OH MY GOD, It's the final chapter! :O

Man, I'm gonna miss you guys when it's done :(

Thanks for all the LOVELY reviews, I LOVE YOU.

PS: Remember the italics are someone singing.

I was five and he was six,
We rode on horses made of sticks,
He wore black and I wore white,
He would always win the fight, bang bang...

The bullet traveled through the air in slow motion. Everything faded to grey around the killer. He knew he was ready to die, but he was nervous. Was it going to hurt? He didn't know. But every person has a right to be scared right before they die.

He shot me down, bang bang,
I hit the ground, bang bang,
That awful sound, bang bang,
My baby shot me down.

Seasons came and changed the time,
When I grew up
I called him mine,
He would always laugh and say,
"Remember when we used to play?" Bang bang...

He thought back to the time when he first met Blaine. How he intantly fell in love, but didn't tell him for weeks, months even. He sighed and looked at his shoes. The awful times they had fought made him sick.

I shot you down, bang bang,
You hit the ground, bang bang,
That awful sound, bang bang,
I used to shoot you down.

Music played, and people sang,
Just for me, the chuch bells rang,

He had often fantisised about their wedding. He knew exacty what he was going to wear; a black shirt with a white top hat and pants. He wouls stand as Blaine was walked down the isle by his father. He wanted it to happen so bad. But he supposed Brittany had wanted to get married to Santana too, and he had destroyed her dreams along with her.

He shot me down, bang bang,
I hit the ground, bang bang,
That awful sound bang bang,
My baby shot me down.

The bullet hit his back. It did hurt. Very much. But it was only one second of pain. After that, everything went black, and Kurt Hummel dropped to the floor.

Baby shot me down.

(3 weeks later)

Finn hated hospitals. He hated eveything about them. You'd think that if someone was going to spend a very painfull part of their life in there they'd at least try and make it less formal. There was nothing diffrent from a police station. But he was in one now, and he wasn't coming out until he'd takled to Blaine. The stern nurse lead him to a small room which smelt of strong chemicals. Blaine lay limply on the bed. Finn hated to see him like this; his skin so pale it was alomst translucent, the coal colour of his crazy curls making him look even paler. The white bandages around his writsts made Finn shudder, but he couldn't stop looking at them for some reason.

"Hey," Finn said carefully.

"...Hey." Blaine replied. His voice was weird, like it hadn't been used for days. Finn didn't know how to bring his question up subtley.

"Why did you try and kill yourself?" Great, Finn. Real subtle. Great. Well done.

"You know why."

"Look man, I miss Kurt too, but I-"

"But you didn't kill him, did you?"

This shut Finn up. Blaine carried on, "You had nothing to do with anything in this murder, I'm the one who pulled the trigger!"

"But is that any reason to take your own life? Remember when Karofsky tried to kill himself, and Mr Shue told us to think of something we're looking forward to-"

"What do I have to look forward to? Huh? 30 years behind bars, thats all I have ahead of me!"

"Please don't argue with me, I'm trying to help."

Blaine sighed. "I'm sorry, Finn, it's just... I miss him."

"Can I ask why he did it?" This was another question Finn wanted to ask. Man, he was bad at subtality.

"Well, Brittany was convinced that it was Kurt who got Lord Tubbington back on marajuana, so she made it look like his dad was cheating on your mom-"

"Wait, that was Brittany?"

"Yeah. He said they'd been arguing, making his life hell. So, I guess he thought that if she ruined his life, he was aloud to take hers."

"...I'm sorry."

"It wasn't your fault. I'm sorry too. Y'know for trying to kill myself; I'm not going to do it again. I had a near death experiance, and Kurt was there. He said it wasn't my time to die, and that when the time comes, I'd know."

"I have to get back to school now,"


Finn didn't say goodbye. He just left. Like Brittany and Kurt, only he'd be coming back. He let a single tear roll down his cheek to an early grave on the tiled floor."

Oh my God... it's over... all over.

Man, I'm gonna miss you guys.

kiss u goodbye,

Indy xxx