Thank you to everyone for your great reviews throughout the story and also to everyone who saved it as a favourite, or simply read and enjoyed. This is the final chapter so I hope you like the conclusion :o)


Embry's brown eyes widened and I could see he was holding his breath. The momentary panic left me and I remembered Dad telling me this was normal. He had almost made a run for it from the altar when he waited for Mom to join him and it was pretty usual to at least have some doubts or nerves. Typical for mine to wait until the last possible minute to bother me. Now I looked at him, how beautiful he was, his face beginning to look worried as he waited for me to speak and I thought about how much he meant to me. I didn't want to spend even one day of my life without him in it and putting a ring on his finger to seal that was only going to make our life together more special.

"I love you so much," I whispered, taking his hand. The smile returned to his face in an instant and he squeezed my hand tightly.

"I'm still nervous," he whispered back.

"Don't be." I leaned in and brushed my lips against his ear. "I have a surprise for you later."


"Sshh," I added, as Billy cleared his throat to get our attention. I stepped back slightly, but kept hold of Embry's hand. Suddenly I was grinning stupidly and as hard as I tried to straighten my face, I couldn't do it.

Billy began a more or less traditional Quileute wedding ceremony with just a few changes to it to account for the fact that he was marrying two men. Dad had given him the ring box and I did my best to listen attentively to what he was saying, while every fibre of me just wanted to grab Embry and hold onto him. The knot had left my stomach although my heart continued to pound, with excitement now, as Billy opened the box and invited me to take the smaller ring and repeat my vows to Embry as I slid it onto his finger. I didn't miss the tears filling his eyes as I spoke and I was surprised when I had to clear my throat to rid it of the lump there before I could say the last few words.

Then it was Embry's turn to take the larger ring. He slid it slowly onto my finger while repeating his words after Billy, his voice shaking slightly and when the ring was in place, he slid his hand into mine and held on tight. I could hear sniffing from somewhere behind me and when we turned around moments later as husbands, I noticed Tiffany and Charlie both dabbing their eyes with tissues.

Quil's Mom began to organise everyone for photographs then and we posed for an endless number of shots. I hated being photographed, but nothing was going to make me spoil the day for Embry and I stood where I was told with a smile on my face for almost an hour before we were done and then we were heading home for the party. Dad and Charlie had arranged a Hummer for a wedding car with 'just married' foam-painted on the back and some jokers - probably Jacob and Seth, going by the guilty smirks on their faces - had tied blown up condoms to the fenders, wing mirrors and anything else they could find to attach a string too. Embry flushed scarlet and I just grinned and whispered that since they wasted so many it was a good thing we didn't use them.

Emily, Kim and Leah all set off ahead of us in the Clearwaters' MPV which was filled with all the food that had been prepared and by the time we got home it was all laid out on the table for people to help themselves. Emily had made a cake too, a double tiered one which sat on a small table by itself and even I was impressed with the fancy lettering she had put on it and the two happy looking grey model wolves in the middle.

Of course there were speeches - Dad embarrassed the hell out of me just as I expected and then I embarrassed the hell out of myself by gulping champagne and standing up to proclaim to everyone how Embry was my life and his Imprint had changed everything for me and a whole lot of other stuff that made me blush when I thought about it later. Mrs Ateara kept on snapping away through the toasts and cake cutting and then Quil put some music on and finally the formal part of everything was done. Embry and I tore off our ties and jackets immediately and went to put them in our bedroom so we could relax.

"So what's this surprise?" Embry asked me. "Are you going to tell me now?"

I grinned at him. "I'd almost forgotten." I picked my jacket up again and stuck my hand into the inner pocket to retrieve the pages I had printed out. "A honeymoon is supposed to come after the wedding, right?"

Embry's mouth fell open. "We're having a honeymoon?"

"Uh huh." I gave the papers to him and grinned as he unfolded them.

"Barbados! Wow! Shit, Paul, you need to stop pretending you don't know the meaning of the word 'romance'," he beamed, throwing his arms around my neck. "Thank you. When did you arrange this?"

"About a month ago." I hugged him back. "I had to go through all your stuff to make sure you had a passport first. You know when we were talking about our names? I almost said that it didn't have your middle name on your passport."

Embry laughed. "You saw the horrible picture of me then."

"It's a great picture," I said. "It reminded me of that day you were getting beat up and I helped you out. You threw yourself into my arms and I didn't have the first clue what to do about it. I almost shoved you off of me. Scared the hell out of me that I actually liked the feel of you that close." I brushed my lips against his. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Guys!" Quil's voice came through the door and his fist hammered on it. "At least wait until your guests leave to consummate it!"

Embry's face flamed and he stepped away from me. "Oh my God, I can just imagine what my Mom is thinking right now."

"We live together, Em, I don't suppose she thinks we have separate rooms," I grinned. "Come on, better get out there." I pulled the door open. "Fuck off, Quil, I was only giving Embry a wedding present."

"Yeah, I bet you were," he smirked.

"He booked a surprise honeymoon!" Embry exclaimed, stepping past me. Several people turned to look at him and it was my turn to redden a touch when a few jaws dropped. No one knew except for Seth, I hadn't even told Dad, only that I would be a taking a couple weeks off work to be with Embry after the wedding. Seth was now grinning and he winked and gave me a thumbs up. Jacob eyed him curiously.

"Did he know?" Embry asked me.

"Yeah, do you remember that day we did all the organising and we went to bed and I got a text? It was Seth telling me not to forget a honeymoon."

Embry smirked. "So you had help?"

"Not really, only the reminder."

"You know, I'm not sure I can spare Embry from work at such short notice," Jacob said. "You might have asked me, Paul, if you were going to spring a surprise like that."

"Jake, don't be so mean," Seth said at once, elbowing him.

"I'm joking." Jacob wrapped an arm around him and grinned. "Where are you going?"

"Barbados!" Embry exclaimed. "How cool is that? We're staying in a villa!"

I left them to it and mingled for a while, telling Dad and Charlie about the trip and then Tiffany who actually came over while I was with them and managed to speak to Dad without looking like she wanted to slap him. The party went on for a few hours until the food was gone and the alcohol was running low. I avoided drinking too much and so did Embry, I noticed. The last thing we wanted to do on our wedding night was fall into bed drunk and wake up hungover when we had a noon flight to the Caribbean to catch. Everyone had sampled the cake and Emily cut extra pieces for them all to take home. Finally by late evening they were all gone and we were alone - our first night as a married couple.

Much as I was tempted to tear Embry's clothes off of him and pound him into the mattress, I took my time and made love to him slowly and gently instead and afterwards he did the same to me. I was really getting to like the feel of him in me and was glad I had asked him to give it a try. Every time he hit that sweet spot inside me it would turn me to jelly and make me whimper like a puppy and I loved the fact that he was getting so much more out of our sex life now.

We rose early the next morning, still sleepy but having limited time to get out of the house and drive to Seattle to catch our flight and the house looked as if a bomb had hit it with the remains of the party everywhere. To our intense surprise, just as we had finished stuffing two cases full of clothes and gathering hand luggage together, Tiffany and Charlie turned up - together.

"Mom!" Embry exclaimed as he opened the door. "Charlie?"

"Hey, Charlie," I added and nodded at my new mother-in-law. "Surprised to see you here...together."

"Figured you would want some help cleaning up, you'll need to get to the airport," Charlie said. "Turns out Tiff and I have a tonne in common."

Tiff? They must have gotten pretty friendly in a short space of time, I thought, which could only be a good thing. It had been pretty awkward trying to avoid having Tiffany and Dad at our house at the same time, but they seemed to have moved on from their differences.

Now Embry and I lugged the cases out to the truck, checked for the hundredth time that we had passports and the printed booking documents and then set off. We left the truck in the airport long-stay parking lot and checked in. The noon flight was on time and although we had a connection in Miami to deal with, the twelve-hour trip went smoothly and our transfer car was waiting for us as we emerged from the terminal in Bridgetown around four in the morning local time. We dozed in the back of the car on the short trip up the west coast to our villa and then crashed out for a few more hours, barely taking in our surroundings until we woke again in the late morning.

The villa was great and the location beautiful I thought smugly when I took a look around, still naked as I explored. The accommodation itself had two bedrooms with en suites, a large open plan lounge and dining room with a kitchen off to one side and behind the house was a pool and hot tub. From the front you could see a private beach and sparkling turquoise water just yards away.

I realised we hadn't brought or picked up any supplies and hoped I would at least find coffee in the kitchen, but when I checked it out I was delighted to find the refrigerator well stocked with essentials - milk, cheeses, bread, eggs and fruit and a note attached to the door with a magnet sporting the Barbadian flag, advising that a housekeeper would visit every day between 5 and 6pm to clean and bring fresh towels. If we weren't around and wanted supplies bringing the next day, we could leave a list and it would be charged to my credit card at the end of the trip.

"Awesome," I said to myself and turned on the coffee machine. Embry was still in bed and I made grilled cheese and sliced up various pieces of fruit for breakfast, then carried the lot into the bedroom on a tray.

We ate in bed, looking out the long window at the sea and quickly decided the first thing we were going to do was take a dip in it. We had two whole weeks to do exactly what we wanted and intended to make the most of every minute.

The time went by way too fast. We lazed around with each other a lot, but also rented a car for a couple days to explore the island, took a helicopter tour and went on a day cruise which involved a stop for snorkelling and then a beach barbeque. We even went to the Ship Inn in St Lawrence on the south coast of the island - a club recommended by every travel guide and brochure on Barbados which wasn't something we would have done in Forks if we were paid, but spending the evening downing rum cocktails and dancing once we got tipsy enough not to care if we looked stupid was great fun. Embry was actually a pretty good dancer, I thought, but I knew I was lousy at it and Em couldn't hide his amusement after a while.

All too soon we were reluctantly leaving for the airport, vowing that we would return for our first anniversary. The flight was more exhausting than it had been on the way down and back in Seattle, we took thirty minute turns at driving as we struggled to keep our eyes open on the last leg back to La Push. Once we reached the house at some ridiculous hour of the morning, we simply dumped our cases in the lounge, locked the door and fell into bed. We still had two days before either of us had to return to work so we could continue doing as we pleased until everyone began descending on us to hear about the trip and look at our photographs.

Embry had been pretty persistent with his camera throughout the trip. Thankfully most of the shots were of the villa, the scenery, the boat we went for the cruise on and views taken from the helicopter and several of us together which random strangers had been only too happy to help out with, but Embry had somehow managed to accumulate a surprising number of me too, mostly when I was unaware of it. Quite a few showed me sunbathing naked behind the villa, often face down, but occasionally on my back under a sunshade, the warmth and fun of being able to lounge around in the fresh air without a stitch on resulting in an erection.

"Oh my God, Em, put them in a different file," I groaned as we viewed the shots on his laptop before we showed anyone else. "No one wants to see my cock."

"Well, I'm quite partial to looking at it," Embry smirked. "Think I will keep this one as a screensaver." He indicated a picture of me lying on the edge of the pool, one arm folded behind my head and my free hand gripping myself.

"Don't you dare. When did you take that, anyway?"

"It was the second or third day there. You had been swimming and you were drying off in the sun and getting all horny. I couldn't resist getting a picture before I came and sat on you."

I grinned now. I remembered all too well. I had begun to doze in the sun, my eyelids heavy, but my cock determinedly throbbing and demanding attention. I rubbed it half-heartedly for a minute or two and then felt Embry push my hand off, replacing it with his own which was slick with lube. A few strokes and then he was astride me, lowering himself onto me. I had immediately been wide awake, gripping his thighs as he rode me.

"Damnit, Em," I muttered, my pants uncomfortably tight once again. It took barely any effort on his part to get me all worked up; most of the time he only had to look at me with his melting brown eyes and I would want to pounce on him.

The doorbell rang and I growled out a curse under my breath. Embry got up, grinning, and I grabbed the laptop as I heard Tiffany's voice. Shit, she would want to see the photos. I rapidly deleted the screensaver and opened up the photo file again. The damned naked photos were all still scattered amongst the rest and I grouped them quickly and shifted them to another file, just in time before Tiffany walked in. I willed my erection to go down and went to make coffee while Embry showed her the pictures and the procedure was repeated several times with other visitors until we were finally left alone again. Embry put the laptop away and went to take a shower and I stared at the camera sitting there on the coffee table, just waiting to be made use of again. It was about time I got some photos of Embry for myself.

I waited until the water had been running a minute or two and then stuck my head around the bathroom door. He was standing under the hot spray, leaning back against the tiled wall with his eyes closed, letting the water cascade over him. Grinning, I stepped inside and pointed the camera. Two could play at this game and he looked hotter than hell like that. I took a close up of his face first, eyes closed, then panned out and took a shot down to waist level, then another full length. He was completely unaware of my presence and I snapped away, feeling like a voyeur as he began to lather himself in shower gel, eyes still closed and his cock beginning to stiffen and rise towards his stomach.

Embry let the water pour over him again and rinse away the soap, then leaned back again and ran one hand down his body to his stomach, pausing for a moment before he grasped his cock and gave it a squeeze. I chewed my lip, trying not to voice my appreciation and took another photo, unzipping my too tight pants with my free hand. Em began to jack himself off slowly, his head rolling back against the wall and I alternated between full lengths photographs and zoomed in ones of the pleasure on his face and his erection. An audible groan came from him above the sound of the rushing water and I put the camera down then. Enough was enough. I quickly dumped my clothes on the floor and stepped into the shower.

"Hold on, baby, don't waste it," I said.

Embry's eyes flew open.

"How long have you been here?"

"Long enough to get a few photos." I took his hand off himself and grasped him with both of my hands, rubbing his cock against my own.

"Perve." He grinned and blushed and slid his arms around my neck, drawing my lower lip between his teeth and nibbling on it. He released it again in a second with a groan. "I'm so close."

I took my hands away, quickly reached up and turned the water off and dropped to my knees, grasping him again and drawing him into my mouth.

"Oh, God, Paul," Embry groaned, sliding his hands into my wet hair. He thrust himself deeper into my mouth and I sucked hard, squeezing his balls in one hand and immediately feeling the base of his cock begin to pulse. He came hard into my throat and I swallowed, taking my hands off him again and slowly getting to my feet. Embry was panting, lips parted and eyes closed and I covered his mouth with mine, letting him taste himself on my tongue before I pulled him out of the shower and handed him a towel.

"Fuck," he groaned.

"That's what I was thinking."

I dried myself quickly, picked up the camera and headed for the bedroom. Embry followed and threw himself onto the bed, still breathless. I showed him the photos of himself, idly touching myself until he pushed me off and took over and we spent the next hour or so playing with each other and the camera, adding to the collection of progressively sexy photos until we had a regular little porn album.

"You better put these in a locked file," I said as we viewed them again later. Some of the shots even made me blush although I knew they were going to be fun to look at again in the future.

We didn't bother to get dressed again for the rest of the evening. We ordered in pizza and I answered the door in my bathrobe and took the food and some beers back to bed. We had work the next day and weren't looking forward to being parted even for a few hours, so wanted to make every moment last until then. We only had one brief interruption when Embry's cellphone rang. I would have been tempted to ignore it, but Embry answered and I listened to his side of the short conversation in surprise as he said things such as 'congratulations' and 'I'm so happy for you.'

"Who was that?" I asked when he hung up.

"Seth. He had some big news, couldn't wait to tell us."

"Well, come on, then, tell me!" I prompted.

"He's getting married!"

"To Jake?"

"Yes, of course to Jake, what do you think? Jake apparently took a leaf out of your book while we were away, restaurant etc, even went down on one knee later. They're tying the knot at Easter."

"Awesome," I grinned, pulling Embry down into my arms again. "Do you wish I'd gone down on one knee?"

"No. It was perfect when you asked me. You were so nervous too, it was cute."

"You know I hate it when you say I'm cute," I teased.

"Well, you are. And I love you so much. A year ago I couldn't have imagined in my wildest dreams this would happen; that I'd be married to you."

"Better get used to it," I said, hugging him tighter. "You're going to be Embry Lahote until you die of old age."

I repeated his words in my head; he couldn't have imagined in his wildest dreams - nor could I, I thought. A year ago I had been in New York, dragging myself through every day and wondering what the point was, never realising that Embry would be the one to save me, to make it all better, to make my heart swell and fill with love.

"I love you, Em," I whispered. "Always."