After going through another whole bothersome 'squeaky clean' ordeal, Angel hopped into the pallor and re-groomed his white fur so he wasn't so fluffy looking. Fluttershy always toweled his fur extra poufy… a bunny has his pride after all!

The little rabbit halted with neatening his fur when a black blur buzzed passing him multiple times, got his attention. It was the changeling, Dragonfly, briskly occupied with tidying up the cottage from the tussle he and Angel had previously before.

Angel's head went left to right, up and down as well; he was happy on the speediness of the changeling and grinned; thinking with having this busy bee around, chores would be much less frequent.

It was then, Fluttershy glided by the observing bunny and gave him a pleased and happy glance while also trying to keep her view on the fast, flittering creature.

"I'm so proud of my little Angel for forgiving Dragonfly. He really was only doing what changelings do, you know," she reminded the bunny. "But now we can show him the right things to do. And it seems that's he's a fast learner."

The pair watched Dragonfly holding a dust pan in his front hooves while using his tail to sweep the pieces of the broken perching mirror.

Fluttershy smiled. "Well… it's so nice when everypony takes responsibility for their mistakes… isn't it, Angel..?"

Angel did a double take and looked up at his smiling care-taker as she blinked sweetly… he knew what she was sweetly implying.

The bunny narrowed his eyes with a sigh and since he sort of assisted with half of the mess, he cracked his front paws and begun the long task of getting everything straightened.

"That's a good Angel Bunny!" giggled the proud pegasus.

After the cottage was neat and tidy again, Fluttershy rewarded the little housekeepers with a new (and un-smashed) carrot cake.

Dragonfly offered Fluttershy a slice and when he served Angel, the hungry little rabbit greedily wolfed it down. This made the little changeling's orb light-blue eyes seem even wider and brighter as he fluttered backwards next to the winged-mare. She giggled at the young creature's surprised reaction to Angel's feeding frenzy.

"Don't worry, you'll get use to him," she assured.

Dragonfly's shocked expression relaxed and he nuzzled heads with his Mothershy.

Later that evening, in her bedroom, Fluttershy was tucking Dragonfly in a bedded basket she prepared for him. As she done so, she smiled at an idea when she noted earlier when the little changeling was conversing with a visiting hummingbird through vibrant wing-play. The Pegasus hums her pleasant little lullaby and with hearing the verse and the rain lightly hitting the rooftop, Dragonfly's face began to be overcome with sleep. Meanwhile, a pair of long white ears peered their way by the open bedroom door.

Fluttershy finished her soft song and leaned over the sleeping little changeling. "Sweet dreams, little one," she whispered.

The pegasus kissed the top of Dragonfly's head and when she headed for the open door, he sleepily smiled.

When Fluttershy came out of the room she spotted Angel, casually leaning his back on the wall with his paws and one hind leg crossed. The winged-mare gave the 'what-ever' faced bunny a smile. She knew her little companion so well.

"It's okay," she softly reminded. "You know I'll always care for you."

She then gestured her eyes to the slumbering little changeling. "And I know you care for him too."

Fluttershy kissed the squinting bunny's cheek and giving the bedroom another glance, she put a hoof next to her mouth. "Shhh… Dragonfly's sleeping. Come on, Angel; let's get you into your own comfy little basket."

The pegasus headed downstairs and Angel was about to follow suit but he paused…

The bunny quietly crept into the bedroom and hopped on the changeling's basket bed. He looked over Dragonfly nestling his face into the pillow and Angel couldn't help but give a relented smile. He patted the little snoozing creature's horn once more.

Angel figured that Dragonfly wasn't so bad. And very oddly enough, he seemed almost as cute as a bunny… almost.

Dragonfly had shifted on his tummy so the bunny went to re-fix the blanket but he paused with still holding the cover in his paws; for the mystic green aura appeared around the changeling and Angel as his horn glowed again.

The amazed bunny watched Dragonfly's frayed wings evolve into flawless, blue iridescent pairs as his namesake. And then the aura glittered away as quickly as it appeared.

The pondering little rabbit rubbed his chin. He concluded that if changelings are given honest love by a pony (or in this case, a bunny), it nourishes them wholly and it doesn't weaken you because your love is given willingly; NOT stolen by force or falsity. But Angel merely shrugged to himself. After all, he's just a bunny, what does he know?

Angel picked up the blanket again and placed it over Dragonfly. He turned around to hop off the basket but when the resting little changeling yawned, he stretched and grabbed the caught off-guard bunny into a lock hug that not even the mighty Angel could escape.

Being a changeling's teddy bear wasn't what Angel had in mind for this evening. The tired bunny rolled his eyes but gave a resigned sigh, followed by a tiny yawn.

A few moments later, Fluttershy was flying upstairs.

"Oh, dear," she whispered, "I've seemed to have forgotten to close the bedroom door. I sure hope that nobunny went in and disturbed Dragonfly…"

She reached the bedroom and peeped behind its door… to smile at the cuddly pair; both were contently sound asleep.

Fluttershy lightly laughed and whispered, "Sleep tight, my little Angels."

And the kind-hearted pegasus pony of Ponyville gently pulled in the door, till the latch quietly clasped in place.