
Hi everyone, nope this isn't an epilogue, I'm writing a sequel already, I wouldn't put an epilogue to this, besides, what would I write? And also, LarkaTheWhiteWolf requested me to update this story when I post my sequel. This is interesting, well, check out the sequel, 'kay, everyone? Because I'd just hate to leave you all with a cliff hanger. I have approximately 13 days until I go on vacation so I'll get as much done as I can. Oh, and in the next story, I'm going to mix things up a bit so be forewarned, haha. How's everyone's summer, and how did you all enjoy the last chapter? Wow, 116 reviews, I'm flattered. Chocolate chip cookies for everyone! Thank you for all the compliments people, I appreciate them.

Oh, and a little summary for everyone:

So Fang and Max saved the world from impending doom and the rest, as the saying goes, it's all history. But history is about to change again. With new dangers and betrayals thrown at them like gilded daggers, will the Flock be finally torn apart? And what exactly is woven deep in a tangle of unspoken words and thoughts kept secret?

Why did I write this? No sane person would wake up and 5 AM just to type a chapter. I've also decided on a name for the story. It's going to be called, What We Weave. Based on the quote that I fell in love with at first sight, haha. "What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive." I'll let you guys ponder on that as I start typing the story.

Well, love y'all, bye!

