'SHERLOCK!' John practically fell through the door as he dragged 6 bags of shopping up the stairs. 'Who was that guy at the door? Sherlock?'

He had a feeling that Sherlock would be working on something new because there was a huge amount of clattering in the kitchen as he walked up and there was no violin playing to be heard, though he wouldn't have put it past Sherlock to play whilst chucking harmful chemicals about the flat.

'STOP BANGING ABOUT AND HELP ME UNPACK-what the bloody hell have you done to yourself this time?'

Sherlock was standing there in his suit trousers and his new grey shirt with one sleeve rolled up to the elbow, blood trickling down to his hand and smothered all over the sleeve. He looked even more pale than usual, and his general air of importance and higher authority had seemed to vacate his presence. He looked at John, whose chest was still heaving from his recent trek back to Baker Street, then at the shopping, squinting his eyes and scanning him down. John sighed and stepped forward, but Sherlock flinched slightly. This was unusual for him, who was always suave and never scared at anything. John frowned.

'Well? Going to explain why you have blood all over your arm?'

Sherlock turned his back to him and started back to the kitchen, but john noticed the problem. He had a big gash on the other side of his arm and it was leaking blood badly, his palm smeared with it and the side of his shirt where is arm had touched was also stained.

'...what the-'

'NO, it wasn't purposeful and NO it's not clean or treated, as you might have guessed. It hurts like hell on earth though so please do something about it.'

'You lazy sod!' John smiled slightly and began to walk over to him. 'You wait for me to get back just so I can-'

'No, I have chemicals all over my hands so I can't touch anything, including my own possibly infected wound.'

'What chemicals?'

'the explosive kind...' Sherlock grumbled and pushed past John to the sofa.


Should I carry this on? I'm planning a little bit of slashy stuff, but nothing too sickly or too graphic either. Please answer in reviews and I promise I'll write back