A/N: Well guys, here it is. The epilogue. I want to thank you all for reading my story and for taking the time to comment on it too. It makes me feel like I've at least done a half good job lol. But seriously, thanks again I truly do appreciate it. Right enough rabbiting on, here it is. Enjoy :D


Have you ever had that feeling when everything is going right in your life? Where nothing feels out of place or wrong? Where every bad thing that may have happened in your past, is exactly where it should be, in the past? So that you may look forward to your future with a bright, shiny hope.

That's how Clark felt right now. As Superman, he was dedicated to the city, to the world. But as Clark Kent, he was dedicated to his family. They were hiswhole world.

With his video camera in hand, he zoomed in on Phoebe's glowing little face as everyone sang Happy Birthday to her while Lois brought in a cake full of candles. Clark sang along happily, silently praying that for just today, he wouldn't have to rush off. That only for today, he could be a father, a husband, a cousin, a son, and not a hero.

Lois helped Phoebe blow out the candles and then, as everyone started clapping, Phoebe started giggling and Clark fell in love with her even more. Though he wasn't sure how that was even possible. But each day spent with her, was a gift. One he never took for granted.

He couldn't believe she was a year old already. Time seemed to pass so quickly. It felt as if it were only yesterday that Lois had given birth to her, and now she was walking, and talking, in her own special baby language of course, but still, talking.

"Shall we let daddy cut the cake?" he heard Lois saying and then Phoebe yelled. "Daddy, daddy!"

Clark grinned and handed the camera off to his mother, who chuckled as she watched Clark sit down at the table, and Phoebe crawled into his lap as he started to cut the cake.

Though she'd always known he would be, Martha was always amazed at how good of a father Clark was. He was a real family man, exactly the way she and Jonathan had raised him to be. If only he could see him now, she thought wistfully. Our little boy is all grown up, with a family of his own.

"Mom?" Clark's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "You okay?"

"I'm fine sweetheart, just thinking."

"About what?"

"You, about how far you've come. I'm so proud of you Clark."

Clark smiled, and she could still see that little boy that she had raised in there somewhere. Though now he was a man.

"Well, I wouldn't be who I am today without you and dad. Come on, have some cake."

"Cake ganma." Phoebe cooed, making everyone around her laugh. She had still yet to put the r in grandma, but she was getting there.

Clark took a moment to glance around the room, at all the people there celebrating with them. Chloe was sitting on Jimmy's lap, feeding him a slice of cake, Helen and Emil were in the corner talking, though Clark noticed that Emil had moved a lot closer and Helen hadn't backed away. And judging from the smile on her face, Clark didn't think she minded too much.

The General was deep in conversation with Lucy and her fiancé. Oliver was currently busy trying to get one of the twins to go down for their afternoon nap, and Kara was doing the same, but without much luck. Despite the constant demands that twins often had, Clark could see that Kara and Oliver were doing a fantastic job.

And Kara was slowly getting used to being on her own with them, since Oliver had returned to work over a month ago after having taken two months off. But she'd refused to let Oliver hire a nanny when he'd offered, stating that she wanted to be the one to take care of their children. Clark smiled, thinking back to the day they'd been born.

"Can't you get us there any faster, Superman?" Lois asked, practically bouncing in her seat as Clark drove towards the hospital.

"Lois, they're probably not even there yet, will you calm down? Anyone would think you were in labour."

She threw him a glare. "I didn't have the luxury of a hospital when I was in labour, thank you very much."

Clark winced. "Of course, and I know that. But come on, I'm not going to drive like a maniac when we have our daughter in the back seat."

Lois scoffed. "You wouldn't drive any faster even if she weren't with us. You drive like a grandma."

Clark ignored her jibe and concentrated on getting them to the hospital. It wasn't long before he and Lois were there, and getting dragged into a private waiting room by Oliver, who was, understandably, flustered.

"Where are they?" he asked frantically. "The babies aren't going to wait around for them to get here."

"They were following us, they should be here any minute." Clark replied, placing a steadying hand on Oliver's shoulder. He understood what that panic was like, not knowing what could or would happen, unable to do anything to help.

"How is she?" Lois asked, swaying gently back and forth to keep Phoebe asleep.

"She's panicking just as much as I am. Now that this day has finally arrived, she's just…a mess. I need to get back in there with her," Oliver turned to leave but then stopped at the door. "Would you two mind…staying here?"

"Where else would we go Ollie." Lois replied. "Now go, be with your wife."

Smiling, Clark walked up behind Lois, wrapped his arms around her waist, and placed a loving kiss on the back of her neck.

"What was that for?" she asked, looking back at him.

"Do I need a reason to kiss my wife? I was just thinking about when Phoebe was born."

"Yeah, quite a day huh? But it all worked out in the end."

Clark smoothed a hand over his daughter's sleeping head. "Yeah, and we got something precious in return."

"Lois, wake up." Lois opened her eyes slowly, only to see Clark's face hovering above her. With her head on his lap, she'd fallen asleep, but now wished she hadn't. As she sat up, her neck clicked in protest.

Phoebe was now with Chloe and Jimmy, because Clark felt that a hospital was no place for a little girl, and she was getting tired and cranky anyway. So he'd dropped her off and rushed back to the hospital. But their wait was far from over. For someone who'd been in a hurry to arrive before, they were sure taking their time now.

"Are they here yet?" she asked. But Clark didn't answer, he just smiled and looked at the doorway, where Oliver was standing, with the biggest smile Lois had ever seen on him.

"Oliver! Are they okay? Is Kara okay?"

"They're all fine Lois. Perfect, just perfect." Oliver replied, tears in his eyes.

There was a moment of silence before Lois thumped him on the shoulder. "Well, are you going to keep me in suspense or are you going to tell me."

"Oh sorry, we have a boy…and a girl."

"One of each? That's fantastic! Congratulations!" She pulled him into a bear hug, squeezing so hard that his breathing became restricted.

"Um, Lois? I kinda need to breath here."

"Oh, sorry. One of each, I can't believe it. Kara must be so happy, she said that she would like one of each."

"She is. I am. We all are!" Oliver drew in a deep breath, he looked exhausted, but so happy. "They're just…the tiniest little things. So cute and small and…would you like to see them?"

"Try and stop me." Lois said, hearing Clark chuckle behind her as she stormed ahead.

As they entered Kara's room, they were greeted by the sight of a woman who was quite clearly exhausted, but the smile on her face could've lit up the entire hospital.

"Lois," she said, her eyes drooping a little as she held out a hand. Lois walked over, took it and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I did it Lois." The sheer pride on Kara's face made Lois grin. Sometimes, it was so easy to forget that Kara was from a different planet. But going through this, today, well…Lois knew that when Kara wasn't familiar with something, she tended to get a little agitated.

"You certainly did, congratulations Kara. I'm so happy for you. I knew you could do it."

"I wanted to say thanks Lois. I don't know where I would be without you and Ollie, and Clark and well, everyone around me. I love you all so much. But you, I've never felt such a bond with anyone before. I have such fun with you, I can talk, laugh, cry, do anything at all with you. You're the sister I never had."

Lois bit her lip, not allowing tears to appear. She swore Clark was turning her into a sap. Or maybe it was Phoebe. She leaned over and placed a kiss on Kara's forehead. "I feel the same way Kara. Except that I have a sister, but Lucy and I were never really this close."

"That's sad."

"It's all in the past, we can't change it. Don't get me wrong, I totally love her, but we never had that bond that sisters have. I guess that's the result of being separated after your mother dies and one's sent off to boarding school and the other one is dragged around the world." Lois stopped and looked around sheepishly, aware that she'd said too much. Now was not the time for this, so she clapped her hands together excitedly. "Now, where are the two newest Queens?"

"Right here." She turned around to see Oliver and Clark each holding a brand new little baby in their arms. Now, Lois was not normally a woman who would go gaga over a baby, cooing and awing, but ever since having Phoebe, her view on babies had changed somewhat. Plus these two were family after all so technically it didn't count.

As the two men carefully placed each child in Kara's arms, she smiled up at Lois with pride.

"They're so beautiful." Lois said in awe. "Even if they do have bad time keeping."

"Well, they were obviously comfortable where they were." Oliver replied, his beaming smile still glued on his face as he sat next to Kara and took their son, leaving her holding the little girl.

Lois felt Clark's fingers entwine with hers and she leaned back into his embrace. "So what are you calling them?" Clark asked.

Kara and Oliver shared a glance. Then Oliver said. "Well, Kara's been reading a lot of baby name books. She's practically surfed every website there is available. In the end, we decided we wanted them both to have good strong names."

"So?" Lois pressed.

Kara grinned. "So, this is Isobel Maria Queen."

"And this is Connor Nathaniel Queen." Oliver said.

"Isobel and Connor huh?" Lois mulled the names over in her head. "Nah, sorry don't like them."

Both Oliver and Kara's jaws dropped and Clark nudged her in the back. "Lois!"

Then Lois grinned. "I'm kidding. I love them. They're great names and looking at the two of them, they do really seem to suit them."

Kara blew out a breath. "Don't do that Lois, I really thought for a second that you didn't."

"Sorry. I really do like them though." Lois replied, taking each of the little babies' hands in hers. She stared in turn at each of them. Connor, who was fast asleep, had his father's features, nose, ears, mouth, everything. And he didn't seem to have much hair, but what little he did have was of course, blonde.

Isobel, was wide awake as Lois studied her. Her eyes were a strange mixture of blue and green, swirling together to form the most beautiful colour Lois had ever seen. And she had a full head of thick dark blonde hair. Lois looked up at Oliver and Kara.

"They're perfect."

Later that evening, the house was quiet, Phoebe was asleep and Lois and Clark were, at last, alone.

"Well, I would say that day went well. Do you think Phoebe had a good time?" Lois asked, standing in the doorway of their bathroom, taking off her jewellery, to get ready for bed.

Clark rinsed his mouth out and smiled. "I think she loved it. She may not have known what all the fuss was about, but she definitely loved the attention."

"Hmm," she replied, walking away, into their bedroom. By the time he'd finished up, and climbed into bed next to her, she was already snuggled in.

"What is it Lois?" he asked, sensing something bothering her.

"Nothing, I'm great." she replied, turning her head around so that she could kiss him. He pulled her body closer to his, revelling in her delicious warmth. Placing little butterfly kisses on her shoulder, he knew it wouldn't take long for her to crack. And as she sighed, he knew he'd been right.

"It's just that, I really hope that she knows that I wanted her to enjoy her party."

"Lois, she's only one. She'll know, when she gets older, she'll know." He wondered why this was so important to her. What was going through that brain of hers? Slowly, he turned her around so that she was facing him, she might be able to lie with words, but her face always told him the truth.

"Why is this bothering you so much?"

"It's not, not really. It's just that…when I was a kid, after mom died, there were no birthday parties anymore. Not one. And I remember feeling sad that no one ever came when it was my birthday. All I got were a bunch of toys designed for a boy from a bunch of guys on the base. My dad was rarely there even when he was there, you know? Always busy with something or other. I don't want that for Phoebe. I want her to know how much we love her and that we'll always be here for her no matter how busy we may be…"

"Hey," he said softly, tucking her hair behind her ear. "She already knows that Lois. And we will make every birthday a special one, okay?"

Not just for Phoebe, for you too,

he thought to himself. He made a mental note to throw Lois a huge surprise party for her birthday in a couple of months.

Her eyes met his and he felt sad for the child she'd been. "You know, you're not alone. I never really had any birthday parties either."

"Really?" She seemed so shocked about that. "I can't imagine your mom and dad would…"

"They weren't sure that I would be able to handle it without someone finding out my secret. I had a lot of…adjusting to do when I was a child. Mom did tell me that she felt bad for never inviting my friends, but they always made each birthday special."

"That's what I want for Phoebe." she said, snuggling in closer to him.

It was nights like these that Clark enjoyed the most. Just lying with his wife, cuddling and talking. The simplest things were often the best things. Clark raised himself up onto one elbow and looked down at her. She was so beautiful.

"We'll do whatever it takes. Phoebe will know how much she's loved. And not just by us."

Lois nodded and entwined her fingers together behind his head. "Have I told you that I love you?"

"Not today."

"Well I do. I love every single part of you, the man and the hero."

"You make me who I am Lois. Without you, I wouldn't be able to do what I do. You give my life meaning, purpose. You're the one, that gives me strength to do what I need to do. You're the one. You always will be."

She pulled his head down to hers, and he kissed her, softly at first, but then as always, it became more intense. Slowly, he pulled back, he loved to just look at her. To drink in her features, committing every single one to memory.

"Well, I think Phoebe might have someone to share her next birthday party with." Lois said, with a grin.

Clark felt his eyes widen for a second before his brain caught up. "Are you…?"

She tipped his open jaw up and laughed. "No, not me. Chloe."

There was a split second of disappointment right before he started grinning again. "Seriously? Why didn't she tell me? That's fantastic!"

"She's keeping it under wraps for a few more weeks until she knows everything is okay but she just couldn't not tell me. And she knows that I never keep anything from you, so she said I could tell you."

"Wow, Chloe and Jimmy are gonna be parents."

Lois chuckled, a sound that Clark always loved to hear. When she was happy, that was all that mattered to him, he hated it whenever she was upset or sad about something. Especially if he couldn't do anything about it.

After the events of the last year, Clark thought she needed a little more laughter in her life. Lex had almost destroyed everything that was good, but they were strong and they'd gotten through it. And though Clark didn't like the fact that Lex had lost his life, he couldn't deny that he felt a sense of peace, knowing that his family was safer now.

"It should be interesting."

"How so?" Clark asked.

"Well, Jimmy's already enough of a kid. Now Chloe's gonna have two to deal with."

"Lois," Clark chided, but couldn't help but chuckle himself. The idea of Jimmy being a stern parent was quite funny.

Then as their eyes met, both of them stopped laughing. "Do you think we'll ever have another one?" she asked.

Clark frowned, not knowing what to say. On the one hand, he would like nothing more than to have a little brother or sister for Phoebe. But on the other… "That's really up to you Lois."

"Me? Why?" She wiggled her eyebrows. "It takes two to make a baby you know, Smallville. I thought you'd learned that already."

"I'm serious Lois. I know how hard your last pregnancy was on you, and I would understand if you never wanted to go through that again."

Lois put both her hands on his cheeks and tipped his face up to hers. "I would do it again in a heartbeat."

Clark smiled. He didn't know why, but hearing that made his heart soar with relief and happiness. He wanted a big family, but he wouldn't push Lois if she didn't want the same.

"You are the most amazing, incredible woman…" he said, dropping his head to kiss her neck.

"You're only just figuring that out?"

"No, I've known for a while."

"Smallville?" He raised his head at the question in her voice and when he saw the mischievous glint in her eye, he knew what she was thinking.

Because he was thinking the same thing. He wanted her, badly. No, he needed her. She was like the air he breathed, and could never live without.


"How about we start right now?"

"Really? Now?"

She nodded and wrapped her legs around his waist, bringing herself into direct contact with him and he gasped in surprise.

She winked at him. "You know what they say Smallville, practice makes perfect."

"Then I guess we better get practicing."

The End.