HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thats right, im finally updating! Reviews appreciated all xxx

Finns POV

Thank god. After 2 more hours, 3 more death threats from Kyle, and no sleep, we were finally getting to our cabins. Then I saw who our next door neighbours were. Kyle and Tariq? Brilliant, bloody brilliant, just what I wanted, we could play on the xbox and share beers..

Sam and Lauren were trailing behind us, having a chatter. I didn't know if I was meant to be involved in the conversation or not, but Josh had turned around.

"aww, my mum just text" Lauren said, with a smile. Sam smiled too "same here, says she misses me, soppy or what?" she laughed. I hated this part of school trips. The whole "lets let the parents know where I am, lets be sentimental" bit. Probably because I had absolutely nobody to text. My dad didn't give me his number, and even if I tried to call, I only ever got through to his personal assistant. I don't really care about not having a loving family, you cant miss what you never had. But its insufferable when your away.

Josh laughed too.."I wish I could send my dad a text like that..hes bloody everywhere!" he smirked a little, I laughed a little.

"What about you Finn, mummy and daddy missing you?" Kyle suddenly said, joining in on what could of been a perfectly innocent conversation.

Suddenly, I felt in an extra-bad mood. I was tired, grumpy, Kyle Stack was being as flipping annoying as ever, and everyone was texting their parents telling them they got there, and I had nobody to text because I didn't even have Dads number. Not even to mention the fact that Aiden and Vicki were going to be revealed and that was all gonna come back to me aswell. I picked up my case and stormed into the cabin. I didn't mean to be quite so dramatic, but I had had 10 hours on the coach with my year, something which makes me kind of wish that Stack killed me.

I put my case next to me and crawled into the bed.

Joshs POV

"Finn?" I asked, looking at him. He had literally just picked up his case, powerwalked into the cabin, and slammed the door. Sam and Lauren looked at eachother. Kyle smirked a little

"Hit a nerve?" he asked, laughing a little. I sighed and looked at him, I didn't even know what he meant..hit a nerve?

"Just leave it right?" I said, watching him, I could practically see the cogs whiring in his brain

"Leave what?" Kyle asked, sticking his key in his own cabin, and practically throwing his suitcase in there. He had alot of extra space, considering the only person who wanted to share with him was Tariq

I rolled my eyes and gave up.

"Sharkeys a right drama queen int he?" I heard him say loudly to Kyle.

"He still plotting to kill our good mate Finn?" Aiden asked, grinning and bounding upto the cabin, ruffling my hair

"You what?" Kyle asked, narrowing his eyes to Aiden, who smirked

"You've been plotting to do in Finn for what seems like the majority of sixth form, cool it down mate, its looking a bit creepy now.." he said, and I laughed a little. Kyle was still scowling like someone had wafted dog poo under his nose

"You aint seen nothing yet" he said darkly, shutting the cabin door behind him. I laughed again, and Aiden grinned

"Oh he is fun to wind up..I almost wish I was in his group.." he laughed.

"Thank god the cabins aren't unisex" Aiden then said, sitting on the grass and lighting a cigarette

"What? I thought you wanted to be with Jess?" I asked, sitting next to him

"Are you joking? Right, shes nice and that, but shes well clingy.." Aiden said, frowning a little "I wanna break it off with her, but I also value my life" he said, and we both chuckled. Madi joined us

"Alright boys?" she asked, giving Aiden a bit of a glare.

"Alright Mads, you?" I asked, looking up. She smiled

"Great..Aide, could you tell your girlfriend to stop sending me death glares please?" she asked, sitting inbetween us, and shooting a unreadable glance to Vicki and Ronan. Girls were a confusing species

"I'll try" Aiden snickered, softly

"Wheres Finn?" Madi suddenly asked, looking around

"In the cabin..think hes in a bit of a mood" I said, quietly. Aiden looked at me and nodded

"He was definitely in a mood earlier" he started

"It was weird right, he was totally fine then Kyle said one thing and he stomped off.." I mused, then looked at Vicki and Ronan

"At least some of us make it through happy eh?" I said, smiling at them. They were so stable, they always looked so happy

Madis face was screwed up in a "pfft" expression, and Aiden looked into the distance. They both suddenly realised I was there

"Right, yeah..jealous" Madi said, before scarpering. Aiden shook his head

"Girls..right nutjobs, the lot of em" he said, stubbing his cigarette

"Lets go before dad arrives" he said, shuddering a little and taking his suitcase in the cabin. I looked around the cabin. It was quite big, for 4 people. I saw Finn curled up under the duvets asleep, he even looked angry when he was sleeping. I put my case down and sat on the end of my bed, stretching.

"I might turn in myself, well tired" I said, and Aiden nodded

"Im with ya..if you feel anything creep up on you, its Jess, I told her i'd be near the window. Just tell her to bog off" he said, and I laughed a little. Ronan then came in, holding up a bottle of vodka like it was the crown jewels

"Lets get this party started!" he grinned, switching the light on. He suddenly realised that nobody was really in the mood for a party

"Are you kidding me, you lot were well up for this earlier!" he said, shaking his head at Finn, sleeping

"Right, tomorrow, tomorrows the day.." Ronan started babbling to himself

"Ok Ro.." Aiden laughed, pulling a hoodie on and getting into bed, shutting the window. He chuckled again "we have potentially kyle coming in to murder finn in his sleep, or Jess to start harassing me, window stays shut. If Vicks wants to come in Ro, shes gonna have to call!" he pointed, and Ronan cackled and nodded. I laughed again. I heard a low groan come from Finns bed

"Finn?" I asked, quietly. But he said nothing..

Madis POV

How, Why, What. Why am I in the same room as Jess and Vicki. Could this be anymore awkward? Wait, no, it couldn't.

Jess was spreading her make up across a dressing table, I would probably advise a spade, the amount of foundations and powders she had. Vicki had a hoodie on, and had her head buried in a book, trying to keep out of things. I was curled up in a bunk bed

"I might go so Aiden tonight" Jess announced. More to Vicki then me, I think the fact I was on the top bunk was an "out of sight out of mind" occasion.

"Why?" Vicki moaned, rolling into her duvet.

"I just wanna..see him" Jess said, with a wink

"And im sure Ronan Josh and Finn really wanna see you!" I replied, sarcastically. Jess gave me an evil, and carried on

"I just miss him Vicks, I really miss him" she started. Vicki looked visibly pained. How she kept this a secret for so long i'll never know. She still was really

"Don't go tonight" she said, through a yawn

I looked at Jess, I almost did feel sorry for her. She had really fallen for Aiden. She was practically pining for him, it was pathetic. But it was even more pathetic that I knew something that could literally unravel her life. I glared at Vicki, how could she even consider doing that to her best friend? I don't care how flamin charming Aiden is, what was she thinking?

I thought about Aiden. Hes not actually a bad guy. Just a bit too much of a lad. He was quite a good influence on Ronan too. Shame that was about to go to pot. I thought about Ronan, and how happy he was. He literally spent life these days beaming and wandering around like someone in Narnia. He had his best mate, his group of lads, his girlfriend, his business. Everything was set up for him.

Was I really about to ruin that to score a couple of points against Vicki? Ronan had to find out, but from Vicki, not from seeing them. Finn had been right. It would literally crush him.

I got my phone out, and texted Finn

"Plans off mate, need a different way x" I texted. It was pretty late, I wasn't expecting a reply. And I heard from a laughing Jess that Finn had had a strop earlier. I watched Vicki, seething. I wasn't doing this for her, I was doing it for Ronan. He would be humiliated, it would ruin everything. Maybe if I could just get Vicki to stop, or Aiden? I was mates with Aiden, I could stop it..

Suddenly my phone buzzed. Finn

"I couldn't agree more!x" he texted back, and I put my phone down, still feeling uneasy. It would come out somehow. I was only delaying Ronan's heartbreak.

Toms POV

"Right, there is not even room to swing a cat in here" I said, my eyebrows raised. Michael had decided to put me in a room with Nicki. Thanks for that one Michael. I liked her and all, but we were not in the friendship stage where we had to see eachother every morning. I looked around the cabin. There were two single beds with about a metre between them. Someone had obviously been spending the budget on the pupils again

"Well, I am thinking we need a no mess policy right away.." Nikki said, still smiling. Nothing had wavered her today, not Grantly, not Kyle. Shes stronger than me

"Fair enough" I said, shrugging and stretching

"Not even day 1 and ive already broken up a fight and seen another teacher resort to Whiskey.." she said, sitting on the edge of her bed

"Is it always like this?" she asked, grinning

"Its only set to get worse" I laughed.

"Yeah, it'll be worse when you get beaten by me at bowling" Nicki mused, grinning to herself and kicking her suitcase under her bed

I chuckled

"Theres no way you'll beat me" I said, with a mock-serious tone

"I bet you play with the sides up" Nicki retorted, laughing

"I bloody well do not!" I replied, and Nicki laughed again. Her laugh was infectious. I hadn't really heard her laugh before, we were usually too busy arguing about discipline or something equally as riveting. But this week could be ok, we didn't have any particularly horrible pupils in our group, and it was an out of school setting.

Josh's POV

Late to breakfast already. I can see dad giving me an evil across the table, but hes too busy ogling Nicki to come over and lecture me.

I had a cup of juice, im not really a morning person, even the sight of Kyle Stack kicking the table leg instead of Aiden didn't raise a smile. . I heard Jess and Madi bickering about something boring sounding behind me

I chuckled a little, feeling refreshed, why had Kyle gone for Aiden, he usually spent most of his days planning Finns death..where even was Finn?

I suddenly looked around

"Wheres Finn?" I asked Ronan and Aiden, who were both opposite

"I thought he was back in the cabin" Ronan shrugged, shovelling down a mountain of toast as if he had gone hungry for a year. Aiden was also just sticking to some juice

"Hes not, I just came from there" I said, I wasn't that worried. Aiden frowned, then had a look around

"Well Stacks here so we know hes not getting murdered" he chuckled, looking engrossed in whatever he was texting. I drank my drink then got up to go have a look for him.

I knew Finn better then most people. He didn't really know how well I knew him. I walked along to the river behind our cabin and found him there.

"Finn?" i asked, softly. he whipped his head around then relaxed when it was me. I frowned at him, looking at his hand

"I didn't know you smoked" I said, watching him with my eyes narrowed. He looked worse then I felt. His hair looked even more unkept then usual, and he had big circles under his eyes

"Its not a bit deal" he shrugged, taking a long drag and sighing. I watched him, almost intregued now

"Whats up mate?" I asked, sitting down

"Nothing" Finn answered, in a deadpan tone

I cracked up "Yeah right" I said, smiling at him

"Josh, its nothing" Finn repeated, stubbing out his cigarette, a bit violently. It looked rather like he was hitting someone

"Dont let Kyle wind you up-" I started, but Finn didn't seem to be in the mood

"Mate, ive told you, its nothing, right? Drop it" he said, in the strange monotone voice he seemed to of adopted. He coughed a little, and walked off. Now I was even more certain. Something was happening

Sams POV

"In your groups!" shouted Mr Byrne. This should be fun. I shuffled a little nearer Kyle, not wanting to be too close. Tariq was attached to his hip, as usual, and Finn had just come out from the background looking like he'd been attacked by the nearby bush. Josh followed, looking a little concerned, but he needn't be, he was with Lauren. At least they were actually friends. I heard Kyle guffaw

"You look like crap" he grinned, giving Finn a glare

"Oh shut it you muppet" Finn replied, darkly, standing on the edge of the group as if he was going to catch something from us. Charming. I thought we had built an understanding, but what do I know.

"I think the only muppet round here, is looking like a reject from Jeremy Kyle" Kyle joked, Tariq practically wetting himself. Not entirely sure why, it was a rubbish joke

Finn rolled his eyes then grinned, stepping towards Kyle.."funny that, I had it on the other day and I swear I saw your mum" he said, with a cocky grin, Kyle hissed at him

"At least I have a mum" Kyle said, putting his head forwards, Finn chuckled slightly

"Last time I checked I do too..." he said, shaking his head "seriously Kyle, do you actually understand any English or do people have to grunt for you to make sense?" he laughed again, I shook my own head. This was going to be a disaster

"Oh shut up" Kyle said, kicking a trainer into the dirt. He swore loudly as he seemed to stub his toe. I couldn't blame Finn for laughing..even I was laughing

"Oh you'll pay for that" Kyle snarled, then suddenly him and Finn were in another fight. I used to be shocked by fights before I saw these two, now it was just like an hourly thing. Josh or Tom would be over to split it up in a minute, outside bet on Budgen..

"STOP IT!" roared Tom, dragging Finn away from Kyle, having ran over from his own group, due to the fact Budgen was sitting in his camping chair reading a newspaper like nothing had happened

"He started it" Finn said, through a thick breath

"Why retalitate?" Tom asked him

"Err, he was trying to kill me sir" Finn answered back, almost immediately

"I'll speak to you later" Tom said, letting Finn go and setting off back to his own group. Finn rolled his eyes and shuffled over to me

"Dont" I said, with a small smile, Kyle was still looking murderous.

Robs POV

Karen smiled as we got out the car

"Its going to be strange me turning up..Jess isn't going to like it.." she said, with a smile like a naughty child

"When I phoned Aiden he wasn't exactly jumping up and down with excitement" I said, a small smirk crossing my features

"Well, they needed extra staff, and we were here.." she started, as I got out the car and put my arm around her with a small smile

"I would much rather be having that romantic weekend in france though.." I muttered, and Karen chuckled

"One day.." she said, stepping towards Michael, who looked stressed already

"Alright boss?" I asked, folding my arms in front of my chest

"Great, thanks for coming you two.." he said, looking over at a list of activities

"Where do you want us?" I asked, Michael smiled

"Well, we need some people to help out the instructors.." he started, and I nodded, and then I saw Aiden. I couldn't resist the opportunity to embarrass him

"Aide!" I shouted. He turned around and shook his head, laughing a little. He came over to me

"Dad..your early!" he said, and I gave him a small hug

"Hows things?" I asked him, and he sighed

"Dad I need some fatherly advice" he said, a grin on his face. I rolled my eyes

"What?" I retorted, and he suddenly let out a pained expression

"I need to bin Jess, shes well clingy" he started. I tried not to laugh at the terminology. Then I realised. Jess. Karens daughter. That wouldn't go down well

"Cant you..have a word?" I asked, and Aiden snorted

"Dad, she practically tries to climb through my window every night, its like having a good looking flipping stalker" he said, and I chuckled a little

"Right well your just gonna have to warn her off kindly" I said, and Aiden looked like he had just had a light bulb moment

"Your right dad.." he said, sounding shocked

"Tone of surprise" I commented

"Well it would be, you oldies are never right" Aiden laughed, and I gave him a light punch

"Watch it you little sod" I laughed "and ive heard that some of your mates may be sneaking alcohol onto the trip..don't do it.."

"Pfft, like I would..." Aiden smirked, and I rolled my eyes and laughed. I couldn't pretend that I had never done that

"We never had this conversation ok?" I laughed, and patted Aidens shoulder

Aidens POV

I got away from Dad then I suddenly thought of it. Why hadn't Ronan thought of it..a party in the cabin..we could charge people to get in..

I bounced upto Ronan

"Ro!" I said, nudging him a little

"You look pleased with yourself" Ronan grinned. I looked at him smile. I felt like a girl, but I couldn't help smile back. Most of the time I felt like a two faced git with Ro, considering me and Vicki, but at the moment, it was like I had forgotten

"Well, I have come up with an absolutely inspired plan" I smiled, playing along

"Go on, shock me!" Ronan retorted

"Well, you know all that alcohol you have stashed in your bag..and in addition to what I have in my bag, and what Finn has stocked under lock and key in his cabinet..." I started

"What?" Ronan asked, looking confused

"We could have a party.." I started

"What in our cabin? Aide the four of us can barely fit!" Ronan chuckled

"What about the activity room then. Look at the staff, they're all young, they'll probably go for a pint or whatnot..we could charge for entry.." I started, knowing that money was the way to Ronans heart

"Now that..is genius.." Ronan started.. "we don't have enough drink though.." he sighed, wistfully

"Ronan, your 18, theres a convenience store down the road.." I said, and he stuck his hand up for a high five..he was in..

2 hours later, and unexpected party poopers 1 and 2 were full steam ahead

"A party tonight..bit much don't you think?" Josh asked, as Finn walked in, kicked his case off his bed, and slumped there

"Good mood again then Finn?" Ronan asked with a teasing glint in his eyes, and got no response

"Well you'll be in a better mood after the party tonight!" I grinned

"Oh god what party?" Finn groaned, sitting up

"The rager me and Ro are planning!" I smiled, and Ronan nodded. He looked even more annoyed by this

"Well have fun" he said, bluntly. Even Josh looked a bit put out

"Aren't you coming..I'll let you in for free.." I tried, and he scowled

"If I wanted to give Stack an opportunity to kill me, i'd sit outside his room" Finn sighed, and put his hood up and slumped back onto his bed. I looked at Josh and Ronan, who both shrugged at me. I had had enough

"Finn if your gonna be so bloody grumpy all the time then why did you agree to come?" I asked. Josh shook his head, but I had had enough of tip toeing around him constantly, it was like living with this silent, grumpy, groan.

"Im not grumpy" Finn argued back, in a small growl

"Not grumpy? You've barely said two words since you've been here, Josh said you've been smoking like a pack a day, and you constantly look like your gonna kill someone!" I said, folding my arms. He suddenly got up

"Yeah well, some of us have things to hide, don't we" he said, angrily, and started to walk away, looking completely enraged, and dragging his hoodie back over his body, a departure imminent

"Finn.." I started, seeing a bulge in his hoodie. Now I was intrigued

"Mind your own Scotcher" Finn said, darkly, shoving me off and grabbing a bottle from his draw, and walking away. I walked after him, ignoring Josh's shouts from the door

"Come on just come in and talk.." I said, rolling my eyes and walking after him. I don't know what he had to be so angry about, if someone offered me the posh house on the estate, which I could live in without parents, I certainly wouldn't be wasting my time skulking about with a face on me constantly. He wheeled around, looking at me in disbelief. Now I was just plain confused.

"Why don't you talk to Vicki eh? Talk about how your stabbing your best mate in the back. Maybe talk to Ronan..then talk to me" he scowled again, walking away even faster. My mouth suddenly dropped open. He knew..

"How do you know!?" I asked, running after him, who else knew?

"Thats all you care about..nice.." Finn said, lighting up a fag and jumping over the gate.

"Finn! I don't want any trouble" I said, sighing and walking over to the fence

"Then stop screwing Ronans girlfriend" came the simple reply, he was shaking his head again, and walking away

"How do you know?" I started again, and Finn sighed, and he almost looked like he was going to support me

"Heard you in the bogs on the coach if you must know" he said, crossing his arms. I remembered, it all made sense. I thought he was in a mood on the coach..

"Who else knows?" I asked, and Finn sighed, kicking the dirt, giving me a "why am I giving you the time of day" sort of look

"Madi" he said, simply, and started to walk away, already on his second cigarette. Whatever was bothering him was obviously bad if he was now smoking, but I'll deal with that later.

I started to walk back, then heard a pack of voices..

"Just saw him over the gate..he'll be on his own" I sighed..I recognised that voice..Stack..

"You think we can get him then?" said the one and only, Tariq, sounding just like the pathetic hanger on he was

"Oh yes" Stack said, with what I was sure was an unnerving grin. I sighed. Great, now they were going to hunt down Finn. I needed to get this out my mind, and see Vicki. Finn would be back once he had cooled off, he didn't need me fighting his battles, nor would he accept it. It was only Kyle and Tariq at the end of the day, and Tariq was too wet to actually just sit and watch a fight.

Madi suddenly appeared at my side

"I know you know" I said to her, quietly

"Im not gonna tell if thats whats bothering you.." she said, slowly

"Why not?" I asked, looking confused myself

"I hate Vicki, but your my friend, and Ronans my friend, and I cant hurt him like that" Madi said, shaking her head. She looked at me

"That doesn't mean I like what your doing. I think its disgusting" she said, shaking her head again

"Sorry" I said, feeling worse then I already did

"Well save it for Ronan, yeah?"

"I don't love her.." I said, as Madi turned to walk away. She looked confused

"What? Then whats the point Aiden?" she asked, looking at me like I was some pathetic little dog on the street. Her eyes were wide. I felt even worse

Vickis POV

A frantic knock on the door..once..twice..three times

"Alright im coming!" I shouted, climbing off my bunk and opening the door. I grinned at Aiden

"Your keen" I smiled, and he shook his head

"People know" Aiden said, softly, but not calmly

"What?" I asked, sitting on my bed, I felt like my world was collapsing

"Only Finn..and Madi.." Aiden said, sighing and putting his hands on his head

"I knew about Madi.." I admitted..then I realised

"Finns close to Ronan.." I said, shuddering. Madi and Finn, two of his closest friends, if one of them told Ronan, it was all over

"I know, and he cant even stand to be in the same room as me Vick, hes gonna crack soon I know it" he said, looking horrified at the very thought

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused

"Right, I told you earlier Finn was being a grumpy git..well its because of us, hes known the whole time, hes gonna tell Josh or Ronan..either way.."

"We don't stand a chance" I cut in "we need to tell him before anyone else does" I said, suddenly. Aiden nodded but then looked confused

"Or we can end it" he said, his voice wobbling a little bit, stepping back

I squeezed my eyes shut

"What..no..." I started, my eyes filling up with tears. I know I liked him more then he liked me but why would he do this? Why would he risk everything if the feelings weren't as strong..

"Vick, look at the bigger picture. Everyone I care about is gonna be destroyed" he said, slowly

"Obviously I know that Aiden, I am going to lose everything" I said, whimpering a little. He suddenly got a little closer, and touched my arm

"Then lets end it now. Try with Ro. Then you wont" he said, softly, almost kindly

"Sorry Vick.." he said, and then he left. He just left. Like that. Madi came in. I wasn't in the mood for the moral compass

"He dumped me" I said, my voice breaking. Madi sighed and put an arm on my shoulder

"Its for the best" she said, in a uncharacteristically soft voice/.