A/N: Hey guys! As you can see this is my new story here for Kingdom Hearts. I know that Sor anad Roxas is becoming a dead fandom, but I don't care at this point. No one is posting any new ones so I thought I might as well try for this idea. I hope you guys like it and appreciate this new writing.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts.

"Nice work Roxas! You are done for the day!" The director said as I wiped the sweat off my brow.

"Thanks! I'll be in my trailer for a bit before I leave for the day!" I responded before running off of the fake room they built for this scene. The floor crew came in and moved the equipment from this room to another fake room to shoot the next scene of this sitcom. My agent Cid Highwind set me up to play as a guest star on this sitcom for a couple of episodes. I was playing the boyfriend of one of the female characters on the show. I was acting as the cool, well-mannered, character who dates the lead role before she is stolen from the main character in this daring attempt at her heart with a giant confession at the season finale. Where I'm supposed to let her go to be with the one she really wants to be with, ending the sixth season of this show called.

"Great job kid, always doing the best acting this side of show business." Cid said as he walked with me to my trailer. I opened the very luxurious trailer stalked with its own dressing room, shower, small bed, mirrors, and costume changes.

"Thanks Cid, you are always the best when it comes to these negotiations." I laughed at him. "So what is next on the agenda?" I asked him as I changed from the suit that they made me wear for the show, into a more loose fitting tea and some khaki shorts.

"Well we just have one more meeting downtown at the fancy restaurant 'Lumiere'. This is the big one Roxas." He smiled. I looked at him delighted at this news.

Since I was sixteen I've been doing movies as an actor. But I've always been in the action movies where there was just explosions, car chases, and violence. Nothing really worthy of winning any awards or anything. When I was sixteen I was the kid that always got caught up in everything, getting kidnapped, maybe playing as the tech guy that helped the main character. Then when I turned eighteen my role took a change as I did a movie called "Shot" where I was the protagonist saving a woman from these terrorists. Now I am nineteen and have been wanting to get into some other genres of film.

"Finally something that isn't action!" I jumped up into the air. "You rock Cid!" I laughed.

"Hey kid you don't have the position yet. Relax." He chuckled to himself. "Change into something more business attire then we can go. Guess I should have told you before you changed."

So I did what was instructed, and changed back into one of my suits made from some famous tailor in Italy. It was a sleek black suit, choosing a blue tie that matched my eyes as I prepared for this meeting. "Looking good kid." I heard Cid comment as I made sure my hair was perfect before giving him a small smile.

"All right I'm good to go." I said before turning to Cid. "Let's go." I said as I walked out the trailer, Cid following close behind me. Picking up my phone I dialed a number and quickly closed it, knowing the driver would be outside the studio, waiting by the time I got there.

Walking out the studio, my driver was already waiting for me in the sleek private car given to me from the agency for Cid and I to use. Cid gave the name of the place and our driver drove us to the restaurant downtown. Cid and I didn't talk about much just about what we were going to say, the deal we would try to get, and whatever else that needed to be discussed. Other than that there wasn't much to talk about.

We pulled up to the restaurant, and was impressed by the classy restaurant they chose to hold this deal. Telling the host our names they led us straight to the upstairs bar overlooking the downtown scene with the clubs lining the streets. "Mr. Strife and Mr. Highwind, I'm so glad you could make it." The man was kind of...small. He wasn't quite so tall and it seemed like the wind would blow him away as his flat blond hair fell against his head.

"Mr. Doe, I'm glad we could have this meeting." I said, putting on my best smile.

"As am I." He smiled back, as Cid ordered drinks for the two of us.

"So, let's get right to it shall we?" I said it in a direct manner that caught him off guard. Cid sat next to me as we made this deal.

"Yes, of course." He said, nervously taking out two scripts. He cleared his throat, "I wanted to create this Romance of a movie to rival those dramas of the past. But, when I thought about it they have all been done, with these family problems, and the tension between girlfriends and boyfriends. I had to rethink the possibilities of the movie industry. There are plenty of ideas in my head, but this is the one that got picked as the next film for the company. It's called Destiny Isles." He concluded by presenting the two scripts for us. We picked them up and was about to read them before Cid asked a question.

"So what exactly is the new idea you had?" Cid said, suspicious.

"Th-the idea is that the story would be different. I wanted to present a new idea to the audience, so the romance will be between two men." He said and looked down.

"What?" Cid and I both looked surprised.

"I wanted to show the audience a new idea of romance. It'll be about two men who go to Hawaii with their respective lives still intact until one night changed it preconceptions were challenged and they realize their lives aren't what it used to be." He finished. "The person that I thought would fit the main protagonist was you Roxas." He told me. "Issac is a hot-shot living in New York city who goes to Hawaii with his girlfriend for a company retreat."

"You want me to play a part of a gay male?" I looked at him baffled. He was crazy.

"I'm sorry, I know it's unreasonable, but I had to make the appointment." He said, still looking away. "You are the perfect character for this role Roxas. You have the look, and the attitude, the role was made for you." The conviction in his voice surprised me, this small man really did have passion for his work. "So what do you say...?"

"Kairi can I go now?" I sighed as we sat here in this building in downtown L.A. waiting to be called.

"No Sora! You promised me you would at least audition for this role!" Kairi bugged me. I sighed at this thought, not entirely sure why I'm even here. I wasn't an actor. "Sora, this role is just perfect for you. A cool writer from L.A. who decides he needs a break from his job and everything in his life to fall in love with a man in Hawaii!"

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks Kairi for calling me gay."

"You know what I mean!" She gave a little sigh. "This is a big deal Sora! They are letting an amateur try out for a lead role! You always said you wanted to try acting, but never had the opportunity like I did." She teased.

Kairi was already an actress in this town. She played in many different TV dramas, sitcoms, and has appeared in one movie. Her acting career has been building and she has appeared in magazines all over the country, making her the actress to watch in the oncoming years.

"Sora?" The receptionist called as I gulped, nervously. Kairi smiled at me as I was led away from the main room. I watched as the other guys in the main room went to try to talk to Kairi, no doubt recognizing her from her TV dramas. Everyone in that room was nervously staring at her and I together.

From the main room, we were lead down a few branching hallways before being lead into a small room looking over the rest of the city. We were on the tenth floor of the building so we were pretty far up. "Hello Mr. Lionheart," A small, skinny man said. I barely heard him. His blonde hair fell flat against his head. "I'm glad you are auditioning today." He probably said that to everyone. "My name is Mr. Doe. This is Senior Agent Highwind, and Senior Agent Merlin." He said mentioning to the scary man having an unlit cigarette and the old man with a beard. I recognized Merlin as Kairi's agent actually. This is where she must have caught wind of this audition. I nodded my hellos towards them.

"So we want you to read the part of Aaron from the script if you don't mind. Our friend here will be Issac in the scene to read along with you." Mr. Doe said. I just nodded and nervously picked up the script.

I studied the character at my apartment when Kairi handed it to me. I couldn't help but long for the character's background as she gave me a small advantage over the other guys, explaining to me the history of Aaron. His character went through so many hardships as a child that, I honestly shed a tear for him. He puts up a façade around people so that he can appear to be healthy, when sometimes something is torturing him. I won't spoil the rest but, I just can't help but relate to the character. So when the scene they picked came up, my heart caught in my throat. It was a pivotal scene between the two characters, where Aaron's monologue was filled with emotion.

"Aaron will you look at me!" The reader went on. "You have to talk to me if I am to help you."

"Help me Issac?" I said, I could feel the pain Aaron was feeling now, "You want to help me as what? A friend? A lover? A toy that you can use for your stupid mind games? Toying with my heart strings as I watch you swoon over your girlfriend." My voice was rising now, and I could feel the tears welling in my eyes. I pointed at the reader, accusing them of what was happening. "What the hell am I to you Issac! Because I'll tell you what, I hate people fucking with who I am! For what I know! But you come in…" My anger seemed to be coming from somewhere now. My fist clenching as tears rolled down my face. "You come in and screw it all up…" I whispered. "You come in with your attitude, your beauty, your calm demeanor, and your strength and screw with my head. I just…j-just leave Issac. Go. I don't want to ruin your life anymore." I looked at the reader with pained eyes as they looked at me surprised. "When this vacation is over, you will return to your life in New York, where you will rise through the corporate ladder, and I will go back to my job in Los Angeles, never to bother you."

"But Aaron, I do-" The reader responded on cue,

"Just Go!" I yelled. The room fell dead quiet as I yelled those two words, as the script fell out of my hand and I snapped at the reader. That wasn't in the script. The scene was supposed to move forward with Issac trying to comfort Aaron, but to no avail as Issac leaves Aaron crying. I didn't mean to yell those words, it was just something that I thought Aaron would say.

That was when a clap began to erupt from the judges table. Mr. Highwind had an odd smile on his face as he just clapped from his spot, Merlin and Mr. Doe soon joined him. "It seems like we have found our Aaron." Mr. Doe said smiling at me. I wiped my tears away and just grinned, blushing nervously as the rest of the crew began to give me a standing ovation. I just felt so embarrassed.

I watched as my girlfriend walked over to me as she gave me a small kiss before sitting across from me at the table. "So you really took the job?" She asked me.

"I did." I sighed, I wasn't really happy about it, "Cid said that this was the perfect opportunity for me to get into the dramas and romance scenes. If I could pull it off with a guy as my partner, then I would be even better when it was someone of my preference." I shrugged.

"I can't believe that my boyfriend will be kissing another guy." She laughed. "It's oddly thrilling." She smiled at me.

"Don't mock my Namine." I told her, and she immediately stopped her giggles. "So how is the movie for you going?" I asked her, smiling.

I was in love with Namine. She and I came to this city together as a couple four years ago, and have been together ever since. We appeared together in a few Televised dramas, but only for a short while. She is my best friend. We have been together for so long, I can't see myself with anyone but her. She was the only one to break my somewhat indifferent demeanor.

"When does the movie begin shooting?" She asked me.

"In a month, I have to finish up the rest of my TV appearances before we are to report back to the studio where we will begin shooting Aaron's scenes around the area before flying out to New York to film his, then we will be going to Hawaii. It'll be a good three to five months' worth of shooting by what the director has told me." I explained to her.

"Have you found out who will be your 'partner' in this movie?" She giggled when she said the word "partner". "Because I could see you kissing Hayner, or possibly that Riku fella that everyone has been raving about." She laughed again as I wrinkled my nose at the thought of having to kiss a guy.

I glared at her because of the way she said it. "No, I haven't yet. Apparently Mr. Doe wants it to be an amateur actor, so he held auditions this past week for it." I scoffed, "I'm going to have to take care of the new puppy as he puts his toes into the water."

"Don't say it like that, he might be a great actor, you just don't know it." Namine stood up for him.

"Besides I'm sure they would hire someone who wasn't horrible. You will do great." She said kissing me again.

"Thanks Namine." I smiled at her. "I was thinking you should spend the night at my place tonight." I suggested to her.

She just shook her head, "Maybe." She winked before taking anther bite out of her ravioli.

"I can't believe I actually got the role." I said baffled as Kairi treated me out to dinner in congratulations.

"I knew you would get it! Woohoo!" She yelled in the restaurant. "It was just a matter of time before you made your debut Sora! Just be happy that you got it! In such a big film to! I'm a little jealous." She laughed.

"Shut up Kai." I rolled my eyes. "I hope that I don't disappoint the director. He looked so happy when I signed the contract, that I don't wanna disappoint him." I chuckled scratching my head.

"Oh shut up and actually believe in your skills Sora!" She gave me a playful shove. "Hey look the rest of the gang made it!" She said waving over our friends from the area. Selphie and Zell were hlding hands now that they were dating, Wakka and Tidus trailed behind them just talking about sports most likely.

One by one they congratulated me about my big movie and couldn't help but tease me about being in it with a guy as my romantic partner. "I didn't know you liked men." Tidus teased.

"Shut up Tidus, you know I don't." I rolled my eyes as the mocking continued from Wakka and Zell.

"I'm just sad that I won't have you working alongside me in the Coffee shop." Selphie gave me a hurt look. I wrapped my arms around her.

"It's all right, I'm here for another month to work before I am going to leave for New York." I explained to her. They all looked at me confused. So I explained to them the schedule of the shooting and how long it would take for it to be done.

"Wow, you seem to be, growing now." Wakka said, his accent kind of coming into play.

"I'm still me guys." I grinned at everyone. They were my best friends in the world.

"Yeah, just don't go and forget us like Riku did." Zell said. We all just looked at him like he was crazy as Kairi just looked away, trying to hide the pain.

"No, I would never do that. Of course you guys will be invited to all the cool kid parties now." I laughed at them. "Right Kai?" I pushed her a little bit as she smiled at me.

"Of course!" She said, "Now that me and Sora are actors, you guys will be coming with us to all the big parties!" She laughed.

"Sora and I, Kairi." Selphie corrected her, earning her a glare as we all laughed.

"To Sora!" Zell cried out as we all raised our glasses and gave a toast.

"Thanks guys." I couldn't help but laugh as we all chugged our drinks. Everyone having a beer or some kind of alcohol as I sat there drinking my Dr. Pepper, the taste of liquor not my forte.

It was going to be a long couple of months.

A/N: So that is the end of my new story. I like how this is going to go, so I hope you guys liked it, and I hope you guys review this story!