Two captains sat at the edge of the hill, overlooking their own secret paradise. One had long raven hair and silver-gray orbs. She was petite and small for her position and age, but she didn't complain. In fact, she was glad she had the height. It was well-endowed enough to fit to her… erm, crush's frame. The other had white hair and teal orbs, staring down the falls. It was only this rare moments that they can spend time quietly, and he was sure glad for it.

"Aki," the man with white hair said, breaking the silence. She glanced at him and hummed to know that she's paying attention. "What would you do if I were gay?" Her head whipped to meet his gaze, breath hitching by the sudden question.

"I'm sorry, what?" His sudden question got her unbalanced and nearly dropped off the hill if the white haired boy had not grabbed her and pulled her close to him. She placed both of her hands on his chest to regain her balance and to support herself. She let out a relieved sigh.

"What if I was gay?"

"Toshiro, are you saying—? "He glared at the girl.

"Just answer the damn question," he insisted. She sighed. She smiled, even though her insides were squirming and her heart was crestfallen. Had she not loved this man, she'd protest. But after all, his happiness was what she sought. She turned her head away and sighed.

"I… I wouldn't do anything," she replied wryly, though he didn't notice it. He was very dense when it comes to girls.

Her reply had surprised him. He had expected her to throw a rampage or a hissy fit, but… her reply was sure and calm. She had a warm expression.

"Why do you ask?" She turned back and rested her head on his shoulder. His breath hitched. Never had this girl been ever this close and touchy with him.

"Nothing," he replied curtly, sighing.

"Well, are you?" She hesitantly asked. He laughed, his chest vibrating. She looked up and pouted, glaring.

"I'm considering at the moment," he snickered. Her jaw dropped and her eyes narrowed into a leer. Her leer dropped when he leaned in, eyes half-lidded. She could feel his breath on her lips as his cold hands catch her wrists, pulling her closer.

"…but," he continued. Her heart beat faster than it ever had, its pumps drumming in her ears as she anticipated the next. "I don't feel so gay at the moment…" Her eyes widened, a blush coating her ivory cheeks.

"Say what?" He chuckled.

"Need I say more?" His lips brushed against hers for a moment, making her want more. She closed her eyes and pulled him to her.

"Tease," she breathed. He chuckled and crashed his lips against hers.

"How could I ever be gay with you here?" He grinned. She laughed and tackled him to a hug. They just laid there in each other's embrace. They couldn't be more happier.


This story just came to me. I didn't know why, but it just popped. I was like: "I just have ot write this, I have to write this!" Then came running to my computer. Lol. R&R.