Author's Note: I guess this is a two-shot because it didn't show up as updated when I added this part, so I made it into a new chapter.

Clint made sure that he would be the first one to greet Natasha's new partner by lingering outside the front entrance to the headquarters. Security hadn't exactly been perfected yet, but no one was about to break into a building full of super humans. Clint wanted to talk to this guy before anyone else even got the chance to meet him. This was, of course, assuming that the man was normal and polite enough to use the front door. As superheroes regularly barged through windows or made flashy entrances through unknown means, Clint wasn't sure if he was wasting his time or not. After waiting for over an hour, he finally gave up and went inside.

Already seated at the kitchen counter, chatting with Steve and Bruce, was a well-toned man in a yellow devil suit.

"Hello," the man greeted, not bothering to turn around.

Huffing, Clint took the seat next to Steve. "So, you blind or something, Devil-Dog? I mean, how could that suit happen?"

The man prickled, stiffening suddenly and clenching his jaw. Clint hadn't expected such a strong reaction from his childish jab, so he was taken aback. "Look man, I wasn't trying to insult your fashion sense or anything. It's just that you're calling a lot of attention to yourself with such a ridiculous outfit, especially for an unpowered, street-level hero like yourself. You don't have powers, right?"

Realizing that he had tensed up for seemingly no reason, the man relaxed, shrugging in response to Clint's question. "The name's Daredevil. Forgive me if I don't give away all of my secrets right now."

Steve placed a strong hand on Daredevil's shoulder. "Relax, son. You're among friends here. You can trust us."

After pausing for a moment, Daredevil pulled his cowl off his head, revealing mussed up red hair and a strong jaw line. Clint surveyed the man, looking over his face before finding himself staring straight into the man's eyes. His unseeing, clouded eyes. Clint opened his mouth to speak, but knowing that he was about to say the wrong thing, he immediately shut it.

There were a few moments of awkward silence before Bruce coughed and asked, "So, what's your name?"

"Matt." Natasha walked in, looking less than amused. "I see you've met Steve, Bruce, and..." She paused, and Matt tilted his head up, curiously. "Clint," she added venomously.

"Is there something going on between you and Clint?" Matt asked her, frowning thoughtfully, and Steve and Bruce took this as their cue to quickly excuse themselves from the room.

"What makes you ask that?" She wrapped herself around him, arms snaking around his chest.

"His heart rate increased when you walked into the room and then again just now, and yours increased when you said his name."

"You've got to be kidding me!" Clint exclaimed, "You've got some kind of super-hearing?"

Matt escaped Natasha's grasp and stood up. "I understand, Natasha. You may be a super-spy, but you can't always control your emotions. Your heart gave you away."

She grabbed his hand and placed it over her heart. "Don't you feel that Matt? I feel that way when I'm around you. Clint and I… we're complicated."

"I'm still right here!" the archer shouted, "Don't I get to say something?"

"We'll talk later, Nat," Matt said, heading towards the door, "After things have cleared up between you two." He exited, and after a lingering glance at Clint, Natasha followed, slamming the door in her wake.

"Complicated is an understatement." Clint sighed, resting his head on the cool marble of the kitchen counter.