AN: Yep! That's right! 2 ch today! This was also on my computer and just needed a final edit. I don't have a fun story for this one. Hope you like it!

"What are you doing this weekend?" Kurt asked Blaine as he slid into a chair across from him in the cafeteria.

"Going to the game Friday night with David, other than that nothing planned," Blaine said, smiling as Kurt was now here.

"Good. I have it on good authority that Finn and most of the floor will be gone Friday night until Saturday night. Some sort of game ritual thing I don't know or want to know about. But it does mean that I'll have my room to myself for that time," Kurt told him.

Blaine looked at Kurt and raised his eyebrows. "I would think you might get lonely without your roommate and floor mates around."

"Quite lonely, will you keep me company?" Kurt asked.

"Oh, definitely," Blaine grinned.

"Good. I'll meet you after the game," Kurt stood up.

"You don't want to come to the game with me?" Blaine pleaded.

"I'll be late. I have a rehearsal that overlaps a bit," Kurt explained.

"Alright, text me and I'll find you, love you," Blaine said kissing him quickly as Kurt walked off to class.

"Love you too," Kurt told him, grinning in anticipation of this weekend.

Blaine grinned as he finally found Kurt on the ground floor outside the stadium seating. That changed though at the look Kurt was giving him. "What?" he asked innocently.

"Do I kill you or David?" Kurt asked him still staring.

"It will wash off." Blaine assured him, taking his hand and leading him up to their seats.

David and the other guys cheered when they saw him, all of them the same as Blaine: bare chests painted purple with white letters that spelled out NYU with two exclamation points. Blaine pulled him into the stands and went to hug him. Kurt pushed him away.

"If you get paint on my coat I'll cancel all my plans tonight for you," Kurt threatened.

Blaine held his hands up and backed his upper body away, leaning instead to give Kurt a kiss which he accepted still pouting a little.

Kurt got happier as the game went on, they were winning and Blaine was really having a good time even if he did look ridiculous. That didn't stop Kurt from taking photos of him and David and David stealing his phone to take pictures of Kurt and Blaine together, which Kurt threatened to delete. Blaine kissed and distracted giving David time to text them to himself.

"Let's go now so you can shower before the other guys get back," Kurt said to Blaine when the game had 5 min left. They were ahead anyways and for sure would win.

Blaine nodded eagerly and barely said goodbye to the other guys before grabbing Kurt's hand and nearly running out of the stadium.

Kurt laughed and tugged on Blaine's hand to slow him down. "These boots were not made for running."

Blaine gave one last tug before falling back to walk next to Kurt. "Can you power walk in them?"

Kurt glared. "I could, but I don't want to sweat or I'll ruin my shirt."

Blaine pouted causing Kurt to laugh again. "Why are you in such a hurry? We have all night."

"My gorgeous boyfriend is planning on having sex with me all night. I think that's a reason to hurry so I get the most out of it. Besides, it's your fault for wearing such tight pants to the game." Blaine reached behind and slapped Kurt's ass.

Kurt yelped and pushed Blaine away. "No," he reprimanded. Blaine pouted and grabbed his hand again, resting his head on Kurt's shoulder, making sure to keep his upper body away still.

"I'm sorry, I just love your ass, you know this." Blaine told him. "I want to touch it, and squeeze it, and burry myself in it, or spread it open so you can ride me."

Kurt kissed Blaine to shut him up. "You can do all that in private, after you get rid of the paint," Kurt said.

"Why does our dorm have to be so far away?" Blaine grumbled as they came within sight of the building.

Kurt just rolled his eyes and led him inside and up the stairs. "Go shower, then come to my room," he instructed giving Blaine one last kiss.

"Should I get dressed first?" Blaine asked raising an eyebrow.

Kurt shrugged. "If you want to waste more of your time sure."

Blaine grinned and kissed Kurt again before running off to the shower. Kurt went to his room and quickly finished preparing everything. It took Blaine 10 minutes before he was knocking on the door. He opened it, not waiting for Kurt to answer.

Blaine smiled as he took in the room. Kurt had hung up fairy lights and spread some cushions and blankets on the floor with a light dinner. He himself was sitting relaxing on one of the cushions in just his underwear.

"Hey," Blaine said as he closed the door. He walked over to Kurt and sat down next to him, pulling him in for a slow kiss.

"This is much better," Kurt commented as he ran a hand down Blaine's slightly damp chest, tugging on his hair a bit. Blaine hummed in agreement and kissed Kurt again, slowly tracing his tongue over Kurt's teeth. Kurt pulled back smiling. "Did you want to eat first? I know you didn't really eat during the game."

"No, not hungry, or at least not enough to distract me from you," Blaine said before grabbing Kurt and pulling him into his chest.

Kurt laughed as he moved to sit in Blaine's lap. "I suppose you'll just be hungrier later anyway," he said as he ground down on Blaine's erection.

Blaine groaned and nodded. "Just want you now."

Kurt sucked Blaine's bottom lip between his own and stood up, dragging it through his teeth. He pulled Blaine with him and sat down again on the futon.

"I thought sex wasn't allowed on here?" Blaine questioned kissing Kurt's neck as he followed him down.

"I caught Finn and Rachel on it last week making out, which is also not allowed and I need to have a new memory to replace it," Kurt told him, leaning his head back to give Blaine more access.

Blaine laughed, the vibrations traveling up Kurt's throat and tingling. "I see. Just using me to get what you want."

"You are what I want," Kurt said huskily.

There was a moment of eye contact between the two before it dissolved into kisses and touch. No words were needed; they knew each other well enough. Only please, more, yes, and each other's names.

"I love you," Blain said afterward as Kurt fed him a grape.

Kurt smiled and reached down to kiss him. "Love you too." He stood and slowly began to put the food back into the fridge. When he was done he held a hand out to Blaine. "Come on; let's shower before we go to sleep," Blaine took his hand and went to take another shower.

"One more round?" Blaine asked.

Kurt smiled and nodded. They took their time, enjoying the warm water and each other. When they were done they quietly went back to Kurt's room and crawled up into his bed falling asleep with one last kiss and I love you exchanged.

"Dude, what's taking so long?" a voice asked the next morning. Kurt groaned in protest, he had been happily asleep.

"I swear I'll be out in a minute, I can't find my glove, Kurt must have moved it," Kurt heard Finn say. Why was Finn up so early?

"Seriously dude, let's just go," the first voice said. "You can borrow …holy hell!"

Kurt rolled over at that and opened his eyes. He let out a cry as he saw Finn and the other guys from the football team in his room. "Finn!" he shouted causing Finn to look up and yelp as well.

"Dude!" Finn intelligently responded.

"What's going on?" Blaine asked sitting up next to Kurt.

"Whoa!" one of the guys said.

"Dude!" Finn responded again.

"Hi?" Blaine sheepishly said.

"That's my boy! Get some Blaine!" one of the guys said.

"Hummel got lucky!" another guy said gesturing to Kurt.

It was then that Kurt noticed he wasn't covered up. One of the blankets and fallen on the floor and Blaine was using the other. He yelped again and turned around hiding in Blaine and what little of the blanket he could.

"Blaine are you a vampire or something? I've never seen so many hickeys!" someone commented.

Kurt sat up again and looked at his body. It was covered in little bruises and bites. "Blaine Anderson! What have I told you?"

Blaine ducked his head. "I'm sorry! You know I love your skin and tasting it. I couldn't help it! Especially when you sat on my..." Kurt put his hand over Blaine's mouth quickly his face flushing.

"Enough!" he pulled the blanket off of Blaine and curled up underneath it.

Blaine let out a "hey!" in protest and quickly grabbed a pillow to cover himself.

"I've already been exposed to them and it's your punishment for leaving so many marks!" Kurt said poking his head out.

Blaine glared, "Well if you hadn't kicked your blanket off you wouldn't have been exposed."

"I kicked it off because you make my bed 10 times hotter than normal," Kurt retorted.

"Can't help it babe. It's why you love me though, because I'm so hot," Blaine haughtily said.

Kurt stared at him a moment. "I hate you," he said and put the blanket back over his head.

"Found it!" Finn said triumphantly. "I don't know why I put it in my sock drawer though."

"Whatever dude, let's leave before Anderson and Hummel make me puke with their sweetness and exposure."

"I hate you all!" Kurt yelled from under the blankets as the guys left.

Blaine waved and then sighed as the door closed. "Well that ruined the night. Such a good night," he flopped back down on the bed wincing as his head bounced on the mattress, forgetting the pillow was on his lap. "Kurt?" Another sniff came from the blanket. Blaine gently moved the blanket off of Kurt's head. "Honey, what's wrong?" he asked as he saw Kurt's face wet with tears.

"I can't believe Finn walked in and the other guys. Blaine I'm so embarrassed," Kurt sobbed.

"Hey no it's okay; I mean they know we're together. They have to know we have sex. I mean with how beautiful you are no one would be able to resist," Blaine reassured him.

Kurt smiled a little bit. "There's a difference between them knowing in the abstract and them seeing evidence of it."

"Are you still mad about the hickeys?" Blaine asked.

Kurt shook his head. "As long as my clothes cover them."

Blaine smiled. "Good, because I like them, knowing they're there, knowing your mine, and now all the guys know too. You get more love and sex than they can ever hope to get." Blaine kissed Kurt to show him just what he meant.

Kurt pulled back after a moment. "You know it's only b/c you can't keep it in your pants."

"You could still refuse," Blaine told him moving so he was straddling Kurt.

Kurt looked Blaine up and down. "Not when you look like that I can't."

Both boys moved at the same time, pressing chests and lips together. "I love you; remind me to kill Finn later," Kurt said as he pushed the blanket off him and pulled Blaine closer.

Blaine laughed. "I love you too," he said and made a mental note to help Kurt kill Finn later.