why'd you stop?" Jimmy grumbled but she didn't reply.

She stood mesmerised by the sight before her. A bus had lost control, toppled over, and slammed into a queue of cars at the intersection in downtown Metropolis. She looked around with wide eyes. An explosion, people trapped in their cars, some of which were burning, the fire department doing their utmost to help everyone.

But they were battling the raging fires that the explosion had caused. It wasn't enough. She whirled around and grabbed Jimmy's arm, ignoring his wince at her vice-like grip.

"Jimmy, we have to help as many people as possible." She said urgently.

"But I…" Jimmy looked around, his face paling as he took in the carnage. "What can we do Lois? We're just reporters." He replied, holding his camera up to emphasise his point. "Anyway, where's…?"

"We have to do something Jimmy. Come on!" She dragged him over to the nearest paramedic.

"Hey, can we do anything to help?" She had to yell to be heard. The paramedic turned his attention away from the woman he was treating to stare at her. His deep brown eyes made a quick assessment of her and Jimmy.

"Look lady, we've got a crisis on our hands here, we don't need reporters sniffing around. Man you people are like vultures." He said in an aggravated tone as he went back to cleaning the cut on the woman's head. Lois ignored his remark and grabbed his arm.

"I can help. Trust me, my father is a three star general with the US Army, I know what I'm doing in a crisis." The paramedic looked at her still sceptical, but this time he seemed to be deciding whether or not to just let her help.

"Come on, you obviously need the help." She gestured at the scene and he looked around, a pained expression on his face at what he was seeing. The emergency services were stretched to their limits and he knew it.

"You know how to apply one of these?" He asked, pointing to the woman's head and a bandage.

"Sure." Lois replied, she remembered her first aid training well. It had been the one thing her father had made sure she'd learned. The paramedic took his time deciding, but eventually handed her the bandage.

"Make sure you get enough pressure on there to stop the bleeding but not so tight that she passes out. You got that?"

"Got it." Lois nodded, glancing at his name badge. "Don't worry Carter, I won't let you down." Carter watched her as she set to work, his eyebrows raising in surprise for a moment at her efficiency. Seemingly satisfied that she wasn't about to kill the woman, he left to take care of someone else.

"Jimmy…" Lois called, rolling the sleeves of her navy blue jacket up.

"Yeah?" He said as he crouched down beside her.

"Can you hand me another bandage, this one's too small. They should be in there…" She pointed at the medic's bag. Jimmy nodded and started rummaging through it.

"It's okay, I know what I'm doing, don't worry." Lois said softly to the woman, who was looking a little panicked. Lois grabbed her hand and held it tight.

"Thank you…" The woman whispered. Lois quickly patched her up, chatting to her in an effort to keep her calm.

From then on, Lois moved swiftly, taking care of at least half a dozen injured people before a tiny crying sound drifted over to her and she looked up to see a small child, standing alone in the middle of the street. She had a nasty looking wound on the side of her leg, blood seeping through her pretty turquoise dress and she looked terrified.

"Jimmy, stay with her." Lois said, before quickly running across the road. She reached the little girl in no time, "Hey sweetie, what's your name?" Lois asked, smoothing the little girl's blonde hair out her face. She was filthy, and her hair, clothes, and skin, all smelled of smoke.

"Melissa." She sobbed, her breath coming in short gasps.

"It's okay Melissa, I'm going to take care of you. Where are your parents? Are they with you?"

"I can't find them…we were on the bus…I was thrown out…but…" She gasped.

"Sshh, it's okay. We'll find them don't worry…" Lois trailed off as the air went silent for split second before a gust of wind, so strong that she had to cling to the little girl, whooshed in around her.

Within mere seconds the fires that had still been burning so strong, were all out and Lois saw a brief flash of something blue hovering above her in the smoke. She turned back to the whimpering child, who could only be about seven, with a knowing smile.

"Melissa, it's going to be okay. We'll find your parents, but first, I need you to let me look at your leg okay sweetie?" Melissa nodded and Lois quickly scooped her up into her arms and ran back over to the ambulance. As she got to work on the sobbing girl's leg, Lois looked around, the shocked and awed murmurings of the crowd as they looked up into the sky made her smile even wider.

"Lois, why are you grinning?" Jimmy asked, shocked that she could be smiling at a time like this.

All around her she could see blurs of red and blue, roofs and doors being ripped off cars, people being carried to safety. Jimmy turned back to her and nodded, understanding dawning on him as he stood up and took off, with his camera aiming high.

And then, just like that, it was over. The fires were out, the people who had been trapped were free and the fire department took over, helping out the paramedics in treating the wounded.

"I want my mommy…" Melissa cried, snapping Lois back to her attention.

"Sshh, I promise we'll find her honey."

"Melissa!" A woman with fiery red hair, ran over to them, her frantic eyes going straight to the wound on her child's leg. "Oh thank God, you're okay!" She hugged her fiercely and then turned to Lois. "Thank you, thank you so much!"

"It's no big deal." Lois said. "She does need stitches though, and I think you should get yourself checked out too, looks like you have a nasty head injury there. Why don't you sit here and I'll go get someone to take you to the hospital?"

"My husband's coming, he'll take us. Thank you again, I…I…" She grabbed Lois' hand, her watery eyes conveying the emotion that her voice couldn't.

"It's okay, really, it was nothing." Lois then stood off to the side as the paramedic they'd spoken to earlier returned. He looked at the casualties Lois had treated and smiled appreciatively.

"You did a good job. Thank you Miss…?" Lois smiled as she shook his hand.

"Lois…Lois Lane-Kent."

As the scene finally began to calm a little, Lois decided that now would be as good a time as any to get a few witness accounts so that she could start working on this as soon as possible. Jimmy was off taking a few pictures of the bus that had caused all the action so she was alone for the moment. She took a few minutes to steady her nerves, the adrenalin she'd felt whilst she'd been helping was now wearing off and she was beginning to feel the effects of fatigue setting in.

"So…I had an eventful morning. I leave early to help someone…" A low voice muttered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

"And I return to find that not only is thishappening, but my own wife is right in the thick of it. Now why doesn't that surprise me?" Lois turned and launched herself into her husband's waiting arms. She didn't have a chance to say anything before his mouth covered hers in a passionate kiss.

"You okay?" He asked.


When he finally released her, she stepped back and appraised his look, business suit, tie slightly crooked, herClark Kent but with one little addition she was still finding it hard to adjust to. Clark Kent in glasses.

He reached out and wiped away a little smudge of soot on her cheek as she straightened his tie. Then she grinned and smacked him playfully on the shoulder. "What took you so long Smallville?"

To Be Continued...